Day 7 of #SummerStuff, and this one’s just for YOU; Dermalogica are offering one lucky reader the chance to win their bestselling Cleanse & Hydrate Trio of skincare products, worth over £130!

Okay, I’ll admit it. This one’s a bit of a love letter to Dermalogica, actually. I’ve always been blessed with really great skin; even as a hormonal teenager I rarely had spots and did nothing except use the odd baby wipe to remove make up (sometimes. if I remembered to.) to keep it that way. I admit it, I totally took my skin for granted.
So turning 40 and almost overnight developing adult acne was a shock – and I battled it for the last four years. I used every brand that offered me a miracle cure, I swallowed all the magical supplements, I tried every over-the-counter remedy I could find, and I put so many chemicals and potions on my face it’s a wonder my face is still there.
It’s surprisingly debilitating for your self-confidence, having poor skin; you feel stupid worrying over it, it’s such an insignificant problem to have. But don’t underestimate the effect it has on you every time you glance in the mirror or step out of the house. Just 6mths ago I found myself desperately trying to scour the spots away. I’m an intelligent and mature woman in my 40’s, and there I was, literally scrubbing at my cheeks with a body scourer covered in harsh shower gel, angrily hoping it would clear everything so I could just have one night out feeling like my face looked nice.*
Through it all, d’you know who never left my bathroom cabinet? Dermalogica. In fact, that tall cylinder of Special Cleansing Gel in the picture. I will never ever be without one of those. Sadly no, it’s not the miracle cure I desired (I found that thanks to my dentist. True fact**.). But it is the only cleanser I found which gently kept my face really clean, reduced the redness, and didn’t cause dryness. I promise – nothing beats it. Trust me, I’ve tried them all.
I also happen to love the Daily Microfoliant (top insider tip – mix it with a little of the cleansing gel), the Charcoal Rescue Mask, and the smallest petit-pois-sized dab of Active Moist is my go-to light daily moisturiser too.
(And no, sadly I’m NOT on commission – I totally should be, the amount I talk about them – and they’re not paying me, either. I’m just a hugely grateful fangirl.)
So – to be in with a chance to win that bestselling cleanse & hydrate trio, worth over £130, then just answer the first four questions in the widget box below. There are more chances to win by completing the other entry options if you so wish – they’re entirely up to you! The closing date for this competition is 27th August 2019 and only entries received on or before that date can be included. The winner will be the first randomly chosen entry. Good luck!
Win £130 Dermalogica Skincare Trio!
23 August 2019
I have used Dermalogica products for many years & they are absolutely wonderful. I highly recommend them.
23 August 2019
I love the products and have used them for many years. Highly recommended.
27 August 2019
they seem highly recommended products
27 August 2019
Always use this product .Its brilliant
29 August 2019
Please can itry some samples
29 August 2019
Having sensitive skin I am always looking for the perfect product, for me, twee looks great