Top Tip On How To Stop Website Theft & Plagiarism – something all bloggers should know…

I’ve seen a bit of chuntering in cyberspace over recent weeks about people stealing blog posts, and lifting copy etc from websites, and how-would-you-ever-know type wailings. After all, images can (and should) be watermarked, but what about the text? I’ve not seen anyone mention Copyscape, so I thought it would be good to let you all know about this fantabulous website…

Copyscape is an oh-SO-simple (but genius) site. You simply add either the URL of your page, or else paste in a chunk of text, and press Go. Copyscape will then beetle off all over t’interwebs and come back and tell you if anyone has copied your fine words. It’ll even find your content which has been plagiarised, letting you know when someone has taken the basics of your text and simply re-jigged them a bit.

Basic searches are on a page URL for free (choose individual posts rather than your home page), or you can pay for the Premium option, which is about 4p a search (5 cents) which allows you lots of extra options.

It is totally worth it – you’d be astounded how many people are copying the content of some of the more popular blog posts, especially those ranking highly in niche markets.

(*pauses for dramatic effect*)

Well. And this is a case in point. Just today, as I was writing this article, I did a couple of checks on my husbands Pregnancy Photography site…

This is NOT the Husbands web site! The image links to The Pregnancy Photographer, where you can see the original text – in a far prettier setting.  We do not want the thief to be receiving your clicks, thank you.

See all the text highlighted pink in that picture? That’s how much of my own, carefully thought out, crafted, key word rich text has been used. Word for word. Oh, and while I was there? I saw he’s using FIVE of my husbands images in ‘his’ gallery too.

Copyscape picked up a further THREE ‘professional’ photographers’ websites who have stolen chunks of text from his site.

So. *taps nose*

Top Tip of the Day – stop website theft and plagiarism.

Use Copyscape.


(and no, Copyscape didn’t pay us for this. I just LOVE them, and feel more people should know about them)

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. Brilliant, I’m off to do that right now…
    Great post – thanks for the share!

    x x x

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  2. Wow ! thanks for the share. Can I ask what you do when you find this kind of stuff ? Stern official looking letter ?

    Karen x

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    • Well, using today as a case in point, the three instances of text theft we emailed politely but firmly requesting removal. One has removed without replying, one has ignored, and one has replied in a fully apologetic and very polite manner.
      The above-mentioned photographer who also stole images was sent a very firm instruction to remove within 24hrs. There’s been no response yet.
      You’re not the first to ask, so I’ll do a follow up post about what actions you should take, and What Happened Next.

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  3. Thanks for such a brilliant tip. We have a problem with a local woman who has copied everything we do – imitated our name, told people she owns our company, copied our cookie mix’s identically, copied our business card images and has just launched her ‘unique baking mix party bags’ which unsurprisingly she copied from our site. It is so annoying – we have looked into several options but they are all very expensive. We’ve decided that we need to just keep ahead of the game and – we came to market way before her and are a much bigger business but it still rankles!

    Post a Reply
    • Ugh, that’s horrendous! Have you tried to get a local journo to comment on it in the local paper? Mind you, it’s tricky actually PROVING anything, isn’t it? Have you spoken to them directly?

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  4. No not spoken to her at all – worried I might actually scratch her eyes out if I met her! Have just put the Copyscape banner on our website. We don’t mind fair competition – we have other competitors but they all have their own identity, flavours, brand etc.

    Post a Reply
    • oooohhhhh. Just been meandering ALL over your site. LOVE it. You want us to review? I think we should. *nods*

      Post a Reply
  5. Would love you to review it! Have just been telling some other people about your blog too!

    Post a Reply
  6. Thank you so much for letting us know of this site, I will be sure to check it out. Great to have found your blog, Catherine

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  7. I’ve used Copyscape whilst working for SearchSciences as part of proofreading, and it truly is very easy to use, is extremely effective and is well worth investing in. Can’t recommend it highly enough!

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