How to Take Care of Your Car Safety for Summer Road Trips

How to Take Care of Your Car Safety for Summer Road Trips

The first signs of spring are here (accompanied, as so often, with cold spells and rain!) and it is time to start planning for your first summer road trip. As you excitedly pore over destinations and things-to-do and must-sees in those places don’t neglect the condition of your car. After all, it will be your transport to and around your chosen destination, and a breakdown could put all your plans in jeopardy. Let’s take a...

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The Ultimate Checklist: What to Look for When Booking a Hotel for Your Family

The Ultimate Checklist: What to Look for When Booking a Hotel for Your Family

The search for ideal hotel deals for families can be very similar to the process of navigating through a maze at times. Given the myriad of choices at your disposal, determining the perfect place to stay that conveniently meets the requirements of both adults and children is a task that calls for a keen sense of discernment. The search for ideal hotel deals for families can be very similar to the process of navigating through a maze...

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Scariness at GoApe in Dorset for our #GoProAdventures

Scariness at GoApe in Dorset for our #GoProAdventures

Next in our series of #GoProAdventures was our trip to fling ourselves around from tree to tree at Moors Valley Park, as excited guests of the GoApe centre there.Go Ape is the UK’s No.1 forest adventure. Doing everything from the Tree Top Challenge to Forest Segways and Zip Trekking, there’s no shortage of options for an adrenaline-fuelled afternoon’s activity for the family! The bigger Tree Top Challenge is only for 10yrs...

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What IS Shrek’s Adventure all about? | Merlin Annual Pass

What IS Shrek’s Adventure all about? | Merlin Annual Pass

It took a short while, but our group suddenly understood our flight attendant wasn’t actually a slightly odd member of staff, but rathr a properly funny character that I wish I’d engaged in conversation sooner. Seriously – fair play to anyone who can get a small group of baffled Brits hollering Shrektastic! at each other on a Thursday morning! We were visiting...

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The London Dungeon with a 9yr old? | Merlin Annual Pass

The London Dungeon with a 9yr old? | Merlin Annual Pass

Way back when our gurt big hulking teens were just little boys, we were on holiday camping in Yorkshire. We planned to spend a day exploring in York, and while there we had the grand plan to visit the York Dungeons – I mean, how scary could it really be? I had roughty-toughty-non-scarable boys, it’d be fun. Hmmmm. Within ten minutes (after ignoring the dubious warnings at the ticket desk) I had to beat...

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Three Perfect Family Days Out in London

Three Perfect Family Days Out in London

London is a beautiful city, we all know that. But it can get a little hectic. And by “a little hectic” of course we mean “hide in a corner and wait for it all to stop hectic”. This is especially true during the summer. Whether you’re catching the tube, buying a sandwich, or simply walking down Oxford Street hoping to buy some clothes, you’re part of a mass of people, all of whom have their own plans and seem to be really keen to...

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