The first signs of spring are here (accompanied, as so often, with cold spells and rain!) and it is time to start planning for your first summer road trip. As you excitedly pore over destinations and things-to-do and must-sees in those places don’t neglect the condition of your car. After all, it will be your transport to and around your chosen destination, and a breakdown could put all your plans in jeopardy. Let’s take a look at how to take care of your car safety before you head off on your summer road trips.

Know the MOT Checklist
If your car is under three years old, you might think that this is an irrelevant point, but the MOT checklist details all the standards your car must meet at all times, no matter if it needs an MOT test yet or not. Use the checklist to run through the driving condition of your car – this will cover areas as diverse as how much play your steering has, whether your brakes are in good working condition, both the service and the emergency brakes for both regular stops and emergency or sudden stops, and even whether your numberplate is tightly fixed and in the right place for ANPR systems to work appropriately. And if you do need an MOT before the summer, book your car in for an MOT in Pontefract; you can book from the experts at Reg Greenwood. Easy booking process without any extra charges.
Take a Load Off
Your car can sometimes become the depository for things that don’t really belong on the road. Declutter the car before your first road trip, using your next car wash to valet the inside too. In this way, you will take everything out of the boot and off the seats or from the footwells. Once you have cleaned the car’s interior, only put back those things that are vital or needed: first aid kit, spare tyre and a basic toolbox are necessary items, but that bag of discarded items for the charity shop or recycling that you’ve been meaning to hand in are not! Especially if you have a long drive – such us on Yorkshire’s beautiful but tricky routes (which can be incredibly crowded in summer, having been all but deserted in winter!) when every extraneous ounce will add more wear and tear, as well as making it harder for you to control the vehicle should you lose control of it for any reason.
Finally, Drive Safely!
The best way to ensure your car’s safety is to always drive with due care and attention. It can be tempting to hurry your drive, in order to get to your Yorkshire holiday destination, but like the fable of the tortoise and the hare, sometimes going slow and steady is the best option!