Last week I sat down with always-lovely mindset coach and business mentor Joseph James to talk about generating more income for yourself and your family. I’ve been running LittleStuff from home since 2003 – and I’m still figuring out how to do it right! You can see my top tips on successfully working from home in this post here – but I really wanted to talk to Joseph about ways to increase my income. I don’t want a second job, I want to ensure I’m making the most I can from what I already have. He’s bursting with suggestions (frankly it’s hard to get him to stop. I resorted to feeding him carrot cake in the end), and I’m really happy that he’s agreed I can share his suggestions on the best, most simple ways you can generate extra income from your home business…

7 ways to generate more income for yourself and your family
1 – Set clear money goals
One of the first things I do with my private clients is help them to set clear goals for themselves and what they want to achieve.
If you’re serious about making more money from your project or business, then spend some time sitting down and getting clear on what it is that you want to achieve.
How much do you want this project to bring you in every month? How do you want that money to come to you?
2 – Create a plan
Once you’ve got clear on what your goals are and what it is that you want to achieve with your project or business, it’s time to show yourself that you’re serious about it.
One of the first sessions I do with new clients is a strategy session based on their most important goals, we go over steps they can take to achieve them and coach on solutions to issues or challenges that they feel are in the way.

3 – Offer support packages
One of the best strategies for creating more money in any existing business or service is to offer a ‘support package’ to your clients and customers.
Let’s say you build websites on the side; an additional income stream for you would be to offer your clients a support package where you make use of other relevant skills you have, you could offer them a package where you review their about me page and offer suggestions or help them to optimise the site for more sign ups.
The key is to think about ways you can help your clients and customers in a bigger way that’s relevant to the service you are offering or thinking of offering.
4 – Done-for-you services
Another fabulous income stream for your business is to offer done-for-you services to your clients and customers.
Think about what you are currently offering your clients and how you can add in a done-for-you service for them as an upsell.
Personal trainers could add in a done-for-you healthy shopping list, massage therapists or reiki practitioners could offer an e-book or download series on stress management and guided meditations. If you’re offering childcare, offer 1hr ‘drop ins’ so Mum can simply go get her hair cut in peace.
Clients love done-for-you services – they speed up the results they are getting because you are helping them to do things that might otherwise take them longer to figure out for themselves.

5 – Coach others
What have you achieved in your life that you are passionate about? What d others often come to you for advice about?
Chances are, you’re already coaching people in your life. It’s a fabulous way to help others and make a difference in their lives and can be applied to any industry that you are currently working in.
Let’s say you currently have a home business; you could coach other women who are just starting out and offer them expert guidance, tips and coaching to help them not only speed up the results they’ll get but also avoid many of the common mistakes that people make.
6 –Get comfortable charging for what your time
One of the biggest blockages to creating more money in your life is being uncomfortable charging for your time and energy. The truth is, you have valuable knowledge, skills and expertise that can be extremely helpful to people who need them.
Whatever service you offer or are thinking of offering, get comfortable charging for your time and energy.
Making this mindset shift will help you to achieve your goals for yourself and your family a lot quicker.
You can check out my blog on getting comfortable charging for your time here

7 – Create different income streams from the same project or business
You can create multiple sources of income from the same project or business that you currently have or are wanting to set up.
For example, you could offer the service itself, support packages, coaching and also an e-book on the subject and supporting subjects.
The beauty of creating things like e-books or courses is that they don’t take any more of your time and energy but are a fabulous source of income and a great way to extend your business and help a lot more people.
I have a coaching program called 33 powerful income streams for your lifestyle business that will give you mindset coaching as well as practical business advice and guidance on this.
Joseph James is a mindset coach and business mentor based in South London and the author of over 12 books and courses including “Manifest like a Boss” and “33 powerful income streams for your lifestyle business”
Follow Joseph on Insta here for a powerful dose of positivity in your feed, or if you’d like to discuss private coaching on any of the strategies in this article, you can e-mail