Slimpod update… I fell off the wagon *sigh*

Slimpod update… I fell off the wagon *sigh*

I started the Slimpod system four weeks ago – you can read the miracle beginnings here. But then… I let it all go wrong. SO cross with myself. But I know what caused it, and have climbed back on it again. Y’see, the lovely Trevor suggests you listen to the ‘slimpod’ just before you fall asleep – which I know many people do very successfully. But me? No. Thank you. I just can’t fall asleep with...

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Thinking Slimmer with the Slimpod

Thinking Slimmer with the Slimpod

Hmm. Now. We don’t DO diets here on LittleStuff. No we do NOT. But. This isn’t a diet. And the more I read about the slimpod range, the keener I was to try it. So. Here goes. I’m not going to tell you how much I have to lose. I’m not utterly foolish. But I will tell you I want to drop *whispers* FOUR dress sizes. So if you want to have a look and see for yourself what it’s all about, head over to Thinking...

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Thinking Slimmer – 1 week in.

Thinking Slimmer – 1 week in.

So a week ago, I started listening to the Slimpod for under ten minutes a day. I didn’t diet. I didn’t make any conscious changes to what I was doing. I didn’t set out to starve myself of all things delicious in my usual I’m-Losing-Weight-Now fashion. I DID notice changes. Differences in my relationship with food. Changes in my food choices. Differences in my eating habits. Today I stepped on the scales. I had...

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