Win Blue Kangaroo – and Come To School Too!

We LOVE Blue Kangaroo! The sweet and gentle books for pre-schoolers are just the perfect reassuring reads for story time; Lily and Blue Kangaroo are inseparable. Whatever Lily does, Blue Kangaroo does too – and when lily is worried (or gets something wrong) Blue Kangaroo is always there to make things right again.

The warmth and love between Lily and Blue Kangaroo are familiar to every child (and every parent), and you can’t help but love the simple storylines and the engaging illustrations.
And we have ten gorgeous Blue Kangaroo bundles to give away! Just in time to help talk about and settle those starting school nerves comes the new ‘Come To School Too Blue Kangaroo!“.  The eighth title in this hugely popular series featuring Lily and her loveable soft toy;when Lily starts a new school she asks Blue Kangaroo to come too. Lily thinks Blue Kangaroo is worried about going but, secretly, he can’t wait to explore and try new things – which is just as well, because the fun lasts even longer than he expected…

It’s such a reassuring story for children starting school.

And Ten lucky winners will each win a bundle containing the book – plus their very own plush Blue Kangaroo. I know!

Simply use the widgety box below, add your details, and you’re in to win. Closing date is the 31st August – good luck :)
Blue Kangaroo

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. I love you Blue Kangaroo!

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    • Plumdog. No more kissing.

      Post a Reply
  2. Up in heaven….. xxx

    Post a Reply
  3. Where are You, Blue Kangaroo?

    Post a Reply
  4. What Shall We Do Blue Kangaroo

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  5. It Was You, Blue Kangaroo

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  6. Happy Birthday Blue Kangaroo

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  7. i love you blue kangaroo

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  8. Lulu and the Treasure Hunt

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  9. “Happy Birthday, Blue Kangaroo!”
    I love the Blue Kangaroo books and would love to win this bundle for my children! We also love “No More Kissing!”- great author and fab books!

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  10. we love the blue kanagroo nd have also read Plum Dog

    Post a Reply
  11. Love Is My Favourite Thing: A Plumdog Story

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  12. Plumdog and Will and Squill

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  13. What Shall We Do Blue Kangaroo? :)

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  14. What Shall We Do Blue Kangaroo?

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  15. She has also written No More Kissing! :)

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  16. Eliza and the Moonchild

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  17. Beside the Sea (Melrose and Croc)

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  18. Lulu and the Treasure Hunt

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  19. Melrose and Croc Beside the Sea.

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  20. Lulu and the Treasure Hunt

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  21. Plum Dog

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  22. Come to School too, Blue Kangaroo!

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  23. I Love You Blue Kangeroo. My eldest daughter still loves this, but as a teeny girl she knew it so well she would hold the book in the hands and look like she was reading it; she was actually reciting it from memory and knew exactly when to turn the page. She’s 13 now!

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  24. Happy Birthday Blue Kangaroo

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  25. Happy Birthday Blue Kangaroo

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  26. I Love You, Blue Kangaroo

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  28. Will and Squill!

    Post a Reply
  29. Lulu and the treasure hunt

    Post a Reply
  30. Love Is My Favourite Thing: A Plumdog Story

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  31. Plum Dog

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  32. It Was You, Blue Kangaroo

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  33. Where are You, Blue Kangaroo?

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  34. No more kissing

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  35. Where Are You Blue Kangaroo

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  36. Happy birthday blue kangaroo

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  37. Plumdog :)

    Post a Reply
  38. Lulu and The Treasure Hunt

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  39. No More Kissing!

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  40. I love you blue kangaroo.

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  41. Where Are You, Blue Kangaroo? (One of our favourites)

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  42. I love you Blue Kangaroo

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  43. Will and Squill

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  44. she has also written plum dog which is a great book

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  45. What Shall We Do Blue Kangaroo

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  47. Up in Heaven

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  48. What Shall We Do, Blue Kangaroo?

    Post a Reply
  49. I Love You Blue Kangaroo

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  50. It Was You, Blue Kangaroo

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  51. Lulu and the Treasure Hunt! :)

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  52. Eliza and the Moonchild!

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  53. Bears don’t read

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  54. No more Kissing

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  55. i love you blue kangaroo :)

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  56. No more kissing

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  57. I love you Blue Kangaroo

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  58. No more kissing

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  59. Love is my favourite thing

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  60. Where are you, Blue Kangaroo?

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  61. I love you blue kangaroo

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  62. Love Is My Favourite Thing: A Plumdog Story – my granddaughters favourite book

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  63. Together at Christmas (Melrose and Croc)

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