Win a Warner Bros Gift Set (also – brilliant 2 minute fun with DC Superhero-You)

Warner Bros are offering you the chance to win An Amazing Gift Set, Including Teen Titans Go Action Figures & T-Tower Set, A Batman Unlimited Actions Figure, DC Super Friends Gift Set and Batmobile.’

DC-kids-prizeBut before we get to that, I just need to let you know that I got a little sidetracked when I started writing this post…
The new DC Kids Super Hero Creator.
WAY too much fun.
I mean – come on.
Who doesn’t want to be SuperHero-ed?

This is me, by the way…
Oh yeah. You know it.
I’m Grey Sage, and I’m a seriously driven hero who has the ability to fly. And I sport some kick-ass lilac-ey hair in a style I would never in a million years try in real life.
Also – I would never wear fluffy boots. Ever.
So, you know, it’s the perfect alter-ego.

And yes, I admit it – this may have been the fourth (8th…) superhero-me I created today.
I got Bear in on it too –

Screen Shot 2015-09-26 at 19.42.21And yes.
Seeing as you asked, I am TOTALLY aware that my 8yr old makes a much better superhero than I do.

Honestly, you need to take five minutes and go Superhero yourself on the DC Kids site – it’s WAY too much fun. It’s fab, and there’s loads of options; name, look, powers and more!
Also check out some of the amazing new videos from Warner Bros, including my personal favourites Scooby Doo The YouTube channel is always getting updated, (and has loads of classic Scooby Doo clips to share with your uneducated small people), so don’t forget to subscribe to the Warner Bros. Kids channel (also, the DCKids Channel has brilliant whole-episodes of Batman Unlimited. So, y’know. Win-win.).

So – the competition…
Win An Amazing Gift Set From Warner Bros., Including Teen Titans Go Action Figures & T-Tower Set, A Batman Unlimited Actions Figure, DC Super Friends Gift Set and Batmobile. Closing date is 10th October- just use the Rafflecopter magickery to enter as many ways as you like. Good Luck!

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. My two boys would love this prize they are massive DC fans :)

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    • Had great fun with the grandson looking at all the vids, and at 7 he gave me a running commentary on all the characters! Like me, loves the DC comics, loves my film cells and front covers and at the moment his ambition is to work in comics- we’ll see!

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  2. Lol having fun creating super heroes now….

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    • Most excellent, Gem – make sure you share them on our Fb wall!

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  3. I’m still a big kid and i think i love all the videos more than the kids lol!

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    • You can NEVER be too old for a little Scooby-Doo.

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  4. I found it on Twitter and then I spotted it on The Martin Lewis Competition page…Oh and my son is superhero crazy hence why I am entering

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  5. The Grandkids have seen them and want them for Christmas!

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  6. Fantastic competition…Good Luck everyone

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  7. Great comp

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  8. Love the superhero theme. The superhero we created wouldn’t download when we clicked on the download option. Must be a super villain at work.

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  9. My Grandson would love this prize. Loving Little Stuff by the way, great site!

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  10. Fab prizes, will see if my boys want to play superhero me later!

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  11. My son loves superheroes at the moment

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  12. This is brilliant, we’re big fans here!

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  13. My son would love this fantastic prize x

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  14. Great Prize the Grandchildren would love it.

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  15. My kids love Scooby doo their fav just now is be cool Scooby doo

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  16. Children love super heroes. Have had fun looking at videos

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  17. All my grandchildren are keeping their fingers crossed as they would love me to win it for them.

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