Okay, exam time is looming again. And no, we really don’t know what’s happening this year – but for now our teens have to keep on as if the exams will be happening in May and June as usual.
Whether they’re studying at home or in school for the next few weeks, it’s the downhill run into the GCSEs and A levels now, and revision is well under way.
It’s therefore that time of year that every parent of an older teen learns to be wary of.
Exam season.
The Horror.
I’m so pleased to be working with Collins4Parents over the coming weeks – we’re offering a new prize every week, specifically for the panicky revising teens. This week we’re kicking things off with the GCSE In A Week bundle, along with a £35 Netflix gift card
We’ve been through exam season a couple of times, with son No.3 facing his GCSE barrel this summer (if you’re in a similar position, you might appreciate getting a head start on What Not To Say To Your Revising Teen‘. have a read – you’ll love it, and in a couple of months you’ll be thanking me for the warnings).

So – if you’ve got a 16yr old who’s taking their exams in the next few months, then the time may be gone for starting from scratch in the big coursework guides.
What they’re probably looking for right now is the best way to start cramming… So we’re really excited to be working with letts over the next few weeks. Every week for the next six weeks we’re offering one lucky student to win an entire bundle of the GCSE In A Week coursework, along with a suitably cool prize for a stressed teenager.
Each one of these books contains all of the essential topics broken down into an effective revision guide. They cover everything you need to learn for the exam in a 7-day plan that includes GCSE-style exam questions and easy-to-follow topic discussions.
• Manage your time with a 7-day programme
• Cover a whole topic in just 1 hour
• Check understanding with quick tests
• Practice for the real thing with frequent exam questions
And we not only have the complete set of 7 ‘GCSE In A Week’ revision guides to give away – but Letts are throwing in that £35 Netflix subscription too!
To be in with a chance to win, just answer the first four questions in the widget box below. There are more chances to win by completing the other entry options if you so wish – they’re entirely up to you! The closing date for this competition is 22nd March 2020 and only entries received on or before that date can be included. The winner will be the first randomly chosen entry. Good luck!
Win Collins GCSE In A Week bundle & £35 Netflix Gift Card
16 March 2020
Start early, little and often, don’t cram, it doesn’t work effectively!
18 March 2020
Use revision cards with plenty of notes and stick to your revision timetable
18 March 2020
A little and often, remember to take brain breaks.
22 March 2020
Discipline and scheduled breaks
17 March 2020
write things down, read stuff , then write it down, tends to stick in my brain longer
17 March 2020
Plan your revision and take breaks away from it all. Plan fun times as well as study times.
17 March 2020
keep the revision cards going all year – writing them as you understand the topic – so you save time and can focus on what you really need to study when it comes to exam season
17 March 2020
Keep going over as many past papers as possible
17 March 2020
Little and often, don’t over crowd your brain!
17 March 2020
Load of those little cards, highlighters, coloured pens.. Write, re-write, read, re-read, rewrite and repeat :)
17 March 2020
Use revision cards / Notes – Create a little pack of cards all bound together with string or those tag tie things is a great way for having notes with you to revise wherever you go. Have got my son going through GCSE’s this year and second son due to follow soon!
17 March 2020
For English literature audiobooks are a good way of helping reluctant readers.
17 March 2020
Stay hydrated, drinking water helps keep your brain healthy ready for a cram session. (gin helps parents during exam time too!)
17 March 2020
Little and often with lots of breaks. Reward yourself after a revision session!
17 March 2020
Go over each topic in every subject, condense the information and learn it. Then it’s practice. practice, practice!
17 March 2020
start early
17 March 2020
Doodle at the top of each page (a green star, pink circle etc) in the exam if you get flustered being able to visualise the page on your notes you will find it easier to remember the billet points on the page you need.
17 March 2020
My tip is definitely to focus on one subject per day and spend half an hour and then have a break – if you try to study for long sessions then it just won’t sink in!
19 March 2020
Breaks! Cramming for hours isnt good for anyone, take a little break (often) just for 10-15 minutes go have a snack or a cuppa tea and chat with your mum/dad/gran. Give duplicate copies of your flash cards to family members and let them hide them for you to have a surprise quiz when you find 1 ie: under the cereal box or inside the crisp bag behind the milk carton. Relax, You got this!
19 March 2020
I use lots of highlighters, it always makes revision more fun!
20 March 2020
21 March 2020
flash cards!
21 March 2020
Timetable a routine and stick to it!
21 March 2020
Decide what type of revision works best for you and remember to take regular breaks to clear your mind.
21 March 2020
plan out your revision according to subject and set times for when you’re going to study
21 March 2020
Take lots of breaks and try to make it fun
21 March 2020
Set targets and have rewards when you achieve them
21 March 2020
Have a timetable including regular breaks and don’t get distracted so no phone
21 March 2020
study sessions in 30-40 minute sessions drink plenty of water. . record your answers on your phone and listen to it. If it doesn’t sound rightit probably isn’t.
22 March 2020
Lots of breaks and structure your day, set goals
22 March 2020
Try and make it fun, put little reminders around the house (helpful for Literature quotes), lots of breaks and try not to stress too much!
22 March 2020
little chunks at a time – they say you loose your attention after 20 mins – so short revision cycles with plenty of breaks
Also the chance to have time to yourself and rewards can help massively too!
22 March 2020
Use different colours for different topics – I found it helped to memorise the look of a page then you can remember what was there!
22 March 2020
have set study times and set breaks
22 March 2020
Take breaks and set targets for each study session – a basic target and a stretch target.