Win a complete KS1 Learning Library, plus a First Microsocope #BackToSchoolBooks

Day Three of the Back To School Books week, and I hope you’re really getting into the swing of it now.
Now, firstly, let’s not forget why we’re here; Collins Parents pages is totally worth a visit for any parent – they offer not only practical tips, but also what to expect at each stage of your child’s education and a boat load of useful resources. There’s also an online 25% discount for parents on all Back to School books, as well as information on the new curriculum and what it means for you.


Now, for Day Three we’re talking Key Stage 1 (that’s infant school for those of us elderly enough to remember such things… Judging by yesterday’s answers to your reading books question, there are a fair few of us still here!). And when I say that, I do mean the whole of KS1 – this is pretty much an entire Learning Library for 5-7yr olds.
There’s A Picture Atlas and Illustrated Dictionary. There’s Monster Practice activity books (these are SO much fun to complete), and there’s more serious study books in Maths & English which will be so brilliant to have on your shelf to run through any troublesome topics, or when you might need to go over school work, or to help with the homework in the right way (I think we all know we tend to do maths differently to the way our children are taught, and we often end up adding confusion when we try and help!).

And on top of the book bundle, Collins are throwing in a fantastic ‘My First Microscope’ – ideal for investigating paper, cloth, plants, hair or paper. Easy-to-use, it features two large eyepieces, eliminating the need to close one eye, and an LED light to enhance the clarity of the image. All the images appear right-side up and left-right correct for easy understanding. The chunky design of this fully functional microscope is especially for little hands and is perfect as a child’s first microscope.

So how to enter and win this fabulous bundle of fabulous worth over £80? Why just use the magickery below! First three options are compulsory, then there’s the usual extras for showing some love on the interwebs if you feel so inclined.

The closing date for this competition is, of course, midnight tonight the 2nd September 2015; only entries received on or before that date and time can be included. The winner will be the first randomly chosen entry. Good luck!

£80 KS1 Bundle for 5-7yr olds

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. Miss Peaceful, she certainly didn’t take after her name, if we were late for class she’d make us stand on a chair singing I’m a little teapot

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  2. I can only remember a horrible Head Teacher that forced us to eat custard :-/

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  3. Mrs Sing :) I can’t even remember why now, but I loved her! She taught me for both Year 1 & 2

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  4. An art teacher called Mr Brian – inspired me to go to Art College and make me believe a career in design was possible.

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  5. Mrs Snow was my favourite – she was just very warm & reassuring!

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  6. i loved woodwork in middle school & my fab teacher was calledmr bolt haha

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  7. Mrs Betts. I remember seeing her out and about while I was with my nan and grandad and they had a big chinwag!

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  8. Miss Brookshaw. She was devoted to her pupils and never married. She prepared me well for grammar school.

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  9. Mine was Mrs Acraman and she always made me feel well looked after.

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  10. Yes, but her name I cant remember. She always made us giggle and was always singing.

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  11. Yes, Mrs Bearman – I think she was my teacher all through infants as the classes were split vertically so were mixed age. She was lovely!

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  12. Mr Richardson was my favourite teacher at infants. He were such a kind and caring man :)

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  13. My favourite was Mrs Darren, she used to let us use a maths robot, we had a class Venus Fly Trap plant and we used to sing at the end of every afternoon!

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  14. I can’t remember a fav one

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  15. Mine was Mrs Holmes, she was lovely. Remember her sticking a plaster on my knee when I fell over.

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  16. Mrs Dougherty!

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  17. I can’t remember

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  18. i can’t remember her name but she always reminded of the witch lady from robin hood prince of thieves scary and crazy ha x

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  19. Mrs Marshall – she was very kind and let us play games on the computer :)

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  20. Mrs Lennard was my first class teacher

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  21. I don’t think I liked any of my teachers in infant school. They were all quite scary.

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  22. Most of mine were lovely – especially Mrs Gordon – she made every child feel important

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  23. Our head teacher was called Mr Brass who was really nice. He taught us in the infants – not sure what year that would be today.

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  24. mrs Taylor. She always told funny stories about her own children

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  25. There was a teacher who used to teach woodwork, which I loved doing. I don’t remember his name though.

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  26. Mrs Williams, she was lovely!

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  27. Mrs Gurney was her name and she was just so lovely kind patient and caring I’m left handed and found things like knitting really difficult she spent hours patiently teaching me bless her, a real treasure

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  28. Mrs Hillier, she was lovely and kind!

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  29. no I’m afraid I don’t as I changed schools in Y1 and only recall teachers from my new school :)

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  30. Mrs Giles – she was fabulous, she was Welsh and very quiet and lovely

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  31. Mrs Neighsby, she was lovely and had polio as a child so had callipers on her legs, whenever we played teachers we would always pretend we did as well.

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  32. mr price. i used to love him , so funny. we did country dancing at primary school and I remember he joined in and trod on my foot. he was a lovely teacher :D

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  33. Great prize for my nieces and nephews

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  34. Mrs Peppiat she was lovely!

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  35. Mr Park – he had the best ways to remember my spellings – b e a utiful! x

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  36. Mr Park was tops! x

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  37. Mr Park was tops!

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  38. Mrs Berger, I was so scared of her. I can’t even remember the others

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  39. mr forseythe deputy head, he was the kindest teacher ever, he was the supposed to be responsible for giving the cane or the dap and if you were sent to him he would say in a stern voice “so i have to give you the cane/dap. hold out your hand” and then he would place the dap or cane into your hand and say “ok ive given it to you, now give it back to me”

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  40. Mr Porvish – my English teacher

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  41. mrs kirk – so kind and she played piano beautifully :)

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  42. Mrs Drury!! She was wonderful

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