I love this idea from Into The Blue – what experience would you choose, if money and practicalities were no obstacle?
No rules, no boundaries – just whatever your brain could dream up?
I’ll be honest, at first I didn’t think big enough. And then I started to play with the idea, it became a family conversation over dinner and we got much MUCH more imaginative.
I mean come on – time, money and the laws of physics are no object?
Here are my own personal dream #ImpossibleExperiences…
– A time machine for two, giving me access to any time in history I choose with the ability to take someone with me.
How cool would that be? I’d book repeat visits. Or maybe a long-term rental deal. I want to go back to Ancient Rome. And Egypt. And mediaeval England. And Pioneer USA. And the 20’s. And 30’s. And 40’s…
– I’d like a dinner party in a large garden – fully laid table under trees filled with fairylights and candles. Gordon Ramsay can cook, and as well as my family I’d like to have Dustin Hoffman, Alan Rickman, Emma Thompson, Jackie Chan, Nora Ephron, Josephine Baker and Amelia Earheart to talk about life with. Can you IMAGINE?
– Wild camping in the desert, exploring ancient ruins during the day with a personal guide and eating by the fire and stargazing at night. I know that’s not exactly impossibly undo-able, but it’s out of current family holiday budget allowances. One day…

camping in the desert image courtesy of Shutterstock
What about you, what would you choose for #ImpossibleExperiences ?
Because Into The Blue are asking you to come up with the best impossible experiences to show on their site.
All you have to do is use a bit of imagination, and come up with an experience that you would love to see – regardless of how crazy it is (you can see some that they came up with themselves here ).
To join in, simply tweet or facebook the idea using #impossibleexperiences and you will appear on their social wall at the bottom of the page.
DON’T leave your ideas here – though we love to read them, they won’t count as an entry!
What’s more, by entering your impossible experiences you will automatically be in with a chance of winning some great prizes. The best and most creative and innovative #impossibleexperience ideas will receive a £200 IntoTheBlue gift voucher to spend on experience days you really can physically go on.
Will you decide to take a flying lesson? How about a parachute jump? Or, if keeping your feet on the ground is more of your thing, a spa pamper day? The choice is entirely up to you and there is an ocean of products to choose from on intotheblue.co.uk. In addition, the best#impossibleexperiences idea will be turned into a real product page and added to the website along with the other winners.
You must get your entry in by midnight on the 29th Of February 2016. Entries made after this time will not be considered for the competition. UK residents only. No age restrictions. A minimum of three winners will be chosen, and contacted through the social media channel that they entered the competition through. You can enter as many impossible experiences as you like, but only one can be chosen as the winner. Vouchers will be sent via post once a valid UK address is provided.
11 February 2016
I would become a bird and go flying.
12 February 2016
To be honest I,ve entered for the wife as she wants to either go up in a hot air balloon or sky dive,I would love to do the same but am disabled now so I let the mad other half do the crazy things haha
12 February 2016
I’d love to sleep under the night sky in a desert
13 February 2016
I would have the power to predict the future
16 February 2016
I’d love to be Victoria Beckham for the day; to live in luxury, design some killer outfits, then go home to David at the end of the day ;)
18 February 2016
I would love to be a dog for the day, just to see what they really think of there owners.
24 February 2016
I would like to go to mars and ride a camel across its craters whilst playing a banjo and singing cry me a river.
24 February 2016
Paraglide in Iceland under the Aurora Boralis
24 February 2016
I would love a drumming lesson from my favourite rockstar. Be easier than teaching me to sing (although he does both brilliantly). :)
24 February 2016
Because I’m 100% chronically ill in chronic pain and paralyzed, my #impossibleexperience would be dancing with the London royal ballet on pointe on the beach with beautiful views in Mexico while traditionally dancing with tequila on our heads. Then break from ballet to street/commercial combination with little mix, jessiej, Beyoncé and Rihanna. Then I will walk down the aisle and marry Leonardo de caprio with every A-list celeb as our guests. It has to be recorded live to the world of course and get millions of hits on youtube!
25 February 2016
I would love to walk the Thames from source to estuary
26 February 2016
I would love to do a camping/hiking trip across every continent in the world, visiting the seven natural wonders and diving on the great barrier reef
26 February 2016
Would love to visit Transylvania and reenact some of the old horror movies
27 February 2016
I would fly over to New York with my new bestie George Clooney. While there I would get all the clothes and designer shoes I wanted because everyone knows the best things in life are free. Then we would eat an amazing meal at the top of the Empire state building prepared by a chef. Then home again to start my fantasy life.
27 February 2016
To see the band Nirvana live.
27 February 2016
great comp, you are only limited by your own imagination
28 February 2016
I once read a sci fi novel where every room in a house was on another world. When you walk through each doorway, you were immediately transported to that other world. That would be good ! A ski slope, tropical beach, English countryside….
28 February 2016
My #ImpossibleExperiences would be to fly a starship and explore the far reaches of the galaxy! To seek out new life and to boldly go lol!
28 February 2016
The floating in the night sky experience – drift weightlessly in the summer wind, take a torch with you and become a twinkling star amongst stars.
28 February 2016
Ah sorry for posting here, obviously didn’t read the instructions properly – have now also posted on facebook!
28 February 2016
It’s the really big train journeys I really wont to do,travel across Russia, travel across canada, and of course the Orient expess to Venice