“Dashing through the snow…”
Behind door number eight of the 2018 #LittleStuff24 is your chance to win 1 of 4 frankly brilliant children’s books from Collins!

Just brilliant – and no matter if your kid’s not a big reader. Because these are all non-fiction books which are perfect for simply dipping into. there’s no need to get your brain around tricky long chapters – these are interactve, inspiring and most of all FUN.

Create Your Own Happy – written by two dear blogging friends of mine, this is such a wonderful, perfect book for these difficult times to be a kid.
It’s an activity book empowers children to shape their lives, and the lives of others around them, by taking practical, positive steps towards their own happiness!
For increasingly independent thinkers and proactive young people, this book helps equip them with confidence for the everyday challenges of life and school. From speaking in front of your class to standing up for others; planting a seed bomb outdoors or making your own happy playlist, making a recycling monster to paying kindness forward, learn how to Create Your Own Happy!

In celebration of the Apollo 11 Mission’s 50th Anniversary, this exclusive, exquisite pop-up adventure follows astronaut Buzz Aldrin’s story as he encounters the “magnificent desolation” of Earth’s only satellite first-hand.
Including Buzz Aldrin’s firsthand accounts of the mission, historical context, stunning images, and unique personal perspectives, this book is an informative and collectible work of art – perfect for budding astronauts and grandparents hoping to share their memories of the moon landing with the young explorers in their lives.

The Little Inventors Handbook is a step by step guide to thinking up fantastical, funny or perfectly practical inventions with no limits!
This book encourages budding inventors to think big and have fun with their imaginations! Be inspired by drawings of scarf helicopters, ladybird umbrellas, and ghost wash’n’dry machines! Check out toothbrush maraccas, square peas, and nose scratchers! What will YOU invent?
Chief Inventor Dominic Wilcox talks Little Inventors through the process of coming up with new ideas, including problem solving, ways to make objects better, and thinking about the ways people use things.
And we have four of these magnificent book bundles to give away! To be in with a chance to win, just answer the first four questions in the widget box below. There are more chances to win by completing the other entry options if you so wish – they’re entirely up to you! The closing date for this competition is 13th January 2019 and only entries received on or before that date can be included. The winners will be the first three randomly chosen entries. Good luck!
(and don’t forget once you’re done here, there’s still all the other competitions running, with prizes worth over £4,000 in the rest of #LittleStuff24 – go enter them all!)
Win 1 of 4 Children’s Book Bundles! | #LS24 Day 8
8 December 2018
8 December 2018
Sounds grest
13 December 2018
Fab giveaway