What Kind of Shopper Are You? Tell us today and be in to win a £20 Amazon Voucher!

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Are you a Profit Prophet? A Screen Saver? Maybe High Street Pounder is more your style? Me, I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer, apparently.

A new consumer study from Barclaycard Freedom Rewards has revealed four new modern shopping ‘tribes’ – the recession hasn’t just messed up our bank balances, it has irrevocably altered the way we shop.

Once we were Loyal – dedicated to our favourite shops. But now a third of us have turned into promiscuous purchasers, while at the other end of the bank balances a third of us have morphed into careful consumers who never deviate from our shopping list.

I took Barclaycard’s quiz – and it tells me I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer. And… I hold my hands up. That’s me. Here’s how it describes me:

You’re an expert at collecting the best tools, voucher codes and loyalty cards to make your budget go as far as possible, week in, week out. While the kids are doing their homework, you’re doing yours – grabbing the best savings for your family.
(well, I’m pretty hot at the web forums and voucher code sites and the cashback shopping to really make sure that I’m buying at the very best price available. But I actually shop very rarely – only for necessities. Christmas is the one time of year I get to flex my Hunter Fingers)

You’re most likely to be female, married or living with your partner and living in the north of the UK.
– Check for female, check for married – but I’m wa-a-a-y down South.

You lot are busy. Two thirds of you cleverly juggle your home, work and financial life. –
Check, check and thrice check.

You’re not easily tempted by big discounts, only 35% of you have ever bought a non-essential item you didn’t need because of a special offer.
– Totally check. If I don’t *need* it, then it doesn’t matter how bug a bargain it is. I still don’t need it.

Home really is where the heart is – 42% of you selflessly save your loyalty card points up for treats for the family.
Yup – they’re either used for regular necessities or whole-family treats. That’s not being a selfless hero – that’s just common sense, isn’t it?

You’re certainly not one to rush into Christmas shopping. You’ll bide your time and wait until the right price comes up – meaning you’ll likely strike the final week before Christmas.
Oooh, no. I’m half way done already. BUT – I never impulse buy. Every single item is double checked to be sure it’s a good price.

Bargain hunting’s in your blood. Once you smell a bargain, the hunt is on – two thirds of you regularly shop around different stores and websites to get the best deal before settling on a purchase.
I never ever hit buy until I’ve checked the item on 3 or 4 different sites, plus run it through Idealo. I’ve been known to miss out on a deal because I’ve just hesitated too long in case it was a better price somewhere else.

So – now it’s your turn: take the 30-second Quiz, and leave a comment to let me know what type of shopper you are. One commenter will be picked at random to win a £20 Amazon voucher!

whats your shopping sgtyle

Once you’ve taken the quiz, just come back and leave a comment to let us know what type of shopper you are. Everyone who enters before midnight tomorrow will be in to win a quick-and-easy £20 Amazon Voucher.


What is the Barclaycard Freedom Rewards credit card?

The Freedom Rewards credit card is a fee free card that rewards you  with Freedom points on all your spend which can be redeemed for rewards at over 70 Freedom partners – from the broadest range of high street brands to big online names, worthy causes, and great places to spend time with your family, including Odeon and UNICEF.



Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer, which sounds fair enough.

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  2. a high street pounder

    Post a Reply
  3. high street pounder!

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  4. I’m a High Street Pounder

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  5. good luck everyone

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  6. I’m A HIGH STREET POUNDER. Sounds about right for me. :)

    Post a Reply
  7. ps im a high street pounder

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  8. Bargain hunter gatherer

    Post a Reply
  9. A high street pounder!

    Post a Reply
  10. Profit prophet!

    Post a Reply
  11. I am a BARGAIN HUNTER GATHERER, I am not surprised, I love a bargain!

    Post a Reply
  12. I got Profit Prophet, which is pretty accurate :)

    Post a Reply
  13. I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer

    Post a Reply
  14. A Profit Prophet!

    Post a Reply
  15. i’m a high street pounder!!

    Post a Reply
  16. High Street Pounder

    Post a Reply
  17. Bargain Hunter Gatherer

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  18. A high street pounder. Seems fairly accurate!

    Post a Reply
  19. a high street pounder… not sure how true that is for me… but i do shop at my local butchers

    Post a Reply

    Post a Reply
  21. high street pounder!

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  22. Im a Profit Prophet

    Post a Reply
  23. I’m a high street pounder!

    Post a Reply

    Post a Reply
  25. Bargain Hunter Gatherer, sounds about right as we are on a tight budget.

    Post a Reply
  26. Bargain Hunter Gatherer

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  27. Bargain Hunter – as though I didn’t know! :-)

    Post a Reply
  28. a high street pounder

    Post a Reply
  29. I’m a profit prophet

    Post a Reply
  30. bargain hunter gatherer

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  31. Bargin hunting gatherer lol spot on x

    Post a Reply
  32. High street pounder!

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  33. I’m a HIGH STREET POUNDER apparently !!

    Post a Reply
  34. Bargin hunter gather I done it the other day :)

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  35. Bargain hunter gatherer :)

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  36. bargain hunter gather, worked for me for £60 worth of shopping i paid £18, lots of bargains and coupons lol

    Post a Reply
  37. I am most definitely a Bargain Hunter Gatherer. They got that one right!

    Post a Reply
  38. I’m a bargain hunter gatherer, not quite sure what that means but sounds good!

    Post a Reply
  39. I’m a screen saver – suggesting I am a social recluse!

    Post a Reply
  40. I’m A High Street Pounder

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  41. i’m a high street pounder!! eek not great is it lol!

    Post a Reply
  42. Im a bargain hunter gatherer. Love a bargain but hate spending money unless absolutely necessary!

    Post a Reply
  43. High Street Pounder

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  44. A high street pounder, that’s me alright!

    Post a Reply
  45. I’m a High Street Pounder

    Post a Reply
  46. High Street pounder! :)

    Post a Reply
  47. Highstreet pounder and was pretty much right!

    Post a Reply
  48. I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer!

    Post a Reply
  49. Bargain hunter Gatherer here too!

    Post a Reply
  50. I’m a bargain hunter gatherer

    Post a Reply
  51. High street pounder

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  52. high street pounder x

    Post a Reply
  53. Bargain hunter gatherer x

    Post a Reply
  54. A Screen Saver

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  55. screen saver

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  56. high street pounder

    Post a Reply
  57. I’m a bargain hunter gatherer :)

    Post a Reply
  58. I’m a screen saver

    Post a Reply
  59. Bargain Hunter Gatherer

    Post a Reply
  60. I’m a bargain hunter gatherer.xx

    Post a Reply
  61. I’m a Profit Prophet, apparently.

    Post a Reply
  62. I’m a ‘Bargain Hunter Gatherer’ :) x

    Post a Reply
  63. I’m a screen saver!

    Post a Reply
  64. I’m a High street pounder

    Post a Reply
  65. high street pounder

    Post a Reply
  66. Bargain Hunter Gatherer

    Post a Reply
  67. High street pounder

    Post a Reply
  68. High Street Pounder

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    Post a Reply
  70. im a high street shopper

    Post a Reply
  71. I’m a screen saver x

    Post a Reply
  72. I’m a bargain hunter gatherer too.

    Post a Reply

    Post a Reply
  74. I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer!

    Post a Reply
  75. bargain hunter gatherer!

    Post a Reply
  76. Bargain Hunter Gatherer!

    Post a Reply
  77. Bargain Hunter Gatherer!

    Post a Reply
  78. I’m a High Street Pounder

    Post a Reply
  79. High street pounder

    Post a Reply
  80. I’m a screen saver!

    Post a Reply
  81. I am a screen saver

    Post a Reply
  82. Bargain Hunter Gatherer

    Post a Reply
  83. A High Street Pounder

    Post a Reply
  84. Bargain Hunter Gatherer!

    Post a Reply
  85. Bargain hunter gatherer here too. :)

    Post a Reply
  86. wohoo I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer

    Post a Reply
  87. Screen Saver

    Post a Reply
  88. Bargain hunter gatherer

    Post a Reply
  89. a hight street trooper lol

    Post a Reply
  90. Profit prophet!

    Post a Reply
  91. Bargain Hunter Gatherer

    Post a Reply
  92. I’m a profit prophet

    Post a Reply
  93. high street pounder

    Post a Reply
  94. high street pounder

    Post a Reply
  95. bargain hunter gatherer

    Post a Reply
  96. I’m “A HIGH STREET POUNDER”… Quite difficult when you live in Stockton on Tees too! Lol

    Post a Reply
  97. High Street Pounder

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  98. Im a screensaver

    Post a Reply
  99. Bargain Hunter Gatherer!

    Post a Reply
  100. Bargain Hunter Gatherer

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  101. Bargain hunter gatherer

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  102. I’ve no idea how it decided that I’m a screen saver, especially considering I very rarely shop online…

    Post a Reply
  103. High street pounder

    Post a Reply
  104. Im also a bargain hunter gatherer :-)

    Post a Reply
  105. A Screen Saver

    Post a Reply
  106. Apparently I’m a High Street Pounder!

    Post a Reply
  107. Screensaver – think that happens when you have little ones! :)

    Post a Reply
  108. High Street Pounder

    Post a Reply
  109. Bargain hunter:-) m

    Post a Reply
  110. Bargain Hunter Gatherer!

    Post a Reply
  111. High Street Pounder

    Post a Reply
  112. I’m a Profit Prophet, apparently! :)

    Post a Reply
  113. Apparently a screen saver, but I don’t think it sounds much like me!

    Post a Reply
  114. Bargin Hunter gatherer!!! That’s right!!!!

    Post a Reply
  115. I am a Bargain hunter gatherer. Which is actually accurate.

    Post a Reply
  116. a high street ounder!

    Post a Reply
  117. I’m a Profit Prophet

    Post a Reply
  118. High street pounder

    Post a Reply
  119. Im a high street pounderer

    Post a Reply
  120. I am a Bargain hunter gatherer.

    Post a Reply
  121. I’m a profit prophet

    Post a Reply
  122. I’m a screen saver! :)

    Post a Reply
  123. I’m a screensaver…

    Post a Reply

    Post a Reply
  125. high street pounder

    Post a Reply
  126. I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer

    Post a Reply
  127. Bargain Hunter Gatherer

    Post a Reply
  128. bargain hunter gatherer

    Post a Reply
  129. I’m a high street pounder

    Post a Reply
  130. High Street Pounder

    Post a Reply
  131. Bargain hunter gatherer

    Post a Reply
  132. High Street Pounder

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  133. Im a bargain Hunter gatherer! :D

    Post a Reply
  134. I’m a High Street pounder!

    Post a Reply
  135. Im a high street pounder

    Post a Reply
  136. I’m a Screen Saver

    Post a Reply
  137. Bargain Hunter Gatherer

    Post a Reply
  138. I’m a High Street pounder

    Post a Reply
  139. I’m a High Street Pounder

    Post a Reply
  140. I’m a screen saver

    Post a Reply
  141. I’m a high street pounder

    Post a Reply
  142. I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer.

    Post a Reply
  143. Im a bargain hunter gatherer!

    Post a Reply
  144. I’m a High street pounder :-)

    Post a Reply
  145. I’m a high street pounder

    Post a Reply
  146. Im a high street pounder!

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  147. Im a bargain hunter gatherer

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  148. Screen Saver… which is true. I do like shopping locally and in my town but the ease of online shopping has meant that aside from the odd market, all my shopping has been done online this year.

    Post a Reply
  149. wow! I am a sociable always on twitter “screen saver” coughs nervously! x

    Post a Reply
  150. I’m a Screen Saver, quite accurate for me as I do like to shop online and compare prices before buying.

    Post a Reply
  151. I’m a Screen Saver

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  152. I’m a bargain hunter gatherer, very true ;)

    Post a Reply
  153. A screen saver, yes, that’s me :)

    Post a Reply

    Post a Reply
  155. Bargain Hunter Gatherer! :)

    Post a Reply
  156. im a screen saver!

    Post a Reply
  157. Im a bargain Hunter gatherer

    Post a Reply
  158. Apparently I’m a ‘High Street Pounder’ which is odd, considering I selected ‘Yes’ to the question ‘Do you mostly shop online’.

    Post a Reply
  159. I’m a High Street pounder!

    Post a Reply
  160. I’m apparently a Profit Prophet, but reading the description only some bits seem to apply to me eg I’m nowhere near retirement age! The bargain hunter gather description you posted seems closer to how I actually am :)

    Post a Reply
  161. I’m a screen saver

    Post a Reply
  162. I’m a bargain hunter gatherer

    Post a Reply
  163. High Street pounder

    Post a Reply
  164. I’m a bargain hunter gatherer

    Post a Reply

    Post a Reply
  166. i am a Bargain Hunter Gatherer

    Post a Reply
  167. A highstreet pounder

    Post a Reply
  168. I’m a high street pounder.

    Post a Reply
  169. High street pounder

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  170. Profit Prophet!

    Post a Reply
  171. bargain hunter

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  172. I’m a high street pounder

    Post a Reply
  173. I’m a screen saver!

    Post a Reply
  174. I’m a bargain hunter gatherer!

    Post a Reply
  175. High street pounder!

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  176. i am a bargain Hunter gatherer!

    Post a Reply
  177. bargain Hunter gatherer

    Post a Reply
  178. bargain Hunter gatherer

    Post a Reply
  179. I’m a high street pounder

    Post a Reply
  180. High Street Pounder

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  181. I’m a high street pounder

    Post a Reply
  182. I’m a loyal shopper

    Post a Reply
  183. I’m a high street pounder

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  184. Bargain Hunter Gatherer which is true

    Post a Reply
  185. I’m a Screen Saver

    Post a Reply
  186. High Street Pounder

    Post a Reply
  187. bargain Hunter gatherer

    Post a Reply
  188. I am a high street pounder

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  189. i am a bargain Hunter gatherer!

    Post a Reply
  190. I’m a high street pounder.

    Post a Reply
  191. I’m a high street pounder

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  192. High Street Pounder

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  193. I’m a Screen Saver :-)!

    Post a Reply
  194. I am a screen saver.

    Post a Reply
  195. I’m a high street pounder

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  196. I’m a profit prophet!

    Post a Reply
  197. A screen saver

    Post a Reply
  198. I am a Bargain Hunter Gatherer

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  199. i am a bargain Hunter gatherer!

    Post a Reply
  200. I’m a Screen Saver!

    Post a Reply
  201. I’m a high street pounder

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  202. Bargain hunter gatherer :)

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  203. I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer LOL

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  204. High Street Pounder

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  205. I am a bargain hunter gatherer – and I absolutely am :)

    Post a Reply
  206. I love a bargain me! anything in the sale, or 2-4-1 I’m ALL OVER IT! :)

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