The Four, the Laundry, the Life… In which Green turns Pink.

When we finally decided that perhaps it was time for a room-shift, Pink was removed from the spare room (where her cot had been camping next to the spare bed for… erm… two years *blush*), and moved into the tiniest box room – previously Jolly’s. He, in turn, was moved to the delights of the ex-spare bedroom, which is far more suitably sized to a growing boy, and was only ever actually filled with visitors a few times a year. Needless to say he uses the space a le-e-etle bit more frequently than that.

Anyhoo, Pink inherited Jollys room colour choice too; green. REALLY green. Like full on lime green. We have reviewed thoughtfully decorated with wall stickers, but still – it’s very green. We put up an irresistably sweet fairy lampshade too, in shades of pink. Goes nicely with the green walls, as you can imagine.

So. the time has come – she will finally get a Room Fit For A Girl.

This is the conversation we had last night

“how would you like us to paint your walls, like we painted No.1’s?”
(*NB. No.1 has just had his room decoated for the first time since he was 5. Dinosaurs gave given way to the most awesomable pre-teen room you could imagine. Much smugness form non-decorating parents)
“How about we paint your walls so they weren’t green any more? Would you like yellow walls?”
“no…. Pink”
“mmm, how about nice blue walls like the sky?”
“no… Pink”
“Pink” (getting a bit louder and much more grunty)
Jaw’s jutting now

We decided to admit defeat at this point.

Honestly, we have no idea where it has come from. She is surrounded by boys toys – very few girlie items have been bought for her, and she spends a lot of her time ignoring the beautiful rag dolls to have tea parties with soldiers and cars. And you would not believe how realistic she is when she’s playing snipers.

Ah well. Pink’s better than lime green, yes?

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. Now there’s a girl who knows her own mind… even if it is a little contrary every now and again… still, she’s learning early to stand her ground – good on her!

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  2. Tis inherent Laura and no point protesting – B’s room is now a lovely shade of lavender (my choice), but with one findwall the brightest fushia pink we could , just as she wanted!!!

    Ho hum , they’ll be demanding black before we know it …


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  3. Potential Mummy B – ‘knows her own mind’ is a very positive phrase for Miss Opinionated! And with three older brothers I think she was destined to be thus.

    Kerry, you’re so right – pink is infinitely more preferable to black. And it won’t be long before we’re fondly yelling ‘remember when all she wanted was pink walls?’ over the din of Thrash emanating from her vibratingly closed bedroom door…

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