Summer Tuition – do you bother?

Obviously as Home Educators, the long summer break doesn’t bother us in the slightly – but that also means I can see the benefit of summer tuition. After all, my strongest belief is that learning never stops. I know a lot of teachers fight an uphill battle in September; the kids have been on a free rein for six weeks, and are in no mood to settle down to desks and concentration again.

Summer tuition doesn’t mean never ever leaving the desks either – it’s about keeping the brain ticking over, keeping knowledge and learning skills fresh whilst being able to enjoy the summer fun too.

Boy reading in his boat image courtesy of Shutterstock

Boy reading in his boat image courtesy of Shutterstock

Summer activities help kids retain information they’ve learnt over the last year, strengthen their understanding of certain topics – and it’s a great opportunity to help them catch up and focus on areas they may have been struggling with, allowing them to start the new academic year with fresh confidence in themselves.

We’ve been talking to Tutorfair – a fabulous private tuition organisation with a brilliant basic principle;

“We envision a world where every student has easy access to great tutors.”

Because Tutorfair knows that private tuition isn’t the cheapest option – and so many of the most in need of no way at all of funding it. So for every child that pays for a tutor, there’s a volunteer Tutorfair tutor working for free with underprivileged kids in schools. What a fabulous way forward.

Here are Tutorfair’s top 5 benefits of summer tuition, which promote new learning, engagement and retention.

  1. Increase Confidence

Use the long summer holiday to practice, reinforce and work on topics that your child has struggled with during term time. Too many students “hate” a subject, because they don’t feel confident or competent.

  1. Avoid Boredom

Maintaining a regular structure over the holidays helps to keep children from becoming bored. Also, promoting new ways of learning (unconstrained by a rigid syllabus) throughout the summer will help with an easier transition back to school in September.

  1. Prevent The Summer Slide

Students experience learning loss over the summer months, as they tend not to participate in any learning activities. Practicing skills learned over the past year, and getting a head start on the upcoming curriculum can help jump-start learning, and confidence, come September.

  1. Smooth the Transition into a New School

Moving schools can be a stressful, difficult and anxious time at any age. Students are learning in a new environment, making new friends and working to a new set of expectations from their teachers. A tutor can teach some of the new topics and learning strategies to help ease students into their new school.

  1. Works Around You

The tutor can work around your schedule, and also tailor lessons to meet the interests and individual needs of your child.

Reach out to a tutor today, and see how they can help your child over the summer. Visit Tutorfair, a website that will help you to find the best tutors in your area.

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Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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