Stay in and save money in the run-up to Christmas

The countdown to Christmas has well and truly begun, with everyone going crazy for Black Friday deals and all those internet shopping deal emails that clutter up your inbox at this time of year. With money flowing out of the bank account as you make sure you have the right gifts for your kids, nephews and nieces and all the other family members, you’ll probably want to cut down on extra spending where you can.

Though it’s a nice time of year to get together with friends and go out, a series of nights out can only make the drain on your bank balance worse. So make a stand and have some nights in to compensate for the big spend.

The trouble is that you don’t want to just sit and watch TV, which can definitely get tedious after only a short while. There are only so many series that you can be interested in. The good news is that there are plenty of other ways to be entertained on winter nights in.

You could start by getting creative. Why buy table decorations for Christmas Day when you can make your own? A quick search online will find a suitable project for everyone’s individual creative abilities. If you can’t thread a needle, you’ll find lots of projects that can be completed with a tube of fabric glue.

Making your own Christmas crackers will add a really thoughtful touch to your table. There are kits you can buy online and add in your own presents and jokes, or you can make crackers from scratch using loo roll holders and Christmas wrapping paper. All you need to buy are the snaps to make the bang and the party hats.

Another way to enjoy the evenings leading up to Christmas is to get the board games out early – why save them for Christmas Day, when you usually run out of time (and energy) to actually play anything? Playing games with your partner and the kids will get you all in the festive, family-fun spirit and mean that you all have some extra bonding time before the rest of the extended family arrives on Christmas Day.

Staying in before Christmas will not only save you money; it’ll give you more time to get organised, too.

Author: Courtenay

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