Star Wars Millennium Falcon Multitool from Amazon #ChristmasGiftGuide

One for the StarWars geek in the family, we forsaw this fabuloso gift at Amazon,  it covers all the bases agree we think you will !

This is not just any tool, oh no, it’s a multi-tool!

Eleven yes eleven functions!

It’s a Screwdriver, Earphone Tidy, Bottle Opener, Wire Stripper, 5 box-end wrenches / ring spanners, Ruler, Parcel opener……phew

It’s made from Stainless steel, and it’s small enough to fit in your wallet, wow.

Best of all of course, it’s shaped like the Millenium Falcon, a real Starwars geek eye pleaser.

Anyone brandishing this will definately be a force to be reckoned with! (Force…y’see what we did there).

starwars millenium falcom multi tool

The Official merchandised Star Wars Millenium Falcon Multitool can be purchased at Amazon for just £16, a perfect stocking filler for any Jedi Master.

Author: Courtenay

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