Spotty Otter Waterproof Jacket

As with all Spotty Otter products, the beauty of this coat is in the quality and the detail. You know there’s always a few things that make you ‘ggrrrr’ to yourself as you watch your child charge around the park in their winter coat, or when you peel it off them when you get home? Well – I have to say that we’ve had Toby living in this one for the last two months, and I haven’t found a single ‘ggrrr’ moment. Not one. And we really have put it through its paces. A bitterly cold October break in the Brecon Beacons, out for hours walking on the hillsides. An even more bitter (read FREEZING biting sheering hoolie of a wind) trip to Kimmeridge Bay on the Dorset coast.

And of course the very toughest of all tests. School – and more specifically Key Stage 1.

And how does the coat look after we have submitted it to all this? Like new, that’s how. Because, you see, you can just throw it in the washing machine. And even after numerous washes it’s still waterproof; REALLY waterproof, not showerproof, not dry-body-but-wet-arms proof, but real unzip-it-and-there’s-a-dry-boy-underneath waterproof.

The whole coat is lined with thick comfortable fleece – including the sleeves; I hate that when they don’t bother lining the sleeves – specially designed to wick away dampness, so there’s none of that nasty chilly clamminess going on during a long walk in it, either.

The hood deserves a special mention – not only is it amply sized to make sure it covers a woolly hat comfortably without being restrictive, but it also has a proper sized peak which does a very good job of keeping the rain of the face. To top it off, it is adjustable with a strap on the back so you can stop it flopping forward and obscuring their vision (which always leads to the hood being shoved off in frustration, and a very wet head/neck/back, yes?).

The reflective piping is reassuring on winter evenings, and surprisingly bright and effective. The zips are sturdy enough for even Toby not to break them, and of course weather sealed, too. The Velcro cuff tapes hold firmly and are easily adjustable… and it really is strong enough to keep out the most biting of English winds, whilst managing not to restrict a 5 yr old Spiderman saving the world.

What else is there to love about this coat? Oh – it’s the first coat we’ve had where the back dips low enough to keep the vulnerable area warm and dry even when they’ve had enough walking and are riding on daddy’s shoulders.

Toby’s very favourite part? The pockets. They’re fleece lined too – so when he forgets his gloves (*eyes rolling*) he simply jams his hands into his pockets and they’re warm as toast.

Check out the full range on Spotty Otter‘s website…so much to choose from!

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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