Spotted! LOVING this Quiksilver bundle, such a genius (and bargainous) idea
This is such a genius idea from Wee Gooseberry – selling popular clothing brands and items in bundles. Saves you the time spent trawling when they’ve grown again and you need to replenish the wardrobe, and saves you some money too.
Take this boys Quiksilver bundle – not only is it totally gorgeous, but to buy them as separates from Quiksilver would cost £110. Less than £80 as a bundle – and if you’re new to Wee Gooseberry and register with them, you get another 10% discount too! See? TOTAL bargain. And such a cool outfit, as well.

Also love this jacket and tee combo by Geox – under £50 when you buy them together from Wee Gooseberry.
You select the sizes per item too, which makes the whole thing perfect – my children are NEVER the same size top and bottom, and buying a mixed bundle like this would always mean varying fits. Selecting them individually means you can choose the best fit and get bets value.
You can see Wee Gooseberry’s full page of Children’s Clothing Bundle Deals here – and they all save at least 15% on the individual price items. Stress free shopping. We love.
24 May 2013
New Stuff: Spotted! LOVING this Quiksilver bundle, such a genius (and bargainous) idea