When I was small I had a brilliant animal set. I loved it. Zoo animals mostly, but Wooden Farm Set animals too – and I played with them endlessly.
But I thought such toys were old hat. Gone. Passed in an era of pink plastic and flashing lights.
Which is why I get all warm and glowy inside when I see classic imaginative play wooden toys – not a whiney siren or electronic voice in sight. When my glance fell on this little lovely farm I was suddenly 6 again, stretched out in front of the gas fire on the swirly green and orange carpet telling the cows to play nicely with the chickens. And judging by the look of avarice on my daughters face when I showed her, some things are clearly timeless.
Sadly, the one in the picture is the The Oldfield Farm by Branching Out – and is no longer available. However, I have spotted a fabulous one by Tidlo:

which is every bit as good. Over on Amazon, the Tidlo Farm Wooden Farm Set buildings are £60, the animals £20 and the family £10. But the years of play in this set make it worth a little investment in the quality.
There’s also a cute little Tobar farm set for slightly younger hands at just £26:
