Spotted – Eggling Crack & Grow #EasterGiftIdeas

Easter is just around the corner, so we thought we would have a look out there in the big wide world and see what is on offer for fab gift ideas for 2014! We know the usual is chocolate, chocolate and yes more chocolate and whilst of course we love love love the little brown melty ooo soo yum yum yummy stuff, its .. ahem sory about that..we also know that there are also loads more wonderful and different ideas out there!  And with that thought in mind here is something just a little bit different, but none the less a rather fab idea…

The Eggling Crack & Grow!



Brought to you in the UK by Find Me A Gift ..this precious, little eggling looks and feels like an extra large egg, but crack its top and discover a garden ready to grow! Cultivation is easy — seeds are already sown into eggling’s fortified peat mixture, just crack it’s top (by tapping on it with a spoon), water and place in bright spot. Plants grow for up to five months in the eggling, after which it can be planted directly in soil.


Easter Gift Idea suggestions Guide

Author: Courtenay

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