It’s that time of year again – it may still be warm, but there’s a briskness in the air which is crying out for some soup – and obviously a Thermos food flask.
I know, I know. It’s not glamorous. It makes no attempt to woo you with it’s pretty wiles (though I’ll say unashamedly here and now that that copper colour is damned fine looking).
And yet – nothing beats the Thermos Food Flask.
Everyone needs at least one in the house when October arrives.
My 19yr old is spending his first year in full time employment. He works at a tech company, he makes good money… and yet he’s begun wailing that buying lunch every day costs him a fortune. (No. Y’THINK??? Welcome to my world – and the reason I’ve made packed lunches for the last 19 years. You think I did it because I LOVE putting sandwiches in boxes?)
But heat up some soup, or last nights leftovers and plop it into this little dumpy thing of goodness – and hey presto. Come lunchtime you have a warm, tasty filling meal which has cost you pennies. Pinch some of your mums homemade soup, grab a roll or two and it’s super good for you too (not that canned soups are innately bad, obviously – it’s just that homemade is better. If you’re going for a can, then do pick wisely; particularly watch out for sodium levels and MSG).

But just look at the practicality oozing out of every gorgeous shiny surface of this Thermos Food Flask. Because you really don’t want to use a coffee/tea flask for thick soup/pasta/noodles/leftovers.
No no no.
What you really want is a bowl and a spoon.
*enters Thermos Food Flask stage left, prancing smugly with its bowl top and secret folding spoon*

See? It’s actually perfect.
The Thermos Food Flask naturally uses that tried-and-tested Thermos vacuum insulation technology which we’ve all grown up knowing is as reliable as Mum’s egg sandwiches. It’ll keep your lunch hot for 9 hours. NINE HOURS! That means you could go off to work, come home, and then eat your hot lunch as a pre-dinner snack.
As you’d expect from the insulation pros, the Thermos Food Flask has a stainless steel interior and exterior, plus an insulated stainless steel lid (which doubles as the serving bowl).
Thermos are so confident, the Food flask comes with a 50 year guarantee!
The Thermos Food Flask is available widely, but we’ve seen the copper one on Amazon for a smidge under £22 (it comes in seven colours, so don’t fret if the copper’s not for you – I’m rather keen on the gorgeous Cranberry red too…