Slopsville – The Rice Pudding.

Happy Joe

Happy Joe



So I finally got around to making Helen’s rice pudding. Kind of. I thought there was only one way to make rice pudding. So I didn’t think I needed to bother making the arduous trek from the kitchen to the computer (about ten feet) to look up Helen’s recipe. How different could it be from the one on the side of the rice box? That was my first mistake.

My second mistake was to not read the “recipe” all the way to the end. I scanned it, I did. I knew that at the end it said to put the rice pudding in an ovenproof dish and so I happily followed the rest of the instructions. I put the milk in a pan and brought it to the boil. It boiled over. Of course it did. Ignoring the mess, I added the rice and gave it a stir, at which point sheets of burned milk floated to the top. I hoiked them out and threw them in the bin. I stirred. I hoiked. I threw. I started to get a bad feeling. I turned the hob off and shoved the pan to the back of the stove and went off in a huff.

Later, I decided it probably wasn’t so bad – what’s a bit of charred milk between friends? So I went back and read the rest of the recipe. “Pour into an ovenproof dish and brown under the grill.” What? WHAT?! That’s not a rice pudding! Rice pudding is baked not BOILED! I looked up Helen’s recipe, realised that was much more like it, and threw the Bad Pudding away.

Yesterday, Harry helped me try again. In fact, it was so ridiculously simple, he could have done it on his own. Rice, milk, sugar, nutmeg in an oven dish. Put it in the oven. Wait a while. Eat. It got a bit overcooked, but that’s because David was making dinner and wouldn’t let me in the kitchen to take it out of the oven. But with a little milk added, it’s right as rain.

Joe had some for his tea last night and loved it. He had some more – mixed with banana and his new favourite thing in the world: a rusk* – for his breakfast. He polished off the lot. (See photo!)


BAD pud

BAD pud

GOOD pud :)

GOOD pud :)

And what did I learn from this? That a “serving suggestion” on the side of a packet is not a recipe. And that I should only follow recipes suitable for 5-year-olds.

* I’m regretting introducing Joe to rusks. 75% of the household surfaces and 100% of Joe are now permanently encrusted with biscuity goodness.

Keris Stainton

My first YA book – DELLA SAYS: OMG! – is out 6 May 2010:

Della’s over the moon when she kisses her long-standing crush at a party – but then she discovers her diary has disappeared…
When scans of embarrassing pages are sent to her mobile and appear on Facebook, Della’s distraught – how can she enjoy her first proper romance when someone, somewhere, knows all her deepest, darkest secrets?


Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. Keris, I feel quite proud of you ;)

    My daughter is going to look like a rice pudding soon.

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  2. Rice pudding is great for weaning! I have cows milk intolerant babies and have even managed to make rice pudding from soya milk (It’s not as bad as it sounds, honest, and my daughter loved it).

    I use a slow cooker – there’s no boiling over and the washing up isn’t too scary as nothing gets burnt on the dish.

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