Simple Ways To Take Better Care Of Your Skin This Winter

It might not seem like it right now but the seasons are definitely changing. September kicked off with a barrage of scorching temperatures but it’s only a matter of time before winter announces itself properly. The cold, dry air of winter can wreak havoc on your skin. Between frigid temperatures outside and blasting heaters inside, keeping skin healthy and hydrated during the winter months requires some extra attention. Don’t let dry, itchy, irritated skin get you down all season long. With a few easy tips, you can pamper your skin and keep it looking and feeling its best.

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Moisturise Liberally And Often

One of the most vital steps for winter skin care is to moisturise, moisturise, moisturise! Cold air outside combined with dry indoor heat saps moisture from your skin, leaving it parched. Fight back with rich moisturisers. Look for formulas containing hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerine, dimethicone, petrolatum, shea butter, and jojoba oil. Apply moisturiser all over your body immediately after bathing when your skin is still damp, to seal in moisture. Reapply throughout the day as needed. Hands and feet tend to get especially dry in winter, so pay extra attention to moisturising them. Consider wearing cotton gloves or socks after applying cream to maximise hydration.

Choose Gentle Cleansers

Many harsh soaps and cleansers can strip away natural oils and leave skin dry. Look for gentle cleansers in the winter to avoid depleting your skin’s moisture levels even further. Look for formulas labelled sensitive, hydrating, or moisturising. Avoid products with fragrances, soaps, alcohols, and acids which can irritate and dry out skin. When washing, use warm (not hot) water and avoid scrubbing or rubbing skin vigorously. Pat gently with a soft towel to dry. Also, limit cleansing to twice a day if your skin tends toward dryness. Over-washing can wipe away protective oils.

Shower Smarter

Long, steaming hot showers may sound great on a cold winter day, but the hot water is drying out your skin. Aim for brief, lukewarm showers instead. This is also a great way to cut down on the amount of water that your household uses. Skip the scalding temps and avoid scrubbing vigorously with a washcloth. After a shower, gently pat away excess water and apply moisturiser within 3 to 5 minutes of getting out to seal in hydration. Consider installing a humidifier in your bathroom to add moisture to the air during and after showering.

Layer On The Hydration

A great winter skincare routine will involve layering several hydrating products. Start by applying a hydrating toner after cleansing to boost moisture levels. Follow with a hydrating serum packed with nutrients like hyaluronic acid and glycerine. Lock it in with a rich moisturiser. You can even add a facial oil before the moisturiser for an extra shot of nourishment. Layering several products ensures your skin gets the hydration it needs.

Look Out For Eczema

For those with eczema, winter weather can exacerbate symptoms like dryness, redness, cracking, and itching. Be diligent about moisturising and avoid known triggers like wool fabrics next to the skin. See your dermatologist at the first sign of a flare-up for prescription medications that can help counteract inflammation and irritation before it worsens. It’s easy to look for the right treatment for you by using a good online pharmacy. Hydrocortisone cream, Betnovate cream and Eurax cream are just a few of the options when it comes to treatment for eczema. You can fill in an online assessment at The Independent Pharmacy and they’ll dispatch approved treatments on the same day.

Exfoliate Strategically

As dead, dry skin cells build up in winter, exfoliating can be beneficial to reveal fresher skin underneath. But take care not to over-exfoliate, as that could make dryness worse. Use a very gentle scrub a maximum of 2 or 3 times per week. Look for exfoliants like jojoba beads rather than abrasive particles. Chemical exfoliators with alpha hydroxy acids and fruit enzymes are also gentler. Always moisturise after exfoliating to replenish hydration.

Wear Sunscreen

Cold weather and lack of sun don’t mean you can skip sun protection. UVA rays still penetrate through winter clouds and can damage skin. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and apply it to any exposed skin before heading outside. Reapply every 2 hours if staying in the sun. Don’t forget oft-neglected areas like ears and lips. Look for a moisturising lip balm with SPF.

Eat Healthy Fats

What you eat impacts your skin health. Consume plenty of healthy fats during the colder months to help the skin stay supple. Foods rich in omega-3s like salmon, walnuts, and avocados help fortify cell membranes. Monounsaturated fats from olive oil, nuts and seeds boost moisture levels. Avoid trans and saturated fats which may worsen skin dryness. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water as well.

Add Humidity

No one is actively looking to buy another appliance for their home, but anyone who finds their skin reacts badly to the dry weather should think about investing in a humidifier. Running a humidifier adds hydrating moisture back into the air, preventing your skin from becoming parched. Use humidifiers in your bedroom while sleeping and in any rooms where you spend a lot of dry time. Keep humidity around 40-50% to maximise benefits. Small, personal humidifiers for your desk or nightstand can help too.

Soothe With Aloe

Pure aloe vera gel is a great remedy for irritated winter skin. It’s packed with hydrating and soothing compounds that can calm inflammation, ease dry flaking and support healing. Apply a layer to dry areas as needed to provide relief. Keep aloe gel in the fridge for an extra cooling effect.

Wear Protective Gloves And Scarves

Before heading out into the bitter cold, protect your skin by layering up. Wear gloves and scarves to shield your hands, face and neck from freezing winds which can chap exposed skin. Choose soft, breathable materials like cashmere, silk or wool when possible. Take care to gently wash and moisturise any skin covered by gloves and scarves after being outside.

Add Facial Mists

We talked about the importance of hydrating earlier in the article, and but facial mists deserve a point all of their own. It’s so easy to replenish hydration throughout the day with a facial mist. Glycerine-based mists containing hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid offer an easy moisture boost whenever your skin is feeling parched. Keep a bottle on your desk or in your bag. Close your eyes and mist your face, then gently pat in the moisture. Drinking plenty of water also helps your skin stay hydrated from the inside out.

With some simple adjustments to your routine, you can pamper your skin all season long. Keep skin soft, smooth and glowing with ample hydration through the winter. Don’t let the dry air get your skin down. One of the most important things to remember is that everyone’s skin is different, and it can be a bit of a process to find the best approach for you. Don’t be afraid to change things up and mix and match, and never feel like you can’t talk to a health professional about anything that’s worrying you.

Author: Courtenay

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