Sigg Bottles. Just a Brilliant childs Flask.

We LOVE Sigg bottles.
And when I say ‘we’, I don’t just mean the grown ups round here.
No, the four smaller-but-in-charge-really people LOVE Sigg bottles.

We started off with this uber-cute little 0.3l bottle for Pink to take to pre-school. She LOVED it, and all the mums were oooh-ing at it in the crate. But as she headed towards proper school we found it was just too small to last all day for her, so now she has the 0.4l size (Pink. With Hello Kitty. Naturally.)

This size is really practical – the 8 and 10yr olds each have one too (though theirs are less pink and Miss Kitty-ish…)

And the 12yr old even takes his 0.6l version – with no embarassment – to high school. Though he prefers the classic screw top.

So what do we like about them? Well – really, whats not to like? Practically indestructable is the biggest thing in my book. I can’t even begin to think about the number of plastic bottles I’ve bought the children over the years – finally I refused to buy any more character-branded-and-breaks-in-two-weeks versions and resorted to re-using water PET bottles. Though, of course, then came the news of the health risks associated with that… (you may not want to Google it – it’ll scare you if you’re big on re-using plastic bottles). Siggs are totally recyclable, and they changed their linings nearly three years ago to be totally BPA, phthalates and allkindsofnasties-free.

So using the Sigg bottles mean my green-conscious is eased – along with my pocket. The only part my troop have managed to break are the lids. The 10 yr old continues to use his domed lid ‘with crack’. The 12yr old managed to break his ‘Active Top’ (far right in the pic below) – but replacement with the screw top cost only £4. I’m pretty sure it’s totally unbreakable now, even by him, and apparently its far more socially acceptable too. Win win.

Yorkshire Moors. Somewhere.

These bottles come with us everywhere now – it’s automatic. Family days out, up mountains, to the beach, walking the dog, to school, long car trips… The bottles aren’t cheap at £14 for the smallest ones, I know that. But when you think how long they last, I wouldn’t hesitate to tell every parent they should have one. Though you might want to think carefully about the design you choose, as that bottle will be in use for a very very long time to come. And sweet little bumble bees aren’t so cute when you’re a footie-mad 10yr old…

Which brings me nicely to my final point.

It just has to be said.

Sigg have THE best bottle designs on the market.

I mean it.

A VAST array of really truly cool, cute or just plain beautiful versions are there to choose from (there’s even a range of Vivienne Westwood ones).

And the website is totally brilliant too – along with the ability to browse the entire range (and replacement parts and accessories), you can also enlarge the design itself so you can see all the way round the bottle too. Oh, and prices INCLUDE delivery. Not looking so expensive, now, huh?

Sigg bottles available from Amazon if you click right here




Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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1 Comment

  1. We have had the smaller bottles for my two for a while now and are used on a daily basis. One even hasva glow in the dark lid, v useful when camping! Will be getting bigger ones soon. They are so worth the cost.

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