Safe childrens headphones – fab!

Finally! Headphones actually designed with children in mind! I won’t let mine wear the in-ear buds that came with their MP3 players, but I still worry that without constant monitoring (and often with it) they’ll have them up too loud and damage their ears.

So when JVC contacted me about these new specially-designed 3+ headphones with correct sizing, lightweight super-soft padding AND noise limitation, I jumped at the chance of a review. Only when they arrived, they were the pink version. Which is VERY pink*. My boys recoiled in horror at the very sight of them, but happily Tim over at BringingUpCharlie volunteered his daughter’s services.

Sally’s first reaction was encouraging – Tim mailed me to say “Sally thinks they’re ‘doody’ (whatever that means)…” – doesn’t get much finer, I think.

Here’s what Sally says now she’s been using them for a while:

“These funky JVC headphones are fantastic, especially if you have an annoying little brother who likes to make a lot of noise when you are trying to listen to your iPod! They seem to block out all the sounds from around you and the quality and clarity of the music or audio is amazing.

I also very much like the colour – pink and white, very girly, very me!

Another great thing about the headphones is that they are so comfortable. The padding makes them very easy on the ears and they are adjustable so they can fit perfectly on any size of head. I am listening to my music as I am writing this and it’s all I can hear in a room full of people and toys that sing and dance and generally create a nuisance.

The headphones are a real ‘must have’ for anyone with an iPod or similar device because they make listening to music and audios a real joy to do :) ”

(*Fret not – they do come in blue too!)

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. does anyone know where i can buy these from in pink, i’m going on a plane with my daughter who is 3 for the first time and she has a thing about loud noises so these look they would be ideal to block out the sound of the plane

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  2. Hi Lynda
    if you click on the pink headphones picture it will take you straight t them on Amazon – pink and pretty :)

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  3. I’ve been looking for earphones that limit volume to a safe level in the same way as these JVC children’s headphones. My two boys (7 & 9) don’t like big over ear headphones and are really keen on earphones. Is there such a thing?

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    • HI Simon
      Actually there is! If you Google ‘Logitech Ultimate Ears Loud Enough Children’s Earphones’ you should find them easily – haven’t tried them though, so can’t say if they’re any good!

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  4. Great review… I found this really useful article on safe headphones for children. The headphones they mention in the article don’t need batteries, which is really handy!

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