Quick! Flash competition from Argos – Win your Favourite Toy from the Dream Toys List!

Yesterday, a group of toy industry experts including representatives from Argos announced their predictions for the must-have toys of Christmas 2013. It’s a fair bet your child has one or two in their letter to Santa…dream toys 2013

  • LEGO’s City Coast Guard (£59.99)
  • Doc McStuffins Doctor’s Bag (£19.99)
  • Flying Fairy (£34.99)
  • Furby Boom! (£59.99)
  • InnoTab 3S (£99.99)
  • LeapPad Ultra (£119.99)
  • Monopoly Empire (£19.99)
  • Monster High 13 Wishes Doll (£22.99)
  • Nerf N-Strike Elite RapidStrike CS-18 (£39.99)
  • Robo Fishbowl (£14.99)
  • Teksta Robotic Puppy (£59.99)

Currently, you can get these toys on the Argos site, and often at a price lower than the RRP quoted above thanks to their 3 for 2 offer (on for the next few days!). If you fancy beating the Christmas rush, you also have a chance to win your favourite toy from the Dream Toys list by entering below – simply tell us which one you fancy, and Santa will be dropping it down your chimney in time for Christmas!


Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. I would love the Monopoly Empire game :)

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  2. The Lego City Coastguard would be my Grandsons dream toy

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  3. I think my don would love the innotabs 3s

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  4. hard one as for one daughter it would be the Doc Mcstuffin bag other daughter would want the Monster High doll

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  5. InnoTab 3S definately

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  6. The LEGO’s City Coast Guard

    Post a Reply
  7. My little boy is desperate for the Teksta Robo puppy! It would make his Christmas!

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  8. Innotab 3s! My little one would love it :-)

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  9. love the nerf gun for my son

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  10. My girls would love the Furby Boom! :)

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  11. LeapPad Ultra please! thankyou for the fab competition!

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  12. my daughter would love the teksta robotic puppy

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  13. Lego all the way for us – just cannot beat it!

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  14. I just know my son would love the innotab 3s, he has a few apps on daddy’s iPad but this would be so much more age appropriate :) fingers crossed for him xx

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  15. The robotic puppy! It’s on my sons Xmas list!

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  16. my granddaughter is after a furby. fingers crossed!

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  17. Definitely the innotab!

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  18. The flying fairy, its on my daughters christmas list already so would be great to win, fingers crossed x

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  19. I’d love to win the robotic dog for my nephew

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  20. Both of mine would love the Innotab 3S!

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  21. Innotab desperately wanted by my son x

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  22. Would love the Innotab ! Great present !

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  23. My daughter would love Doc McStuffins Doctors Bag

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  24. My son would love the Robo Fish

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  25. My little one would love the Innotab 3s!

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  26. leap pad ultra please fab giveaway xx

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  27. My eldest would love the innotab 3. That would save me a small fortune! X

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  28. My son would love the Innotab :)

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  29. My niece is after the LeapPad Ultra!

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  30. the LeapPad Ultra

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  31. LeapPad Ultra (£119.99)

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  32. Would love the teksta robotic puppy please

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  33. We would love the Furby Boom!

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  34. My son would love a LeapPad Ultra

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  35. My little girl would love the doc mcstuffins bag.

    Post a Reply
  36. The LEGO’s City Coast Guard

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  37. the innotab, My son would love one :)

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  38. My dream Christmas pressie is the Flying Fairy for my six year old daughter, she’d love it!

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  39. The Teksta Puppy

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  40. My LOs would be happy with any of these, but the Innotab would be first choice! :)

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  41. Innotab 3 is top of my sons Santa List :-)

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  42. Teksta as my son is desperate for a pet but he has asthma so a real dog would not be good for his breathing .

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  43. oooo the Robofish!!

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  45. Thank you for your kindness I would love to win a furby thankyou ever so much. Lots of Luck all.

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  46. my son would love the furby boom

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  47. my daughter is wanting a inno tab x

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  48. I think my son would love the Furby!

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  49. LEGO’s City Coast Guard

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  50. My son would love the innotab s3 x

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  51. My sons are Lego mad – so LEGO’s City Coast Guard (£59.99)

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  52. Lego city coastguard thats all my son wants for christmas lego! lol xx

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  53. It has got to be the Furby Boom for us, such a huge hit with my little ones last year so would love to see how it’s improved!x

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  54. Would have to be the Furby Boom!

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  55. Furby Boom- reminds me of my own childhood with the originals!!

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  56. Harrison would love the LeapPad Ultra x

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  57. The Lego set . I have liked and shared on FB as Caroljs Smith

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  58. Innotab 3s would be just amazing!

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  59. Furby Boom Please

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  60. My son would love the robotic puppy!

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  61. My daughter would love the innotab 3 or the leap pad

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  62. My little one wants a Furby BOOM!

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  63. the innotab 3s please ty

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  64. My son would love the Innotab, he has been nagging me about them already

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  65. The furby boom, it looks fun!

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  66. My fave is the furby boom

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  67. the leappad ultra or the innotab would be fab

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  68. I’d love the Robotic Puppy
    Fingers crossed

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  69. i’ve shared on facebook as well

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  70. FURBY Boom Please x

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  71. i wopuld love to win the innotab x

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  72. The Furby Boom looks great, thanks for the giveaway x

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  73. Furby Boom please x

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  74. The Furby boom is top of my girls list.

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  75. LeapPad Ultra x

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  76. I would love the InnoTab 3S for my little girl xoxox

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  77. Teksta Robotic Puppy (£59.99)

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  78. My 5 year old would love an innotab 3s

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  79. Got to be the robotic puppy

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  80. Teksta Robotic Pupp my daughter would love him…..me too lol x

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  81. OOh, the Furby or the robotic puppy x

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  82. Having 2 boys (and a Hsuband) the nerf would go down a treat in our house!!

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  83. The Robofish please :)

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  84. The Innotab looks great x

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  85. Lego Citys Coastguard for my Grandson would be Fab 1

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  86. LeapPad Ultra.My son would love it :-)

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  87. My daughter wants a furbie so that would be fab.

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  88. Defo the Robofish – amazing !

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  89. Wow all children’s dream toys x

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  90. My favourite would be the Furby Boom! My daughter has wanted one for years, and as she is 15 now, I think that this is the year that she should have one. Yes please!

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  91. Robo fish looks ace x

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  92. I’d love and innotab for my daughter’s inquisitive mind!

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  93. My daughter would love the InnoTab 3S (£99.99)

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  94. What a wicked prize! My daughters definitely have their eyes on an InnoTab 3S! They love their geeky gadgets! Thanks so much! :-)

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  95. I would love the robot dog – would totally be the furby but just bought three using this wonderful deal .

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  96. Teksta robot puppy please….my son has just put it on his christmas list this morning:)))

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  97. Innotab 3s!

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  98. inotab 3 please

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  99. Would have to say the robofish xx

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  100. The Innotab 3 would be great for my little boy.

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  101. love the robot dog

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  102. Innotab 3S would be perfect for my little boy

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  103. The furby boom please

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  104. the nerf gun please:-)

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  105. would love tto win Teksta Robotic Puppy as its on my daughters christmas list

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  106. Lego City coastguard would be great

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  107. Teksta Robotic Puppy it seems very nice

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  108. Flying Fairy Please :)

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  109. Teksta Robotic Puppy my children are always asking for a dog and this would be the next best thing!

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  110. Furbie! My daughter would love one!

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  111. The Furby would be my choice.

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  112. Innotab please x

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  113. Innotab 3s please – I love christmas :)

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  114. Teksta robotic puppy, my boys have asked Santa for it.

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  115. The Tekstar Robotic Puppy is top of the Christmas list in this house.

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  116. Furby has got to be the best :0)

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  117. Innotab 3s.please for my boys

    Post a Reply
  118. My son is desperate for the Teksta Robotic Puppy, it would be wonderful!

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  119. My little Phoebe would definitely love the Innotab

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  120. The InnoTab would be fantastic for my little man! :o)

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  121. My daughter is desperate for a Furby Boom! :)

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  122. id really love the furby for my daughter :)

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  123. My little one would the Innotab 3s as he is always after my iPad so we could have matching ones!

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  124. LEGO’s City Coast Guard

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  125. my daughter would love the furby boom

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  126. Furby Boom is the top of my twins list and they want one each!!!. Mind you they have only asked for 3 toys. X

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  127. Son would love LEGO’s City Coast Guard

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  128. InnoTab 3S would make my Daughters day!

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  129. monster high school doll :) thanks

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  130. Lego is always at the top of the list in our house – the kids love it and it keep us all occupied!

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  131. Furby boom would be a fab gift.

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  132. nerf and lego is high on the list for my boys

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  133. Nerf N-Strike Elite RapidStrike CS-18 (£39.99)

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  134. The Teksta Robotic Puppy x

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  135. The teksta robotic puppy

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  136. Furby Boom for me :)

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  137. I’d love to win InnoTab 3S please

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  138. The Inno tab please

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  139. The InnoTab 3S please.x

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  140. The teksta robotic puppy

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  141. The teksta robot puppy is top of my little ones list, I must admit it does look fun :)

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  142. Teksta Robotic Puppy – bexy boo facebook xx

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  143. InnoTab 3S :) :)

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  144. Robo fishbowl, little one is Nemo mad!

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  145. The LeapPad Ultra

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  146. LeapPad Ultra please! It would make a happy DD

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  147. The teksta robotic puppy would be fab thanx

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  148. The Flying Fairy :)

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  149. My favourite toy from the 2013 Christmas Wishlist is the Flying Fairy (£34.99) I know my 4 year old daughter would absolutely love the Flying Fairy as she has seen the adverts and she loves Fairies. I know she will have hours of fun.

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  150. I have a little niece who is dying for a Furby Boom!!

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  151. has to be the Furby Boom for my daughter

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  152. middle son whould love the innotab 3s , many thanks xx

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  153. My eldest would loooove the Innnotab :)

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  154. My little guy would be absolutely delighted with the InnoTab 3S.

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  155. teksta robotic puppy

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  156. My favourite is Teksta Robotic Puppy

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  157. InnoTab 3S

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  158. LEGO’s City Coast Guard wicked

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  159. Teksa robotic puppy

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  160. Teksta Robotic puppy

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  161. LEGO City Coast Guard

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  162. LEGO’s City Coast Guard is my choice, my son would be absolutely thrilled if we won.

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  163. Doc McStuffins doctors kit xx

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  164. Lego Coast Guard

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  165. My little uns want a furby x

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  166. Lego City Coast guard

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  167. Nerf N-Strike Elite RapidStrike CS-18

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  168. My eldest would love a furby xx

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  169. I would like to win the lego’s City Coastguard. My little boy would love it.

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  170. the furby x x x xx x x

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  171. I would love to win LeapPad Ultra @emily596

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  172. My daughter would be ecstatic to find a Furby Boom under the tree at Christmas :)

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  173. the innotab 3 looks really fab , my son would love that :)

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  174. The Innotab 3 is the toy that has been requested for in a letter written to father Christmas by my son. I have to say it does look brilliant and looks as though it can take the knocks that other devices would not survive.

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  175. My grandaughter would love the Furby

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  176. LeapPad Ultra for me – would be the write choice for the draw :-)

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  177. The Innotab :)

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  178. Furby Boom for my daughter

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  179. The Lego City Coastguard as my son loves Lego.

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  180. Furby BooM!!!

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  181. Monster High 13 Wishes Doll :)

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  182. I love the Teksta Robotic Puppy

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  183. furby boom <3 x

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  184. Flutter Fairy….my little girl would love this x

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  185. Lego City Coastguard – my daughter loves Lego x

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  186. i’ve always fancied a furbie!

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  187. My son would love the Robo fish bowl.

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  188. so many good things to choose from..bu I think I’ll go for the Furby!

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  189. Teksta Robotic Puppy

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  190. Lego coastguard

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  191. the teksta robotic puppy :)

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  192. InnoTab 3S would be fantastic for my youngest, xxx

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  193. Furby Boom!

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  194. Would love the furby boom!!

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  195. I’ve asked the grandkids and the general consensus is…. Lego

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  196. Lego city coastguard! My son has this on his list!

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  197. The Lego city coast guard

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  198. The LeapPad Ultra would go down a treat!

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  199. The LeapPad Ultra would be lovely to win. Thank you :)

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  200. Teksta Robotic Puppy

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  201. The LeapPad would be amazing for my two daughters please! Great competition, many thanks :)

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  202. Would love the furby boom,, for my son of course ;) x

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  203. Monster High 13 Wishes

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  204. LeapPad Ultra for my son x

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  205. Furby! I never had one. My little girl would love it too :)

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  206. The Lego city coast guard would be brilliant!

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  207. Furby boom :-) x

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  208. The teksta dog x

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  209. The Teksta Robotic Puppy may not be my dream prize but would definitely be my daughters! xx

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  210. Teksta Robotic Puppy

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  211. The Teksta Robotic Puppy pleasexx

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  212. The InnoTab 3S

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  213. The Furby Boom x

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  214. Teksta Robotic Puppy this looks cute

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  215. The Lego city coast guard

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  216. The LeapPad Ultra

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  217. I think if my son was deciding he would say the nerf gun so going to choose that

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  218. The Robotic Puppy – give our cats something to think about :-)

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  219. LEGO’s City Coast Guard

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  220. The robofish x

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  221. The Innotab is top of my list!

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  222. Furby Boom! (£59.99)

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  223. Innotab is defintitel top of my list

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  224. My step son would love the LEGO’s City Coast Guard set.

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  225. Furby ~ Great fun

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  226. The innotab 3s is on my daughters list :-) x

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  227. The innotab or the lego would be big hits in this household!

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  228. My little girl is desperate for a Furby Boom!

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  229. LEGO’s City Coast Guard

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  230. I think it would have to be the Innotab. Kids love them and it keeps them quite for a long time!

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  231. The Furby – it’s so cute:-)

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  232. The Lego would be top of my list my little man’s favourite

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  233. It would have to be the Robo Fish Bowl or the robotic dog as they are two animals daddy wont let the boys have.

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  234. definitely the leappad

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  235. Innotab 3S for my little girl please :)

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  236. LEGO’s City Coast Guard (£59.99)

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  237. Oh would have to be the Nerf I am used as regular target practice whilst washing up!

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  238. My 5 year old son is dying for the Teksta Robotic Puppy after seeing the advertisements on tv. This would be my choice of dream toy for him! :)

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  239. Teksta Robotic Puppy (£59.99)

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  240. The Innotab is top of my list!

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  241. Teksta Robotic Puppy

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  242. would be Doc McStuffins bag for the oldest and Leappad ultra for the youngest.

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  243. I know Grandson has his eye on the Innotab ;)

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  244. My daughter is desperate for a Furby.

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  245. I know a 5 year old who would just adore the Flying Fairy

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  246. I think my toddler would love the leapad ultra, who knows, I might even get to use my iPad if he had one of those!

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  247. The Leappad ultra

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  248. LeapPad Ultra would be brilliant

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  249. I’d have to pick the LeapPad Ultra!

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  250. LEGO’s City Coast Guard – my boys love all things LEGO!! :-)

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  251. the leappad ultra

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  252. furby boom, my youngest is going mad for one :O x

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  253. the leappad ultra would be great

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  254. The Flying fairy… My daughter would LOVE it!

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  255. the adorable furby

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  256. I know for a fact that a certain little lady has asked Santa for a Furby Boom this year! ;-)

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  257. The LeapPad Ultra would make someone very happy this Christmas!

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  258. For my two girls it would have to be the furby :) Hours of fun and i dont have to clean up after it lol!

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  259. The LeapPad Ultra would be greatly loved by my grandson :)

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  260. Lego! I love lego! But my children would be so happy with any of those toys :)

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  261. For the first time ever, I quite fancy getting a furby this year :)

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  262. InnoTab 3S , my daughter would love it! :)

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  263. LeapPad Ultra :-)

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  264. Innotab 3S would be perfect for my girls :)

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  265. The Innotab toy would be amazing!

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  266. Either the lego city coast guard set or the flying fairy, my boy and girl have asked for these :)

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  267. Teksta Robotic Puppy

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  268. hard choice but think it would have to be the innotab 3s

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  269. Robo Fish ! my 5 year old son really wants !

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  270. My son really wants an InnoTab 3S

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  271. The LeapPad Ultra. A LeapPad in on our Xmas list – didn’t know about the Ultra!

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  272. The Doc McStuffins Doctor’s Bag :)

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  273. I’d love the Lego – it’d keep our five year old amused for hours!

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  274. Definitely the LEGO’s City Coast Guard xxx

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  275. The Furby Boom!

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  276. The InnoTab 3s would be brilliant for my two girls!

    Post a Reply
  277. The Teksta Robotic Puppy

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  278. LEGO’s City Coast Guard

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  279. lego city coastguard is on my son’s list! x

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  280. Sophie keeps telling me how much she would love a cuddly Furby Boom!

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  281. my girls would love them all but probably the robotic puppy most, because Im a mean mummy and wont let them have the real thing

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  282. Ciara is after a Furby Boom from Santa so that would be our favourite.

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  283. The Leappad Ultra – my niece would love her very own tablet!!!

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  284. the Robo Fishbowl , because i don’t allow real animals in cages or bowls in our house , my daughter puts this on her Christmas wish list !!

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  285. My son would love the LeapPad Ultra

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  286. The Furby Boom :) x

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    • Tweeted @lastkiss5 x

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  287. LeapPad Ultra

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  288. The LeapPad Ultra – thanks

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  289. The LeapPad Ultra is my favourite is a much more appropriate present for kids rather than an regular tablet and much more fun too!

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  290. Robo Fishbowl – pets that you don’t have to feed when the little ones are too small to know the difference are a wonderful idea.

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  291. Nerfstrike

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  292. The Teksta Robotic puppy

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  293. My daughter would love the doc mcstuffins doctors kit! Loves playing doctors & nurses!!!

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  294. My little boy would love the LeapPad Ultra :)

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  295. The LeapPad Ultra; playtime that’s an education! The sooner a child starts, the sooner he becomes a brain surgeon!?!

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  296. my goddaughter would love this LeapPad Ultra (£119.99)

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  297. Leap Pad Ultra would be great

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  298. Argh, that’s SO tough!! Poor little nephew can’t have pets as my sister’s allergic (even to fish she says…!), so I’d love to go for Teksta Robotic Puppy – he looks fab and I bet he doesn’t shed hair!

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  299. The LEGO’s City Coast Guard. Lego is ALWAYS a winner with the boys in my family, whatever their age!

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  300. Isaac really wants the Teksta Puppy

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  301. Leap Pad Ultra would be very welcome!

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  302. fubby please for my nephew

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  303. The InnoTab :)

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  304. my son would love lego coastgaurd

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  305. Oooh LeapPad Teksta LeapPad Teksta – I’m going to go with the cute Teksta puppy :-)

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  306. LeapPad Ultra :)

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  307. I’d love to get robofish bowl for my niece

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  308. The LeapPad Ultra

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  309. My step daughter would love the Furby Boom! X

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  310. My son would love the furby boom, as if he doesn’t make enough noise, wonder do the come with earphones for the parents lol

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  311. I would love Santa to bring me a Teksta Robotic Puppy for my nephew. These look so much fun (and don’t need cleaning up after or vets bills!):)

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  312. The LeapPad Ultra, it would be ideal for my 6-year old niece.

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  313. My daughter would love the doc mcstuffins bag. maybe she’ll stop pinching my handbag once she has one of her own.

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  314. My son would love the Robo Fishbowl

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  315. The furby please :-)

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  316. My son would love a Furby (it is on his Christmas list to Santa

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  317. I’d love LEGO’s City Coast Guard

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  318. Teksta Robotic Puppy

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  319. Definitely the Teksta Robotic Puppy which will hopefully stop them asking for a real one!

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  320. The InnoTab 3S would be brilliant !

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  321. LeapPad Ultra would make a fab pressie.

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  322. Id love the Innotab 3S as my little one’s Innotab 2 has just broken :(

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  323. LeapPad Ultra would be dream toy :)

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  324. LEGO’s city coastguard

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  325. LEGO’s City Coast Guard

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  326. would have to be the furby boom x

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  327. Oh wow this would help loads
    The innotab 3s please xxx

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  328. I would love the monopoly game!

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  329. Def the robofish bowl! No mess & they don’t die!

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  330. I would love to win the innotab for my little boy.

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  331. I think my toddler would love a Leap Pad Ultra!

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  332. We would love the puppy. X

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  333. Lego has always been one of our favourites. So the Lego City would be our choice.

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  334. I would like to win the LEGO’s City Coast Guard

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  335. For my 3 grandsons it’s Lego every time

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  336. The LeapPad Ultra

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  337. My little person would love the Teksta Robotic Puppy – she saw it advertised on the tv the other day and was really taken with it!

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