Poisson Rouge is a truly wonderful free website for young children (to help keep it free they have an on-line shop with t-shirts and software and you can also make a voluntary donation). It is a website with easy to use, perfectly formed interactive learning games. The colourful illustrations/animations are delightful.
My eight year old used to love the site when he was smaller but he’s now graduated to the more complex on-line world of Lego and the like. So, I’d forgotten about Poisson Rouge until yesterday. A day at home with my youngest (4 yrs) and an accidental click to an old bookmarked list and wow! It was Christmas morning all over again. Oh, his delight at clicking on all sorts of enticing, colourful, talking, musical objects that each did something fun and intriguing.
What’s really sweet is when the 8 year old come home from school the 4 year old was busting-with-excitment to show him his new find, the older went all nostalic and they both had a great time until dinner playing the games together. Aaaahhhhh.