When 31Dover sent me one of their simply fabulous Pick ‘n’ Mix selection boxes, it contained a perfect selection of miniatures; a Bourbon, a Cognac and a Black Rum.
Okay – well, in my book there’s only one thing to make with those three at this time of year.
My perfect UK Eggnog Recipe it is then.
I flipping LOVE eggnog. Creamy smooth and comforting on the surface, with a warming kick of sprit underneath. Gorgeous – and not only the completely obviously perfect drink for sitting by the fire in front of the Christmas tree, it turns out it’s also the perfect pick-me-up after a long day in the pouring rain setting up outside fairy lights.
So here’s my perfect UK Eggnog recipe

(NB – this recipe contains raw eggs, so is not suitable for pregnant women or young children. It also has a pretty high alcohol content, so I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t be drinking it anyway, but y’know. Just in case…)
This is enough for a small punchbowl full – I often third the recipe to make enough for four.
What you need:
- 6 large eggs, separated
- caster sugar
- 500ml whole milk
- 750ml double cream, plus more for garnish
- 125ml bourbon (I used Woodford Reserve)
- 60ml dark rum (I used Black Seal)
- 60ml Cognac(I used Courvoisier)
- Freshly grated nutmeg, for sprinkling
- (optional) cinnamon stick to serve
What you do:
- Whisk egg yolks in a very large bowl until thick and pale – a stand mixer is fine for the full amount, but when I reduce the amounts I use a hand mixer and tip the bowl.
- Slowly beat in the sugar – it almost solidifies on contact, just beat it in.
- Whisk in milk and 500ml of the cream – not ALL the cream!
- Mix in bourbon, rum, and Cognac. Cover, and refrigerate for up to 1 day.
- Just before serving, beat egg whites until stiff peaks form, and fold whites into the eggnog mix.
- Whisk remaining 250ml cream until stiff peaks form, and fold into the eggnog. (Or fold half in, and serve the rest on top of each glass, the way you would hot chocolate)
- Sprinkle with nutmeg, and if you have them add a cinnamon stick as a stirrer.
(PS – that 151% Black Seal rum? Blew. My. Socks. Off. Totally new experience.).