Our Top Five Apps For Parents
I admit it, I was a slow starter when it came to apps. Being pad-less (except for the pretty stationery type) and blackberry-owning, the opportunities for me were less than for other more apple-and-android-endowed parents. But I’m catching up – and catching on. And may ju-u-ust meander on down to phones4u.co.uk to have a just-looking-thanks play with the shiny swizzy new tablets. You now, what with Mother’s Day coming up an’ all…
Anyway. Apps.
Oh yes.
The love affair has begun ;)
And here’s our round up of our current top five fave child-friendly apps for parents:
Skype – So simple to use, such a brilliant way for them to stay in touch with family and friends. My youngest loves chatting to her grandparents, and my teen spends HOURS on Skype to his friends whilst they game online together – and calls are free so I don’t have to hover over the phone the way my parents did to me!
Minecraft Pocket Edition. yes yes. You know that resistance is futile. And the pocket edition has just enough to keep even the most pro Minecrafter happy for an hour or so…
Draw Something. Great (and mildly addictive) for children who are above reading age. And their parents *cough*.
Temple Run 2. Running, jumping, turning and sliding… perilous cliffs, zip lines, mines and forests… I’ll stop talking now as you’ve clearly left already.
Cut the Rope. Easy. Just cut the rope to feed candy to little monster Om Nom®. With a gazillion levels (well, alright, 350), collect gold stars, discover hidden prizes… it’s a bit addictive.
So come on then – tell us your favourites. What do your kids steal your tablet to play with when your back is turned?
28 February 2013
New Stuff: Our Top Five Apps For Parents http://t.co/QSu3VCBEWL