Posted By Laura in Competitions |

Collins is giving away 10 amazing bundles of Back to School books worth over £50 each! The prizes include dictionaries, a thesaurus, an atlas and Revision Guides tailored to the age of your child. What’s more, they come in a durable canvas school bag.
For your chance to win, simply answer the following question:
Tell us a book that you were made to read in school – which you ended up loving (and if it was that bad and there wasn’t one, tell us the one you hated most instead ;) )
Author: Laura
A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way.
I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing.
I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004.
I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater
When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.
18 July 2014
Charlottes web
18 July 2014
I loved reading Anne of Green Gables, could read the books over and over again :)
18 July 2014
Romeo and Juliet
18 July 2014
The books I remember reading are the Village with 3 Corners, and Stig of the Dump. Also loved all the Roald Dahl books. I read George’s Marvelous Medicine to my kids a couple of months ago, they loved it just as much as I did!
18 July 2014
I remember reading The Famous Five Books at school, I thought they were good so used to borrow them from my local library :)
18 July 2014
Cider With Rosie
18 July 2014
All I can remember is roger red hat and not finding it that interesting either
18 July 2014
Journey to the centre of the Earth
18 July 2014
The Lord of the Flies – I remember being fascinated because it was the first ‘gory’ book I had ever read!
18 July 2014
Rodger red hat, Jennifer yellow hat. Adored them, know mine would now but I’m not loving the vintage price tag they are carrying!!
18 July 2014
The Old Man and the Sea
18 July 2014
The twits x
18 July 2014
Roger Red Hat and Jennifer Yellow Hat
18 July 2014
Tess of the d’Urbervilles – had a massive impact on me! I did my best work on this book too! :) x
18 July 2014
So many to choose from! I know it’s a play rather than a book, but I loved Hamlet :-).
18 July 2014
The crucible.
18 July 2014
Mrs Pepperpot by Alf Prøysen. The adventuers of a woman the size of a pepperpot!
18 July 2014
‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ by Harper Lee.
18 July 2014
Of mice and men. Great book
18 July 2014
To Kill a Mockingbird
18 July 2014
An Inspector Calls, amazing book with an amazing twist.
18 July 2014
To kill a mockingbird & I hated hated hated Lord of the Flies
18 July 2014
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck!
18 July 2014
I remember reading The Red Pony and hating it and I usually love most books!
18 July 2014
To kill a mockingbird, still love that book to this day
18 July 2014
BFG was a favourite but hated how long it was when I was young
18 July 2014
To Kill A Mockingbird, loved it.
18 July 2014
Blood Brothers
18 July 2014
the one i actually enjoyed most was Of Mice And Men , My older two children are currently reading this at school too
18 July 2014
lord of the rings – way before the films came out it was really hard getting into then.
18 July 2014
The Hobbit, our teacher read it out loud doing an amazing voice for Gollum.
18 July 2014
To kill a mockingbird by Harper Lee, very moving thought provoking
18 July 2014
something called Empty World about the world ending and there only being a few survivors – I still think about it now!
18 July 2014
in junior school it would be stig of the dump! as a high schooler it would have to be either to kill a mockingbird or cider with rosie!
18 July 2014
I thought I’d hate Jane Eyre…. how wrong I was! I’ve read it about 3 times for pleasure since I first read it at school and it remains one of my favourite ever books.
18 July 2014
Romeo and Juliet
18 July 2014
Fantastic mr fox was one of the books i mind from primary school. Love reading it now yo my children
18 July 2014
Of mice and men, thought it looked boring but loved it
18 July 2014
Mice and Men
18 July 2014
Can’t think of a specific one I was made to read & loved, but can clearly remember being made to read & intensely study ‘Of Mice & Men’ & honestly hated it, we had to study it for a whole term!
18 July 2014
To Kill A Mockingbird. I thought it would be awful, but I loved it!
18 July 2014
Robinson Crusoe
18 July 2014
Cider With Rosie converted me to loving all of Laurie Lee’s books.
18 July 2014
George Orwell Animal farm! I hated it
18 July 2014
I can’t remember ever being made to read anything at School as I loved Books and would sit reading The Dictionary if nothing else was available however I was never a fan of The Bible. My favourites were “Plop The Owl Who was Afraid Of The Dark” Topsy And Tim” “The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe” and “Charlotte’s Web”(names may not be exactly right). So glad my parents encouraged me to read and it became a life long enjoyment.
18 July 2014
To Kill a Mockingbird
18 July 2014
The Mayor of Casterbridge, what a bore – and so was the teacher!
18 July 2014
Magicians Nephew was awesome didnt like of Mice and men
18 July 2014
Hated Romeo and Juliet.
18 July 2014
A Kestrel for a knave. I hated it. An incredibly depressing story to make a 13 yr old read
18 July 2014
lord of the rings
18 July 2014
stig of the dump
18 July 2014
Jane Eyre – hating having to read it, but now one of my favourites.
19 July 2014
Stig of the dump was one of my favourites
19 July 2014
Jane Eyre too
18 July 2014
i loved the hardy boys books!
18 July 2014
Stig of the Dump! Loved it and then a TV adaptation was made!!
18 July 2014
Jane Eyre really hated it was so boring!
18 July 2014
Hated the secret 7 to begin with , then went on to read loads of them
18 July 2014
I didnt like Wuthering Heights at school but do now
18 July 2014
the great gatsby fantstic
18 July 2014
Shakespeare’s – a midsummer night dream – still don’t like it!
18 July 2014
Anne of Green Gables – love it!
18 July 2014
The link to share on facebook leads to the wrong picture. :(
18 July 2014
Dr Doolittle
18 July 2014
Wide Sargasso Sea or Lord of the flies, both really fired my imagination.
18 July 2014
I loved of mice and men, then the teachers went on strike and we didn’t finish it
18 July 2014
loved Famous Five by enid Blyton
18 July 2014
I remember loving the Peter and Jane books especially the pictures and style of the books.
18 July 2014
I really enjoyed reading Z for Zachariah.
18 July 2014
To Kill A Mockingbird
18 July 2014
I loved The Rivals by Sheridan but best was my history teacher recommending Wilbur Smith to give us a feel of South Africa when we were studying that – still read & reread his books now
18 July 2014
When the Wind Blows – Great book closely followed by the film
18 July 2014
18 July 2014
The Famous Five, by Enid Blyton. I couldn’t get enough of her books.
18 July 2014
Charlotte’s web . . . . loved it . . . brought it for my children to read too
18 July 2014
Wilkie Collins – The Moonstone
18 July 2014
We read kestral a knave – turned out to be a really great book
18 July 2014
I remember reading Billy Blue Hat, Jennifer Yellow hat and Roger Red hat!! Does anyone else remember them?
18 July 2014
Little Prince- amazing book :-)
18 July 2014
we love reading the Daisy & The Trouble With…. sets they are amazingly funny and so true to life
18 July 2014
Harry Potter :)
18 July 2014
We had to read Macbeth :O( lol
18 July 2014
Pygmalion, I can’t remember if it was for theatre studies or English but I loved it!
18 July 2014
Romeo and Juliet. x
19 July 2014
The lion the witch and the wardrobe
19 July 2014
19 July 2014
The Hungry Caterpillar
19 July 2014
The Grapes of Wrath. I like John Steinbeck but hated this one. Have tried several times to re-read it but just can’t get on with it.
19 July 2014
To kill a mockingbird
19 July 2014
We read The Canterbury Tales. Still do not like it!
19 July 2014
19 July 2014
The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe
19 July 2014
the lord of the floes great book
19 July 2014
Wuthering Heights.. Read it about three times in a row!
19 July 2014
jane eyre and it was good x
19 July 2014
19 July 2014
Canterbury Tales – boo! borefest!
19 July 2014
Little women
19 July 2014
A Midsummer Night’s Dream – a perfect introduction to Shakespeare. My class went to see the play, too, which made it perfect.
19 July 2014
The Great Gatsby all the way!
19 July 2014
Judy blume and Adrian mole books
19 July 2014
To Kill a Mockingbird – it’s still one of my all time favourites
19 July 2014
Pride and Prejudice
21 July 2014
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. It was so good I read it own my own before I got a chance to read it with my English class!
19 July 2014
The Hobbit
19 July 2014
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. Read this back in the early 70s its amazing how one book sticks in your head for so many years above everything else that you read in school
19 July 2014
were going on a bear hunt was a firm fave of mine when i was little and again with my kids now
19 July 2014
of mice and men
19 July 2014
Under milk wood
19 July 2014
The meg and mog books
19 July 2014
We read The Inspector calls by J.B Priestley and it was very enjoyable.
19 July 2014
I loved To Kill A Mocking Bird, but hated Far From The Madding Crowd.
19 July 2014
Loved Kestrel for a Knave
19 July 2014
Danny the champion of the world
20 July 2014
Carrie’s war
20 July 2014
Ohh my absolute FAVOURITE book at school was one called ‘The Mystery Of Room 13″ It was a horror story and the teacher did all the voices, I couldn’t wait for the end of the day for reading time! I now have read it to my children over five times, and its not a small book, but I get so into it because it brings back such wonderful memories! :-) Give it a go! :-)
20 July 2014
I couldn’t bear the Peter and Jane learn to read books in school. I did enjoy Famous Five.
20 July 2014
Cider with Rosie by Laurie Lee
20 July 2014
Sunset Song – heart-wrenchingly beautiful novel.
20 July 2014
Of mice and men.
20 July 2014
To Kill a Mockingbird
21 July 2014
Stig of the dump – fantastic book
21 July 2014
The Twits
21 July 2014
Pride and Prejudice – so boring in school but I love it now!
21 July 2014
21 July 2014
The only book I can remember reading from school was “Of mice and men”. Used to be a class session where we had to read out loud, never did and to this day have never liked reading out loud or public speaking.
21 July 2014
Of Mice and Men!
21 July 2014
We had to read a lot of Shakespeare, which I could never really get in to! The other book we were made to read was ‘Animal Farm’ depressing!
21 July 2014
We had to read a lot of Shakespeare, which I could never really get in to! The other book we were made to read was ‘Animal Farm’ depressing!
21 July 2014
Spike Milligan’s Silly Verse for kids.
21 July 2014
I loved pretty much everything I read at school but especially Lord of the Flies.
21 July 2014
I adore reading so it was such a shame when I had to read Jane Eyre in school something about the story made me pass out in class and from this day on I still have never and will never read it x
21 July 2014
We read Going solo by Roald Dahl, he’s now one of my favourite authors
21 July 2014
An Inspector Calls
21 July 2014
To Kill A Mocking Bird – I loved every word of that book and I have read it both of my kids.
21 July 2014
The BFG by Roald Dahl
21 July 2014
Boy by Road Dahl
21 July 2014
To Kill a Mockingbird.
21 July 2014
BFG By Roald Dahl
21 July 2014
To kill a mockingbird and i loved it
21 July 2014
Pride and Prejudice
21 July 2014
We was made to read War of The Worlds. Scared the hell out of me! I still shiver when I hear the music to this day! I guess it was memorable though!
21 July 2014
To Kill a Mockingbird
21 July 2014
Wuthering Heights
21 July 2014
romeo & juliet
21 July 2014
Jane Eyre
21 July 2014
Of mice and men :) i remember falling asleep reading it but it ended up being a sweet story!
21 July 2014
The Worst Witch by Jill Murphy
21 July 2014
Lord of the Flies
21 July 2014
I can remember having to read Macbeth ….. I had NOOO idea what was going on half the time while reading it .. it confused me so much. Not my kind of reading!!!
21 July 2014
The Twits
21 July 2014
The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton.
21 July 2014
We read a lot of Shakespeare and I really didn’t enjoy it much
22 July 2014
Call of the Wild by Jack London and loved it
22 July 2014
Of Mice and Men is the only one i remember
22 July 2014
the twits
22 July 2014
matilda….love it!
22 July 2014
The Bell Jar – Sylvia Plath. Loved it!
22 July 2014
to kill a mockingbird
22 July 2014
to kill a mockingbird
22 July 2014
22 July 2014
i absulutely hated reading macbeth!! in scared the life out of me!
22 July 2014
My favourite set text was To Kill A Mockingbird as it was such a powerful book which left the whole class in silence after reading it in class.
22 July 2014
loved reading any roald dahl books x
24 July 2014
To Kill A Mockingbird,I loved it
24 July 2014
Billy Liar
25 July 2014
Would love to win this for my children, they all enjoying reading, I loved Enid Blytons The magic far away tree, best book ever ??????
25 July 2014
Always remember reading Of Mice and Men. (Great book)
25 July 2014
Goodnight, Mr Tom
25 July 2014
Wind in the Willows
27 July 2014
The Twits!!
27 July 2014
The Twits-i wanted to read about princesses!! but loved it!
28 July 2014
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase
28 July 2014
of mice and men
28 July 2014
of mice and men, we were all like *groan* when we saw it on our reading list but ended up loving it
28 July 2014
To Kill A Mocking Bird
29 July 2014
Charlotte’s webb – seemed so loooong to start with but loved it when i read it! x
29 July 2014
To Kill a Mockingbird..still love it to this day!
30 July 2014
White Fang
31 July 2014
flowers in the attic
31 July 2014
Goodnight, Mr Tom (such a great story)
1 August 2014
Roll of thunder hear my cry
1 August 2014
Loved George’s marvellous medicine.
Still love anything by the genius that is Roald Dahl
1 August 2014
of mice and men
1 August 2014
I loved the BFG
1 August 2014
My English class had to read Animal Farm by George Orwell. I hated it.I was about 16 and discovering Jackie Collins and Daniells Steele; I thought animal farm was a kids book and thought the teacher was treating us like babies.If I knew then what I know now???!!!
3 August 2014
An Inspector Calls by J. B. Priestley is one I remember and enjoyed.
3 August 2014
shakespeare – the merchant of venice for english exam, bored to tears
4 August 2014
fantastic Mr Fox
5 August 2014
Moll Flanders – I’d been reading Dickens and thought it would be hard for an author to top that! Even today I’m a little apprehensive when approaching books from those eras as I remember half-dreading the old-fashioned use of language. As it turned out I loved the book, and about 25-30 years later studied it as part of an A-level – it seemed like a totally new book, as there were things I noted as an adult that had escaped me completely when reading purely for pleasure as a youngster , but not really thinking about what I read! I loved the sheer storytelling aspect, the way I could be transported across time, across oceans, continents, I was amazed to think what life might’ve been like back then for a character like Moll. Fingers crossed hoping for a little bit of luck to come my way now – I’m thrilled that all the little ones in my life have inherited my love of books/reading so it would be lovely to be able to give them rare treats.
5 August 2014
To Kill A Mockingbird
5 August 2014
The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy
5 August 2014
I had to read Of Mice And Men…. ended up looking forward to that lesson each week.. loved it
5 August 2014
I remember reading Of Mice and Men too…really enjoyed it. Can’t say the same for Macbeth.
5 August 2014
I remember reading Of Mice and Men too…really enjoyed it. Can’t say the same for Macbeth.
5 August 2014
the outsiders
5 August 2014
The Nun’s Priest’s Tale by Chaucer…eugh all that middle English
5 August 2014
To Kill a Mocking Bird, is the best book I read at school.
5 August 2014
Lord of the flies.
5 August 2014
Of mice and men
5 August 2014
David Copperfield, it’s now one of my favourite books!
6 August 2014
Of Mice and Men.
6 August 2014
A Streetcar Named Desire
6 August 2014
I love reading so never needed to be “made” to read something. However, I would never have picked Lord of the Flies myself but ended up loving it.
6 August 2014
All of Charles Dickens books – l love them all
7 August 2014
Great Expectations
7 August 2014
I’ve always loved reading but the one that I enjoyed more as I got older was Watership Down.
8 August 2014
romeo and juliet :)
8 August 2014
Romeo and Juliet, hated it
8 August 2014
Great Expendations xx
8 August 2014
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
8 August 2014
The Borrowers
8 August 2014
The Gruffalo
8 August 2014
Shakespeare- hated it
8 August 2014
8 August 2014
remember Romeo and Juliet and thought it was awful
8 August 2014
the gruffalo
8 August 2014
A Christmas Carol
8 August 2014
of mice and men
8 August 2014
I really didn’t want to read The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe which I ended up with my own copies
8 August 2014
We read Kes at school and it was soooo borning
8 August 2014
Hamlet, didn’t like it.
8 August 2014
Anything by R. Dahl, in particular, BFG
8 August 2014
To kill a Mocking Bird- love it
8 August 2014
The three bears, love that story now :)
8 August 2014
Treasure Island
9 August 2014
It’s terrible, but because of having to read them at school, I’ve ended up hating pretty much all Shakespeare!
9 August 2014
Wasn’t really “made” to read anything in school and can’t think of anything I hated reading. I did (if this counts) read a book for my English teacher (was moved into the next group up after a few weeks) to see if it was suitable for another group to read. Apparently they enjoyed it. :)
9 August 2014
The Silver Sword by Ian Serraillier
9 August 2014
Lord of the Flies – I hated it
9 August 2014
My fave school book was “The little ghost” from Ottfried Preussler (as well as “the little Water sprite” and “the little witch”)
10 August 2014
of mice and men was a good book and i’d read it again if i had time!
10 August 2014
Cider with Rosie I still have a copy on my bookshelf
10 August 2014
Loved Taming of the Shrew
10 August 2014
Judy Blume it’s not the end of the world (think correct title) had to read it for English and loved it.
10 August 2014
mice of men, wasn’t too keen at 1st but it became my fave book and film x
10 August 2014
oliver twist
11 August 2014
My favourite book at school was Stig of the Dump
11 August 2014
I hated Washington Square. 40 years later I’ve just re-read it and I love it. My son’s pet hates were the Chip, Biff and Kipper books – thank heaven’s he’s now too old for those.
11 August 2014
Ahhh Charlotte’s web!I loved that book and remember choosing it to write a book review!
11 August 2014
Pushkin. I thought it would be horrible!
11 August 2014
Romeo & Juliet
11 August 2014
Charlie and the Chocolate factory!
12 August 2014
Macbeth – I did enjoy it!
12 August 2014
I used to love the going on a bear hunt book when I was little :) it was just a really fun book that you could almost sing along to :)
12 August 2014
The Secret Garden – hated it then thought it boring but re-read it and love it know and have shared with my kids!!
12 August 2014
I was made to read Wuthering Heights and originally hated it as I deeply disliked all of the main characters. The book is so full of hate and selfishness, I couldn’t understand the fascination and made myself reread it a couple of times. I still can’t say I love the book but I did start to appreciate the style – the brutal honesty and stark portrayal of the characters with all their flaws. It’s certainly compelling (even if it is a bit like watching a train wreck).
12 August 2014
Roald Dahl – The Twits. I loved it so much that at each library lesson, I chose another Roald Dahl book to take home :)
12 August 2014
Roll of thunder hear my cry, still have the book to this day! (im 28 now).
13 August 2014
Whata handy prize, be brilliant for my two – especially with GCSEs starting this year
13 August 2014
We read All Quiet on the Western Front, loved it, watched the film after course work was done, very horrific in some places when ur only 15 :)
13 August 2014
Shakespeare – never enjoyed reading it although I don’t mind watching it in the theatre x
13 August 2014
Treasure Island – now its my time to share a gret book with my children.
13 August 2014
i loved reading (still do) and the best book we had to read at school was Goodnight Mr Tom
14 August 2014
To Kill A Mocking Bird
15 August 2014
We read Z for Zachariah and I’ve never forgotten that book!
15 August 2014
Stig of the dump and funnily I still call my brother Stig to this day ;)
15 August 2014
To kill a Mockingbird
16 August 2014
Charlottes Web
16 August 2014
To Kill A MOckingbird
16 August 2014
Cider with Rosie was such a lovely book. Imagery was incredible
17 August 2014
The Scariest Thing Of All
17 August 2014
to kill a mocking bird
17 August 2014
Hated the Mayor of casterbridge
18 August 2014
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
18 August 2014
of mice and me x
18 August 2014
I loved reading anything & everything & still do, but the one that stands out for me is Jane Eyre, i loved that book i thinki read it 6 times !
18 August 2014
hated of mice and Men too..
18 August 2014
super fudge
19 August 2014
It was at senior school, we were forced to read a really old book called ‘Gregory’s Girl’ that looked really rubbish, but it turned out to be quite good!
19 August 2014
To Kill A Mockingbird
19 August 2014
I love reading but hated everything by Shakespeare when I was in school
19 August 2014
We had to read ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ and I loved it!
Oscar Wilde… Fabulous!
19 August 2014
The Diary of Anne Frank. It’s one of my favourite books
20 August 2014
The Very Hungry Caterpillar has stuck with me for life.
21 August 2014
To Kill A Mocking Bird
22 August 2014
Of Mice And Men :)
22 August 2014
Lord of the Flies.
23 August 2014
Room 13 by Robert Swindells, I loved it! and read it time after time after time …… :)
23 August 2014
Of Mice and Men
23 August 2014
Rebuilding Coventry by Sue Townsend it was my first real book as in it was not a cartoon, i haven’t stopped reading since something about that book inspired me x
23 August 2014
Flour Babies
24 August 2014
Silas Marner
24 August 2014
follow that bus
24 August 2014
Kill A Mockingbird
24 August 2014
We read A View From A Bridge
24 August 2014
Of Mice and Men, I love it now but hated it when I was 13!
25 August 2014
We were made to read Goodnight Mr. Tom (hands down,STILL, one of the best books I’ve read). I also loved “typical” school books such as Lord of the Flies and Romeo and Juliet. That being said, when I took A Level Literature, we had to read Hardy’s Tess. I didn’t think I was going to make it through that final A Level year. That book very nearly finished me off. I was also in a book club as a child – 25 books for bronze, another 50 for silver and another 100 for gold – at the local library. My mum MADE me read The Hobbit, much to my disgust. Definitely one of her finest parenting moments. What a book! And the start of a massive fandom for me.
25 August 2014
I was very surprised that I really enjoyed The Hound of The Baskervilles when I was at school.
25 August 2014
Diary of Anne Frank
25 August 2014
‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ – The thought of reading Shakespeare filled me with dread, but the comedy of Bottom and the magical stories with fairies beguiled me.
25 August 2014
Matilda was my absolute favourite book-I used to read and reread it!
25 August 2014
Of Mice and Men
26 August 2014
I loved reading the choose your own story books at school :)
26 August 2014
To Kill A Mocking Bird
26 August 2014
Lord of the Flies – awful book !
26 August 2014
of mice and men
26 August 2014
To Kill a Mocking Bird
26 August 2014
Tim and the hidden people
26 August 2014
cider with Rosie – hated it
26 August 2014
holes one book i did enjoy reading
27 August 2014
Black Beauty – at primary I absolutely lived this book ?
27 August 2014
Romeo & Juliet – I hated it at first but ended up loving the story
27 August 2014
Mr Magnolia
27 August 2014
To Kill A Mocking Bird
27 August 2014
I Don’t really remember reading a bad book at school. I don’t think i was over keen on the books we studied in English Lit class.
27 August 2014
I HATED the Wide Range Readers which we had to read all the way through from beginning to end. I was a slow reader as I am dyslexic, but actually a good reader, and so I was stuck on easy books for ages. I didn’t get to read real books in school until I went to secondary school and then I loved them all. I think we read “I am David” first and I definitely enjoyed that.
27 August 2014
To kill a mockingbird- I learnt so much from this book
28 August 2014
My darling my hamburger
28 August 2014
The Hobbit
28 August 2014
Northanger Abbey
28 August 2014
All Quiet On The Western Front…
28 August 2014
Of Mice and Men – I never did understand it!!
29 August 2014
War of the worlds
29 August 2014
Of mice and men
29 August 2014
Cider With Rosie
29 August 2014
The Great Gatsby!
29 August 2014
I have always loved reading but don’t remember a book at school which i loved, what i do remember is we had to read The Hobbit while i was in Junior school and hated it so much that even when Lord of the Rings the film was released i could not watch it as it brought back memories of that time, and still do not like the trilogy now.
29 August 2014
Of Mice and Men
29 August 2014
Kes!We all loved the lad on the front giving the V sign.
29 August 2014
To kill a mocking bird
29 August 2014
I remember reading Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night and not really ‘getting it’ when we started – but by the end I loved Shakespeare!
29 August 2014
A view from a bridge – its a play and I thought I would hate it but really liked it in the end it was curious.
29 August 2014
The Crysalids by John Windham, turned out to be really good.
29 August 2014
The Faraway Tree. Still love it and so do my kids :)
29 August 2014
Of Mice and Men.
29 August 2014
Great Expectations
29 August 2014
I remember reading Romeo and Juliet which was boring at the time but I love now.
29 August 2014
goodnight mr tom
29 August 2014
Where the Red Fern Grows. Can’t find it anywhere nowdays but still brings tears to my eyes remembering the story.
29 August 2014
I remember the teacher reading us the Sheep-Pig in junior school, I loved that book!
29 August 2014
I love Hamlet, love every Shakespeare play I ever read
29 August 2014
Not a particular book… but The lady of Shalott by Alfred Lord Tennyson has always been a favourite since I read it at school
30 August 2014
of mice and men
30 August 2014
Catch 22 by Jospeph Heller
30 August 2014
I loved loads of books when I was at school, especially the Just William books. The one that I hated was Cider with Rosie :)
30 August 2014
gone with the wind
30 August 2014
To kill a mockingbird :)
30 August 2014
30 August 2014
cider with rosie we studied in English Literature hated it until we went to watch the play at a local theater
30 August 2014
to sir with love and Kes
30 August 2014
The Lord of The Flies – I remember thinking it was amazing (but having to act bored to avoid looking too nerdy!)
30 August 2014
Of mice and men
30 August 2014
Romeo & Juliet, I just didn’t get Shakespere as a kid but now I love to read them and especially seeing theatre productions.
30 August 2014
Romeo & Juliet for my English GCSE and to this day it is one of my all time favourites : )
30 August 2014
I used to dislike Shakespeare’s novels, but love them now :)
30 August 2014
Far From The Maddening Crowd, I hated it and to this day don’t know what it was about :( I read it on auto pilot I think lol
30 August 2014
I loved Romeo & Juliet and hated The Hobbit
30 August 2014
goodnight mr tom i even watched the film lol
30 August 2014
To Kill a Mockingbird.
30 August 2014
I can’t remember any that I read and really loved because I am a HUGE reader anyway and still read at least a book a day so most of my reading was outside of school but one I do remember reading that I HATED was Lord of The Flies – I think I blocked it out because I cant actually remember the story!!
30 August 2014
30 August 2014
Animal Farm
30 August 2014
of mice and men
30 August 2014
Wuthering heights – amazing
30 August 2014
To Kill A Mocking Bird
30 August 2014
Antony and Cleopatra by Shakespeare!
30 August 2014
The Handmaid’s Tale, it still strikes a chord everytime I read it
30 August 2014
Cider With Rosie
30 August 2014
The lonliness of the long distance runner
30 August 2014
30 August 2014
Far from the madding crowd
30 August 2014
John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men
30 August 2014
Romeo and Juliet, hated it to start with, now I love it!
30 August 2014
Charlotte’s web
30 August 2014
I can’t remember, which has made me feel so old. I do remember hating when I finished reading a book in primary school, simply because I’d have to tell the teacher then choose another from the library. I was very shy.
30 August 2014
I can’t remember, which has made me feel so old! I do remember hating when I finished reading a book in primary school, simply because I’d have to tell the teacher then choose another from the library. I was very shy.
5 September 2014
I absolutely loved Holes by Louis Sachar and I hated Wuthering Heights!