Melted Crayon 3D Valentine Cards – Brilliant fun ‘danger’ craft for age 6+

We’re really pleased to be taking part in Bostik’s Family Craft Blogger’s Network – not that I am in any way a ‘craft blogger’ you understand. Oh no.
But I have taken on this potentially foolhardy and fraught-with-mishaps idea of homeschooling.
Which means I get to do crafts.
On top of which I have a 7yr old girl.
Which means I get to do a LOT of crafts.
Oh how the girl loves to cut, paint, stick and generally sparkle up a bit of paper.

So I agreed to the iffy task of a Bostik craft blogging challenge purely for her.
When I’m old and grey(er) I shall be reminding her daily of my self-sacrifice.

So – first task was Valentine’s cards.
As it happens, we’re not those parents who encourage their children to be involved in Valentines Day – sending a Valentine to your parents is just silly, right?

But – Bostik cunningly sent sparkly stuff.
So, a valentines craft it was.

Here’s what we came up with:

valentines card craft for 7yr old
Card on the left by the 11yr old, and card on the right is by the 7yr old. You glittery pompoms are a bit of a giveaway.

I know – pretty good for non-crafters, right?
Wait – it gets way more fun when you see how we did it.

What you need:

  • Card stock (folded white paper will do)
  • White paper
  • Red paper or card
  • Glitter felt/fabric or card
  • Glue
  • Foam pads
  • Sequins (shape of choice – we had flowers and butterflies and stars)
  • Crayons
  • Candle
  • Scissors
valentine card craft for 7yr old
everything you need for valentines card craft

What You Do

  1. Draw a heart shape with a pencil on a piece of white paper – be sure it is smaller than your final card size!
  2. Melt the tip of the crayon (peel away any paper wrap!) and drip or splodge it onto the heart.  It doesn’t stay drippy for long, so move your paper close to the candle, and just Heat, Drip, Heat, Drip. Repeat till the heart is covered in dots. I started with a tea-light, but found with young hands in charge the crayons dripped into the candle and drowned the flame. So I used a candle stub, and wedged it into the hot tea-light – that way any crayon drips ran away.
  3. Once completed, cutout the heart – be gentle, the crayon drops can chip off easily.
  4. Draw around the heart on the sparkly felt (or card/fabric – whichever you have) with a generous borderline, and cut out the second heart shape.
  5. Stick the crayon-dripped heart onto the sparkle heart. You can repeat this process again with a third heart of red card if you choose.
  6. Stick your double or triple-layered heart onto your card.
  7. Using the foam pads, stick your sequin shapes around your heart – I imagined a scattering of flowers and butterflies, but naturally my two had ideas of their own.
  8. Finally, write your card – and be sure not to say who it’s from!
  9. The crayon dot tends to chip off quite easily. A quick coat of PVA would keep them in place.Let us show you what we did:
children making valentines cards
The tin foil was for me to pour off excess wax and crayon drips to keep the flame nice and strong.
children making valentines cards
Keep the paper close to the candle to make sure that drips goes where it’s supposed to!
melted crayon craft
melted crayon craft
melted crayon craft
melted crayon craft valentine
melted crayon craft valentine
melted crayon craft valentine
childrens valentines card craft
childrens valentines card craft
childrens valentines card craft
childrens valentines card craft
childrens valentines card craft
childrens valentines card craft

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Melted Crayon 3D Valentine Cards - Brilliant fun 'danger' craft for age 6+

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. Valentine's Crafts Inspired by Bostik | Tots 100 - […] you’ve got children aged six and over then this melted crayon card idea over at Little Stuff is a…

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