Mamas & Papas Tour buggy review

When Piran reached six months old I was pleased to be able to use a lighter, umbrella folding style buggy for popping to the shops. The Mamas and Papas Tour is designed as lightweight solution for holidays and days out. It is easy to open and close and has a clip to keep it together. It has a carry handle and a shoulder strap which makes it easy to carry. Folded it is quite small and fitted easily into my boot with lots of room (and I have a small car!).

My particular favourite feature is the window in the hood that helps you see your child. The backrest lowers quite a bit compared to most buggies of this type I have seen which was great if we were out at nap times and the handles were at a good height. The rain cover was very easy to fit and when it was folded up it fits in a pocket on the back of the hood which is very handy. The shopping basket is quite big, but it is hard to get items in and out of it, and almost impossible when the backrest is reclined. My only other issue is that sometimes the steering is a little jerky, I think it is something to do with the front wheels but it is not a huge problem.

Overall I am really pleased with the Tour, and we have used it almost every day since we got it.

No longer available from Mamas & Papas but plenty of other stroller designs on their website here

Review by Kelly

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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