Long Tall Sally. Tall clothes for tall birds. Sorted.

Once again, being unable to attend something fun and exciting (*jealous pouty face*) we sent our intrepid roving reporter WitWitWoo. Who quite frankly thoroughly enjoyed herself  having Afternoon Tea in Long Tall Sally‘s flagship store and viewing the AW11 collection...

As Littlestuff’s Intrepid Roving Reporter (man, I love that title,) I was sent to have Afternoon Tea with the lovely people at Long Tall Sally.  It’s a hard life, but hey … I’m that dedicated.

I went to their newly refurbished flagship store in Chiltern Street, London, to
check out their new Christmas range … and to eat cake.  Lots of cake.

Being a tall lady myself, (5ft 9”,) I’ve shopped at Long Tall Sally before but admittedly, I haven’t been back in years.  I was really hoping that things had changed at LTS and that their range had been updated since I was last there.  Thankfully, the lady at Long Tall Sally – she say YES!

The first thing that struck me when I walked into the store was that all the staff were wearing Long Tall Sally clothes – nothing really unusual there but what’s great for us taller women (just like when I go into plus-sized stores,) is that because my proportions are different to that of the ‘normal’ sized woman, it’s much easier to see how the clothes are going to fit me.  Invaluable stuff.  Although I have to say, the beautiful, Amazonian black lady that was at the front desk when I walked in was so stunning I kinda felt like walking straight back out!  I didn’t, but I felt a bit like an Ugly Sister next to her.  So I just made sure I stayed out of her way!  (Kidding!  She was lovely really!)

After I’d gone downstairs, I met a handful of fashion bloggers that obviously knew their stuff.  It’s so good meeting up with like-minded people, whether it be writers, tall people, or, even better, tall writers!

After I’d eaten enough cake to feed a small village, we were introduced to model, Lisa Butcher.  You may remember Lisa from What Not To Wear and Britain’s Next Top Model and I hate to say it … but she’s even more gorgeous in real life.  Urgh.  Plus … PLUS …. she was really nice and said she liked my jacket.  So I officially love her.  So annoying.

Lisa has been instrumental in helping to choose the ‘Lisa Loves’ range at Long Tall Sally and as well as deciding what goes in the range, she’s modelled the clothes too!  Can you tell I’m a frustrated model at heart?!

We then met Jane, who has worked for LTS for a year now.  She’s very passionate about the ‘new look’ Long Tall Sally … and is rightly proud that things have really moved on.  The colours are brighter, the clothes are more contemporary and yes, they may be slightly pricier than other High Street stores that have ‘Tall’ ranges, but the difference with LTS is that a lot of thought has been put into adjusting the clothes so that they fit properly.  It’s not just as simple as adding extra fabric – adjusting the proportions has all been thought through.

Jane also explained that their website proved very popular with their customers – the forum especially.  It sounds like it’s a place where customers can vent, explain what they need and know that they’ll be taken seriously.  Long Tall Sally may be a smallish brand (18 UK stores,) but I for one would be happy to pay more if I know that I’m going to get what I want.  In a purely fashion sense that is.

They have an impressive denim range, including brands from the States, and I wish I’d had time (and the appropriate underwear,) to try some out – but I’ll definitely be back.

The main thing to came out of my meeting?  The people at Long Tall Sally really care – and I’m not just saying that because they give good cake.  (They so do.)  They consider how taller women just want to feel ‘normal.’  They understand that taller women want to be able to have as much choice as other women when it comes to buying clothes and how fundamentally, being tall should be celebrated.

And, as I ate another profiterole, all I could say is, amen to that.

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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