Tomorrow we have a live Twitter Q&A with Mark Roberts (@mr_englishteach ), author of the new “You can’t revise for GCSE English! Yes you can, and Mark Roberts shows you how”.
We’re talking to parents of teenagers, about revising for GCSE English (but do go ahead and ask any questions your teens have too. He’s here to help!).
If you have ANY questions you’d like to ask, and you’re not on Twitter, or not around tomorrow, then please do go ahead and leave them here, using #AskMrEnglish.

In the book, Mark talks students through the most effective revision strategies for English Language: how to take notes, the most important quotes, how to plan essays, how to revise creative writing and much more.
There are loads of formulaic revision guides on the market telling you WHAT to revise. But this book is different. Using language and ideas that are accessible but levels of challenge to aim for the top grades, it focuses more on the HOW of English revision and practice.
And thanks to Collins, if you take part, there’s the chance to win a £60 Spotify voucher – and 30 lucky people will also win a copy of the book!
One question, picked at random, will win a copy of Mark’s book PLUS a £60 Spotify voucher. And the first 30 questions will all win a copy of the book too!
You can find me on Twitter as @LittleStuff – do join us if you can, and take the opportunity to pick the brain of a wise and experienced English Teacher of the best ways to help your teen succeed (and obviously feel free to get your teens to ask any specific questions too).
But don’t fret if you can’t make it tomorrow – go ahead and use the widget below to ask your question now.
Any questions left here using #AskMrEnglish will also be in to win, of course!
9 June 2020
Fantastic, perfe t as my daughter we ill be studying her GCSEs from September!