Keris does the i’coo pluto review

I’ll just pause to let you absorb the supreme cuteness of Joe…

I resisted this buggy for quite a while. I was using a backward facing buggy and loved being able to chat to Joe and keep an eye on him whenever he was eating (he does a lot of buggy-based snacking), but then Joe started kneeling up and looking forward over the back of the buggy and so I realised it was time.

The first time we used the Pluto, I didn’t like it. It felt flimsy to me, I wasn’t sure if I’d managed to put it up correctly and the wheels were making a clicking sound. After another break of ignoring it and using the backward facing, I bit the bullet and set off on the walk to school with the Pluto and it was a revelation.

MUCH lighter than the buggy we had been using. Easier to steer and easier to get up and down kerbs. Joe seemed to love facing forward – happily spotting “Postman Pat” and attempting to direct us (“This way! Dot dat way!”) – and I only had to run round the front to check he wasn’t choking ten or twenty times…

Rainy days have been a bit of a problem – the Pluto doesn’t come with a raincover so first I used the universal cover I already had, but it was too flappy. Then I bought a Pluto cover, but Joe pushed and pushed it with his feet until the plastic separated from the edging and we had to throw it away. At the moment, we’re alternating between Joe holding an umbrella or just getting wet (he really doesn’t seem to mind!).

The buggy folds up easily (when I remember to unclip it, which oddly I hardly ever do) and opens even more easily (you can open it one-handed no problem, but you need two hands to fold it). It’s pretty compact when folded. The basket underneath is roomy and it has separate handles you can hang bags on. There’s a large pocket at the back of the seat below a mesh bit for peering through at the back of your child’s head (???). Oh and it reclines really easily – you can do it one-handed no problem, but then when the child sits up the back comes up with them and stays up. So if, for example, I was trying to convince Joe to stay lying down and go to sleep I wouldn’t have much luck, because each time he sat up I’d have to recline the seat again.

All in all, it’s a really great compact, lightweight buggy. And in a lovely shade of blue too.

(The I’coo Pluto is no longer widely available, but we get regular hits on this review so I’m guessing the first owners are now selling them off! You can still find new ones on Amazon here)

by Keris Stainton

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“A breezy summer rom-com, with oodles of New York glamour.” The Bookseller

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Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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