It’s The Annual ’12 Days of an ELC Christmas’! On the 8th Day… A Key-Boom-Board!

childs keyboard and microphoneSing, drum and DJ on this recordable mega music station. The Key Boom Board is compact with fun and exciting beats. It is more than just a keyboard – the unique look, style and innovative design provide children with hours of fun. From the light up drum pads to the voice/song recording feature the red Key Boom Board is a mega music station. There’s even an MP3 docking station to add fun and a karaoke feel as your child sings along to their favourite tunes.


So how to win the Key-Boom-Board? Well, you have just 24 hours to complete as many of the options below as you like. It’s easy…


See you tomorrow for Day 9!

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. He leaves them in our beds :)

    Post a Reply
  2. hung up at fireplace

    Post a Reply
  3. By the foot of the beds.

    Post a Reply
  4. By the foot of the bed ;D x

    Post a Reply
  5. Under the Christmas tree!

    Post a Reply
  6. He leaves them by the fire place xx

    Post a Reply
  7. Under Christmas tree

    Post a Reply
  8. By the fireplace! :-)

    Post a Reply
  9. At the end of the bed.

    Post a Reply
  10. On the fire x

    Post a Reply
  11. By the fireplace

    Post a Reply
  12. At the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  13. at the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  14. On Our Door handles

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  15. At the bottom of the bed!

    Post a Reply
  16. My son would love making a noise with this.

    Post a Reply
  17. to be honest we dont have stockings at christmas

    Post a Reply
  18. At the bottom of the bed :)

    Post a Reply
  19. No fireplace, so living room wall.

    Post a Reply
  20. At the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  21. At the end of my children’s beds.

    Post a Reply
  22. Stockings are left at the bottom of the bed so that we get a few more minutes of peace- maybe 5 past 5 instead of 5 o’clock!!

    Post a Reply
  23. At the end of the bed :)

    Post a Reply
  24. On the end of the bed :)

    Post a Reply
  25. by the fireplace

    Post a Reply
  26. At the end of our beds :-)

    Post a Reply
  27. On our bedroom door x

    Post a Reply
  28. Hung next to the fireplace

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  29. On the bottom of the bed

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  30. Our’s are left beside all the gifts & its the last thing the kids open.

    Post a Reply
  31. My friends little boy is always playing on the pink one of this in my cousins house! Would love to give him this one so he has one of his own :)

    Post a Reply
  32. Under the tree

    Post a Reply
  33. He leaves the stockings outside the bedroom door

    Post a Reply
  34. under the christmas tree

    Post a Reply
  35. Stocking by the end of the bed, other presents around the tree. :-)

    Post a Reply
  36. At the end of the bed. :)

    Post a Reply
  37. At the end of our beds:-)

    Post a Reply
  38. At the end of our beds :)

    Post a Reply
  39. By the fire place.

    Post a Reply
  40. By the fire place!

    Post a Reply
  41. My little boy has just started learning keyboard so this would be great.

    Post a Reply
  42. (wow, another amazing prize, thank you!). Under the tree. My mum never let me put mine in the bedroom so I never even considered letting mine put theirs in their room. Funny how these things carry on from generation to generation!

    Post a Reply
  43. wow!what a fantastic prize, x-factor here we come!

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  44. In the bedroom same as when we were little

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  45. round the fire, they would have opened them all by 2am if they were in their

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  46. Above the fire x

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  47. Ours go near the fire x

    Post a Reply
  48. By the fireplace

    Post a Reply
  49. Wow lovely prize, entered with thanks ????

    Post a Reply
  50. At the end of the bed !

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  51. On the door handle

    Post a Reply
  52. we always leave them at the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  53. Hanging on the bedroom door handle

    Post a Reply
  54. outside bedrom door

    Post a Reply
  55. End of the bed

    Post a Reply
  56. on the bedroom door handle :)

    Post a Reply
  57. Our stockings hang on fireplace.

    Post a Reply
  58. in the living room near the tree

    Post a Reply
  59. On the bedroom door

    Post a Reply
  60. End of the bed

    Post a Reply
  61. By the fire/under the tree

    Post a Reply
  62. On the end of the kids beds :)

    Post a Reply
  63. He puts ours at the bottom of the bed.

    Post a Reply
  64. By the fireplace

    Post a Reply
  65. End of the bed x

    Post a Reply
  66. In their bedrooms

    Post a Reply
  67. By the fireplace :)

    Post a Reply
  68. By the Christmas tree. If they were left at the end of the kid’s bed, they’d never stay asleep!

    Post a Reply
  69. At the end of the bed

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  70. On the front of the tv unit then they are opened first.

    Post a Reply
  71. On the fireplace, one on either side. Always find real fruit it them too… Every year :)

    Post a Reply
  72. At the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  73. On the fireplace

    Post a Reply
  74. By the fire :-)

    Post a Reply
  75. By the fire…. always!

    Post a Reply
  76. On the fire place :)

    Post a Reply
  77. first year of having stockings and we are having them on the fireplace

    Post a Reply
  78. End of the bed :)

    Post a Reply
  79. at the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  80. Bottom of the bed

    Post a Reply
  81. At the end of our beds and the rest of the presents under the tree

    Post a Reply
  82. At the end of the bed!

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  83. end of the bed !!!!!

    Post a Reply
  84. Fireplace – my eldest wasn’t too keen on Santa sneaking in to the house while we were sleeping, never mind in to her bedroom!

    Post a Reply
  85. Under the tree… or more precisely infront of he fire :)

    Post a Reply
  86. A the fire place in our house :)

    Post a Reply
  87. Father Christmas leaves the stocking at the end of the bed! :D xx

    Post a Reply
  88. what a brill prize, may need headphones though , great fun and maybe create a new wee musician!

    Post a Reply
  89. i leave mine at the end of sons bed ,

    Post a Reply
  90. he leaves ours downstairs beside the fireplace

    Post a Reply
  91. We don’t have stockings, but we have little treats by the book tree!

    Post a Reply
  92. by the christmas tree xx

    Post a Reply
  93. By the fireplace :-)

    Post a Reply
  94. End of beds, we dont have a fire!

    Post a Reply
  95. by the fire in the lounge

    Post a Reply
  96. Under the Christmas tree!

    Post a Reply
  97. In the lounge, in the warm, and then we can ooh and aah at each others prezzies

    Post a Reply
  98. under the tree with all the other presents

    Post a Reply
  99. On the welsh dresser

    Post a Reply
  100. end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  101. near the tree x

    Post a Reply
  102. At the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  103. At the end of the bed, keeps the kids amused for a (short) time before everyone goes downstairs

    Post a Reply
  104. By the chimney :D hung with care <(") xx

    Post a Reply
  105. We don’t have stockings just presents under the tree.

    Post a Reply
  106. Ours are left downstairs hanging on the knobs of our dining room chairs lol. We don’t have a fireplace and as the stockings have bells on (it seemed a good idea at the time lol) they are too noisy to be taken upstairs ;)

    Post a Reply
  107. At the end of the bed. :)

    Post a Reply
  108. end of the bed :)

    Post a Reply
  109. In the lounge under the tree

    Post a Reply
  110. On our fireplace in the front room

    Post a Reply
  111. On the bannisters.

    Post a Reply
  112. At the end of the bed :)

    Post a Reply
  113. In the spare room to keep them away from the family dog who will investigate with great delight otherwise.

    Post a Reply
  114. Above the fire xoxox

    Post a Reply
  115. In Portuguese tradition – by shoes!

    Post a Reply
  116. Under the Christmas tree – it saves all the creeping about!

    Post a Reply
  117. end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  118. Beside the Christmas tree

    Post a Reply
  119. on the bottom of the bed, keep the little angels in their room (eating all the chocolate) a bit longer.

    Post a Reply
  120. On the end of the bed.

    Post a Reply
  121. Always downstairs beside the fireplace ready for Santa to fill them up with lots of goodies!

    Post a Reply
  122. At the end of the bed x

    Post a Reply
  123. Hanging from the bannisters

    Post a Reply
  124. By the fireplace :)

    Post a Reply
  125. Socks at the end of the bed and arguer presents under the tree

    Post a Reply
  126. at the end of thebed

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  127. In the living room :)
    That’s to ensure the 4 kids all don’t get up before the rest of us so we can all open presents together :) x

    Post a Reply
  128. By the end of the bed x

    Post a Reply
  129. end of the bed!

    Post a Reply
  130. At the end of the bed.xx

    Post a Reply
  131. At the end of the bed xx

    Post a Reply
  132. End of the bed x

    Post a Reply
  133. We don’t use them,just presents under the tree :-)

    Post a Reply
  134. what a way to wake up on christmas day !! me please

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  135. next to the tree

    Post a Reply
  136. At the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  137. Sacks, not stockings in our house go near the tree in the living room :)

    Post a Reply
  138. On the bannisters – it’s easier than getting into everyone’s bedrooms

    Post a Reply
  139. At the end of the bed :-)

    Post a Reply
  140. In the lounge by the fire x

    Post a Reply
  141. Under the Christmas Tree in the Sitting Room

    Post a Reply
  142. Fire place :)

    Post a Reply
  143. under to the tree

    Post a Reply
  144. We don’t have a fireplace or bedframe so normally on a wardrobe or cupboard :)

    Post a Reply
  145. Hanging on the door handle

    Post a Reply
  146. By the fire place

    Post a Reply
  147. By the fireplace :)

    Post a Reply
  148. downstairs xx

    Post a Reply
  149. Hanging from the fireplace (if we’re lucky and have been good!)

    Post a Reply
  150. On the door handles!

    Post a Reply
  151. On the bedroom door handle :)

    Post a Reply
  152. downstairs

    Post a Reply
  153. We don’t do stockings, we do the gifts on Christmas Eve too :)

    Post a Reply
  154. At the end of the bed x

    Post a Reply
  155. End of the bed

    Post a Reply
  156. Hung up at the side of the fireplace

    Post a Reply
  157. Over the fireplace

    Post a Reply
  158. end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  159. The end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  160. End of the bed. x

    Post a Reply
  161. On the fireplace!

    Post a Reply
  162. At the end of the beds

    Post a Reply
  163. We don’t do do stockings!

    Post a Reply
  164. The end of the bed x

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  165. stocking hangs over the fire but I think when little one is three it maybe his bed :) x

    Post a Reply
  166. On the door handle/ on the end of the cot =)

    Post a Reply
  167. At the end of our beds x

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  168. at the end of the bed :-) xx

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  169. At the end of the bed

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  170. we dont have a fire so he leaves them hanging by the windows on the sills !

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  171. on my door :-) Although my mum makes my stocking so I bring it home and hang it on my own door nowadays lol. Never too old for a stocking

    Post a Reply
  172. Hung by the fire. :)

    Post a Reply
  173. We have a small sticking at the end of the bed from Santa with a few small treats, and the main presents under the tree downstairs from mummy and daddy

    Post a Reply
  174. Santa leaves them by the fireplace!

    Post a Reply
  175. By the fireplace :) nice and cosy x

    Post a Reply
  176. We will be putting them at the end of the beds this year :)

    Post a Reply
  177. on the fireplace

    Post a Reply
  178. By the fire now the children are adults

    Post a Reply
  179. End of the bed

    Post a Reply
  180. under the tree

    Post a Reply
  181. At the end off the bed

    Post a Reply
  182. we leave ours on our bedroo door handle. but we have two stockings the same (my son doesnt know this) we leave the empty one and swap it for the already filled one, to save time and less chance of waking pudding up!. x

    Post a Reply
  183. End of the bed!

    Post a Reply
  184. Hanging on the bedroom door

    Post a Reply
  185. At the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  186. By the fire, thanks for the chance to win this xx

    Post a Reply
  187. Always at the end of the beds xx

    Post a Reply
  188. End of the bed

    Post a Reply
  189. At the end of the bed.

    Post a Reply
  190. Next to the fireplace.

    Post a Reply
  191. At the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  192. Living room, by the fireplace

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  193. In the living room on the curtain tie back hooks!

    Post a Reply
  194. On the fireplace just like when i was little

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  195. by the fire place :) x

    Post a Reply
  196. by the fire place

    Post a Reply
  197. under the tree

    Post a Reply
  198. By the fire

    Post a Reply
  199. end of the bed :-D

    Post a Reply
  200. By the fire

    Post a Reply
  201. End of the bed :)

    Post a Reply
  202. under or tree

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  203. Under the tree!

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  204. Stocking are always at the end of the bed. Other presents under the tree.

    Post a Reply
  205. On the bedroom door handle.

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  206. Santa leaves them on the foot of the bed so in the morning they can be felt with your feet from under the duvet all stuffed full of goodies

    Post a Reply
  207. santa leaves stocking pressies by the front door, where he also leaves his empty glass of milk and plate when he has had his minced pie and cookies :)

    Post a Reply
  208. By the tree xx

    Post a Reply
  209. End of the bed! :)

    Post a Reply
  210. by the fire

    Post a Reply
  211. At the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  212. End of the bed

    Post a Reply
  213. We don’t have a fire, so he leaves them under the tree.

    Post a Reply
  214. End of the bed – always x

    Post a Reply
  215. At the end of the bed :)

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  216. By the fire as it is near the Christmas Tree! Plus if it was near the bed I would wake up and see him as I’m not a heavy sleeper LOL

    Post a Reply
  217. At the end of the bed for me :)

    Post a Reply
  218. At the end of the bed :)

    Post a Reply
  219. End of the bed x

    Post a Reply
  220. under the tree :)

    Post a Reply
  221. this would look great under the tree!

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  222. Hanging off the bedroom door handles

    Post a Reply
  223. By the fire, always has, always will. My little girl is asking for it to be in her room now but Santa wont do it in this house ;) xx

    Post a Reply
  224. End of the bed so they know santa has been & they can get up

    Post a Reply
  225. ……under the tree

    Post a Reply
  226. at the end of the bed

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  227. At the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  228. This would make a fab present!

    Post a Reply
  229. He leaves them by the fire

    Post a Reply
  230. At the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  231. hanging from the fire place :)

    Post a Reply
  232. By the fire xx

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  233. on the bed :D they have bunk beds so 2 on each bed pillow end

    Post a Reply
  234. At the End of the Bed

    Post a Reply

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  236. By the end of their beds

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  237. at the end of the bed x

    Post a Reply
  238. On the end of their beds

    Post a Reply
  239. End of the bed

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  240. we don’t have a fire so santa leaves ours on end of our beds

    Post a Reply
  241. End of our beds

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  242. in the living room actually!

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  243. At the end of the bed…unless the cat drags it off to cuddle up on.

    Post a Reply
  244. End of the bed :-)

    Post a Reply
  245. Under the tree.

    Post a Reply
  246. on bedroom doorhandle

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  247. Nowhere we don’t have them

    Post a Reply
  248. End of the bed

    Post a Reply
  249. At the end of the bed.

    Post a Reply
  250. End of the bed

    Post a Reply
  251. At the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  252. At the end of the bed.

    Post a Reply
  253. Don’t want to leave by the fire – that would contravene ‘elf and safety :-)


    Post a Reply
  254. by the fireplace, so he doesnt wake anyone up!

    Post a Reply
  255. by the fireplace

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  256. at the end of the bed, kept her quiet for a little while.

    Post a Reply
  257. By the fireplace

    Post a Reply
  258. At the end of the bed x

    Post a Reply
  259. at the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  260. On top of our other presents x

    Post a Reply
  261. end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  262. Wow fab comp

    Post a Reply
  263. at the end of the bed!

    Post a Reply
  264. by the fire x

    Post a Reply
  265. End of the bed. X

    Post a Reply
  266. at the end of the bed :)

    Post a Reply
  267. Hanging from the kids bunk bed!

    Post a Reply
  268. By the fire

    Post a Reply
  269. hanging from out bedroom door handles :)

    Post a Reply
  270. It was always by the fire, but now I live in a modern house and we don’t have a chimmney or fire place! Now we leave them under the tree.

    Post a Reply
  271. Stockings on the end of the bed and pillowcases by the fire.

    Post a Reply
  272. I don’t have one!

    Post a Reply
  273. on the staircase x

    Post a Reply
    • I don’t have one

      Post a Reply
  274. the end of the bed

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  275. Has always been at the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  276. at the end of the bed

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  277. My daughter’s stocking is left on the end of her bed, my stocking is left by the fireplace

    Post a Reply
  278. he leaves the kids stockings on their bedroom door handles for in the mornings

    Post a Reply
  279. Would love to win this :o)

    Post a Reply
  280. Definitely end of the bed :o)

    Post a Reply
  281. By the fire on the mantelpiece but we have Santa sacks too by the tree.

    Post a Reply
  282. on the fireplace

    Post a Reply
  283. end of the bed :)

    Post a Reply
  284. Under the tree.

    Post a Reply
  285. at the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  286. My kids leave their stockings and big sacks in piles on the living room floor

    Post a Reply
  287. Under the tree

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  288. On the fireplace, we have a big one with a log burner.

    Post a Reply
  289. This will be my first year having a stocking so don’t know yet!

    Post a Reply
  290. At the end of the bed :D

    Post a Reply
  291. On my door…..errr…handle ;)

    Post a Reply
  292. door handle so mummy and daddy can have an extra bit of time in bed

    Post a Reply
  293. Ours get left on the door handles due to no fireplace and nowhere to hang them on the bed.

    Post a Reply
  294. At the end of my bed

    Post a Reply
  295. Wardrobe door handle

    Post a Reply
  296. on my firelace

    Post a Reply
  297. Under the tree x

    Post a Reply
  298. end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  299. Got to be at the end of the bed!

    Post a Reply
  300. on the end of my bed

    Post a Reply
  301. by the fire :)

    Post a Reply
  302. By the fire :)

    Post a Reply
  303. Under the tree

    Post a Reply
  304. End of the bed for the kids, for them to look through while I try to wake up. mine is downstairs.

    Post a Reply
  305. by the fire x

    Post a Reply
  306. Never had a stocking, just presents at the foot of the bed. Now my husband does me a stocking… but it’s usually a sock.

    Post a Reply
  307. Fab Givaway, fingers crossed, Thank You, x

    Post a Reply
  308. We leave ours by the fire

    Post a Reply
  309. end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  310. Under the tree before then into individuals piles in the lounge :)

    Post a Reply
  311. It used to be on the end of the bed but after some very early starts it’s now under the tree :)

    Post a Reply
  312. On the chairs in the sitting room :-)

    Post a Reply
  313. At the end of the bed!! :)

    Post a Reply
  314. When I was little Father Christmas always left our stockings under the tree (I don’t think he trusted us not to wake up and open them in the night!). My boys are good sleepers so they get theirs at the end of their beds.

    Post a Reply
  315. would love to win this for my son .I Always put pressies on the bottom of the bed in a sack its fun feeling the weight and poking your toes to see if Santa has come .

    Post a Reply
  316. at the end of the bed

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  317. Safely by the fireplace x

    Post a Reply
  318. We hand ours on the banister.

    Post a Reply
  319. At the end of the bed, it’s the only we are allowed to open as soon as we get up.

    Post a Reply
  320. end of the bed in our house :)

    Post a Reply
  321. End of the bed :)

    Post a Reply
  322. At the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  323. End of the bed

    Post a Reply
  324. On the sofa and chairs in the living room

    Post a Reply
  325. at the end of the bed!

    Post a Reply
  326. At the end of their beds :-)

    Post a Reply
  327. at the end of my bed

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  328. At the end of the bed. Then the main presents downstairs.

    Post a Reply
  329. Father Christmas leaves my stockings under the Christmas tree

    Post a Reply
  330. at the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  331. End of the bed

    Post a Reply
  332. We have Santa Sacks rather than stockings and put them by the fireplace!

    Post a Reply
  333. By the fireplace :) :)

    Post a Reply
  334. We have pillow cases at the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  335. End of the Bed x

    Post a Reply
  336. At the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  337. at the end of the bed!

    Post a Reply
  338. No Chimney ad light sleepers = pinned to the handles of the downstairs sideboard!

    Post a Reply
  339. At the end of the beds!!!

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  340. on the floor in the living room

    Post a Reply
  341. He hides them! The children leave their stockings at the end of their beds but as all 4 still share a room on Christmas Eve, Father Christmas just puts one present in each stocking and then uses a cardboard sack for the other gifts!

    Post a Reply
  342. in the dining room x

    Post a Reply
  343. On the bedroom door handle.

    Post a Reply
  344. my stocking hangs at the fire place :)

    Post a Reply
  345. Under the tree, and if it’s any thing like last year half way across the living room floor x

    Post a Reply
  346. Hung on the fireplace! :D

    Post a Reply
  347. At the side of the fireplace x

    Post a Reply
  348. On the bedroom door handle :)

    Post a Reply
  349. the end of the bed?

    Post a Reply
  350. At the end of the beds xx

    Post a Reply
  351. At the end of the bed – but the stocking is only for little things, the big stuff is by the tree

    Post a Reply
  352. At the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  353. End of the bed :)

    Post a Reply
  354. At the end of the bed ;)

    Post a Reply
  355. End of the bed.

    Post a Reply
  356. At the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  357. On the door knob of our bedrooms but the outside so not to wake anyone up, also if they wake up way too early they have their stockings to entertain them!

    Post a Reply
  358. By the fireplace.

    Post a Reply
  359. At the end of the bed.

    Post a Reply
  360. Downstairs by the tree!

    Post a Reply
  361. By the fire

    Post a Reply
  362. on the chairs in the living room

    Post a Reply
  363. By the fireplace

    Post a Reply
  364. Under the Christmas tree

    Post a Reply
  365. By the fireplace

    Post a Reply
  366. At the end of the bed and always have an apple and tangerine in them.

    Post a Reply
  367. At the end of our beds

    Post a Reply
  368. Stockings are left hanging on the fire place

    Post a Reply
  369. On the door handle :)

    Post a Reply
  370. At the end of the bed..x

    Post a Reply
  371. Santa leaves our stockings at the end of the bed xx

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  372. Downstairs, next to the television.

    Post a Reply
  373. Usually on the end of the bed, but as my son has got a bit older he’s been asking to leave his stocking hanging from the fireplace instead of the foot of his bed I think the thought of Santa creeping in his room in the middle of the night is worrying him :D

    Post a Reply
  374. At the end of the bed.

    Post a Reply
  375. under the tree where they should be x

    Post a Reply
  376. At the end of the bed

    Post a Reply
  377. Under the Christmas tree, but he does leave a trail of footprints and crumbs after he has visited

    Post a Reply
  378. At the end of the bed. The younger two wake at 5.30am-ish and sit together to open their gifts. I’m excited already for this years unwrapping!!!

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