It’s The Annual ’12 Days of an ELC Christmas’! On the 11th Day… A GIANT Keyboard!

win a giant walk on keyboardHop, skip and jump around this fantastic jumbo keyboard to create and record cool tunes.

The Giant Keyboard is an incredibly exciting way for your child to explore music. At 2.5m long with 24 keys it’s big enough to tap, dance, leap or even roll along! Your child can record and play back their performances and play along to favourite tunes – just plug your own MP3 player into the built-in dock. The foot piano has 10 demo songs, volume control and 7 other musical instrument modes. Plus it’s easy to wipe clean and fold away at the end of play-time. Great for a party.


So how to win the totally brilliant Giant Keyboard? Well, you have just 24 hours to complete as many of the options below as you like. It’s easy…


See you tomorrow for Day 12 (sob!)!

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. We open pressies in the morning, I like to get breakfast done first but doesn’t always happen lol.

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  2. we open the pressies in the morning and usually spend Christmas asleep in front of the TV

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  3. We open one gift of our choice on xmas eve and then first thing on xmas day once everyone is up! =] xx

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  4. we’ll be vegging out in front of a film as the tv is usually so rubbish or maybe playing with toys

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  5. We open presents first thing then have our big dinner around 1.30. Then in the afternoon and evening it is lazing in front of the tv scoffing mince pies and sweeties!

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  6. 38 Sheelin Grove
    Milton Keynes

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    • Please delete my address from the above comment I was copying and pasting my answer as I wrote it out on my pad app b4 to spell check it and when I pasted it here it was my address the last thing i copied and pasted!
      Double doh it also automatically filled my partners name instead of as I am on his device.
      I normally would have noticed these errors before pressing submit but it’s 1.22am and I am unwell.
      Thanks and sorry x

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  7. noisy games!!

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  8. We unwrap presents first thing in the morning, lunch at 1pm then its toys and selection boxes all afternoon

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  9. We open our presents at the crack of dawn, Christmas dinner around 2 and then parked in front of the tv!

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  10. Presents first thing in our house! Dinner normally around 2, then we all sit down and watch a bit telly.

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  11. I will be sat watching tv with the kids eating goodies!

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  12. Christmas eve is spent watching christmas films, eating chocolate and wrapping presents.

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  13. Presents are opened around 6am usually, always have bacon sandwiches for our breakfast while the presents are being opened.
    Christmas Dinner around 4pm and spend the night playing games and I always do a Christmas Quiz with silly little prizes for everyone

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  14. First thing Christmas morning! Woohoo!

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  15. Our presents are opened on Christmas morning with the whole family around.

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  16. On Christmas eve we will be cosied up in front of the TV scoffing chocolates (in our onesies). My children each have a present to open on Christmas Eve (which is always a new set of pyjamas). We open the stockings as soon as we wake up.

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  17. And forgot to add our present are opened after breakfast!

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  18. we open pressies with the kids, play, eat then watch tv then sleep

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  19. open pressies in the morning

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  20. We get a stocking and 1 pressie in the morning. The rest are all after lunch!

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  21. On christmas eve we will be cozied up with a christmas film & christmas morning we open our pressies & stockings together.

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  22. Eating chocs in front of June tv and playing with presents. Our presents are opened after breakfast in the morning. :)

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  23. We unwrap our pressies in the morning, after lunch and a rest it’s party games with the kids :)

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  24. all presents will be open in the morning and by the evening we will all be chilling watching christmas films on the tv

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  25. Xmas Eve- we set the table, prepare veg and chill out together. Xmas day – we wait till the granddaughters visit before opening any pressies and make crispy bacon sandwiches to eat whilst opening the pressies

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  26. Family games in the evening for us :-)

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  27. We open our presents in the morning, play board games in the afternoon then all sit down to watch all the Xmas tv specials x

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  28. Family tv and a few board games (with a turkey sandwich or two)

    Presents opened in the morning but not too early, around 9.30 :-)

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  29. Christmas Eve we’re all cosied up with hot chocolates. Chrstmas Day it’s presents first thing as the suspense is just too big

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  30. Wrapping presents in front of the TV (with wine)

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  31. Christmas Eve we all open presents of new pyjamas and slippers, and Christmas morning we light the woodburning stove and open our presents one by one, is a great way to see that everyone is treated not just themselves

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  32. Christmas morning presents under the tree , in our pj’s to christmas music and a nice cup of tea

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  33. We open all our presents in the morning, however I think the cheeky elves may hide one that the girls will find later on on Christmas Day ;-)

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  34. We play pass the parcel with presents, it’s great fun.

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  35. Xmas eve afternoon the kids get a gift hamper from mum & dad :) usually pjs slippers dressing gown, a Xmasy DVD and hot choc/ sweets. Then there is no other option but to open all first thing Xmas morning surely? X

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  36. Chriatmas eve we finish wrapping pressies and leave santa and rudolph their snacks… then up beight amd early to open all the pressies!!! Can’t wait! Xx

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  37. We open some in the morning then save some until after lunch

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  38. Christmas evening sat in front of the fire with chocolates.

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  39. get up bright and early to open prezzies- then go to in Laws for Chrimbo dinner. Come home and play, then get our new Pjs on , scoff and snuggle watching festive tele x

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  40. We open presents in the morning after breakfast xx

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  41. we open presents straight away in the morning x

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  42. Christmas eve we prepare table etc for the big day ahead then the kids open their new pj’s they go for showers etc then we all settle down & watch The Grinch. Christmas morning the kids wake us up (usually at silly o’clock) we go see if Santa has been then they open their presents with great excitement.

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  43. We open the stockings first, then breakfast, then main persons. Xmas eve is for relaxing.

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  44. The children get a little something on Xmas eve….. Then they open the rest on Xmas morning and then have all day to play only stopping for their dinner

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  45. We have very competitive family party games, generally girls against boys. Followed by desserts x

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  46. Open pressies at the crack of sparrows fart, and veg in front of the tv with a glass of wine in the evening!

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  47. would love this

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  48. we try and spread the present opening out throughout the day, some in the morning and some after dinner! in the evening will probably be spent talking laughing and singing with all the family x

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  49. Turkey sarnies, wine and tv or games.

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  50. The kids open the present from mummy and daddy on christmas Eve, it has new pj’s, chocolate coins and a Christmas dvd and then it is snuggle time

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  51. I have a cup of tea then get stuck in

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  52. Crack of Dawn (I can hear them daring each other to go down and see) If Santa’s been!!!

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  53. In the morning as early as possible…..pjs on Christmas eve tho :-(

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  54. We open our presents as soon as we get up x

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  55. Playing games with the children, because that’s what Christmas is about!

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  56. We open presents about noon, don’t switch tv on family time.

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  57. the children go to bed early so i can prepare for the next day and we open our presents before breakfast on christmas day

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  58. Relax in front of the TV with mulled wine and mince pies on Xmas Eve. Presents opened after cooked brunch.

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  59. we will definately be cosied up infront of the telly with lots of goodies to eat. it will probably be a very late night because our little one will be so excited!! we will be up at the crack of dawn to open our presents. cant wait i love christmas!

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  60. The crack of dawn on christmas day

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  61. relaxing with the family watching Christmas films on dvd or tv with a glass of wine in my hand after a long but great day precooking turkey and getting other things ready for the big day .

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  62. sitting round the tv with my parents kids have gone to bed in there xmas pajamas and all the presents have been arranged around the tree and not before they were in bed as there would be none left xmas morning with my 20 month old. munching chocolates out a tin and drinking loads of tea

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  63. Wow, that’s amazing – I want one, forget the kids!!! Hopefully Christmas Eve is spent with us all snuggled on the settee watching something Christmassy – easier to get them, and hubby, off to sleep that way! Prezzies after breakfast x

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  64. we have to start on the Roses / selection box whilst opening the presents :-)

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  65. Christmas Evening we’ll be snuggled up in front of the wood burner with our pack of rescue hounds supping a glass of something indulgent and nibbling on leftovers.

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  66. relaxing eating chocs, unwrap after a fry up breakfast

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  67. Will be cuddled up by the fire hopefully :)

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  68. Presents in the morning :D Then in the evening we will relax in front of the tele eating some yummy goodies :D xx

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  69. Christmas Eve means Christmas Family DVD and then Christmas morning,open pressies first thing after the kettle has boiled….

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  70. relaxing with a Baileys and chocolates watching christmas films with the family

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  71. Quiet night in getting ready for the festivities to come on Christmas Day

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  72. Relaxing on Christmas Eve ready for the Christmas day fun :)

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  73. Playing with the kids until they go to bed and then sat watching Christmas TV

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  74. be making sausage rolls and things for boxing day buffet then sit and watch telly eventually

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  75. Kids will be fast asleep by 7am after a silly early start. We will be eating choices and sipping wine on the sofa :D

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  76. We”ll be playing silly games, those of us that are awake!, eating chocolates

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  77. Panto matinee performance, then to my parents house where nanna makes everyone a special Christmas Eve dinner, home-to Christmas Eve baskets which have pj’s, festive bath bomb from lush, hot chocolate sachets and a millies cookie, then its watching tv til its time for the kids to shout up the chimney :) ahhhhhh bliss my most favourite day of the year x

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  78. A bottle of wine and a roaring fire… and, yes, maybe some choccies too. :)

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  79. we will be on the sofa chilling watching rubbish tv with full bellys

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  80. Turkey sarnies and fun with the family

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  81. Through the day its will be lots of games and fun but by the evening we will be cosy in our new christmas PJs with hot chocolate and a christmas movie

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  82. Cosying up to the tv with wine and chocolates

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  83. If its early xmas evening I will be playing with my son and his new toys but later when he’s in bed I will be watching a Christmas movie and scoffing lol

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  84. I will be watching tv Kids on new game console I will be the one scoffing chocolates as well .

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  85. Most likely watching The Snowman and the snowdog.

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  86. i will have finished tidying, the washing done, so its my time to relax and enjoy the evening :)

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  87. TV Christmas comedy show and lots of games on the coffee table, with far too many chocolates!!

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  88. We’ll be playing games, eating chocs and enjoying each others company

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  89. I will most probably be watching a lovely christmas film with the family perfect evening ;-)

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  90. We play twister and charades with the littlies then when there in bed me and hubby play trival pursuit or scrabble.

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  91. cosied up on the sofa, all finished and ready for santa

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  92. Feet up watching the box and scoffing chocs

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  93. My granddaughter will be here this years so we will all be playing with her toys :) and watching family films

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  94. Got to have a cup of tea first

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  95. Curling up and the chocs for me

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  96. resting in front of the TV

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  97. All snug on the sofa together.

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  98. a lovely dinner and home alone!

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  99. Chilling on the sofa with some nibbles watching TV.

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  100. In front of the TV with chocolates for me!

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  101. Playing games usually trivial pursuit

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  102. Most exciting thing is Christmas Eve once the kids go to bed mummy and daddy positioning all the presents ready for the morning. Then kids up early as they can get away with in the morning and they day spent plaguing with the new toys and games and Christmas tv when were too tired for any more games.

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  103. Tv with nibbles watching downton abbey

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  104. Can’t beat a good game of Monopoly :)

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  105. Playing games with the family.

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  106. In front of tv with christmassy film, chocs and hot chocolate!

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  107. Cosied up in front of the TV scoffing chocolates for me lol

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  108. Always in front of the tv

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  109. We will be watching films x

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  110. Probably watching a film with the hubby and kids with a tin of sweeties :)

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  111. Cosying up with films and nibbles

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  112. More like sat on the floor in front of the tv, frantically wrapping pressies!

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  113. I would have finished my shift, drive an hour to the inlaws, have my xmas dinner and relax for the rest of the night (-:

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  114. Cosied up on sofa with my other half watching our kids playing :-)

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  115. cosied up in front of the TV scoffing chocolates

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  116. Games all the way!

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  117. We’ll all be watching Doctor Who and then playing board games.

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  118. In front of the TV eating chocolates!

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  119. After likely being up from 5.30, I’ll be looking at relaxing on the sofa and trying to keep my eyes open.

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  120. Madly wrapping presents!! Once the kids are in bed and have left out cookies and milk for Santa :) Cant wait :) xxx

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  121. All coisey in front of tv watching films with my lil boi

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  122. relaxing on the settee watching TV, gathering energy ready for the following day!

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  123. It’s got to be a bit of both!!

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  124. I plan to have a very relaxing day! I am super prepared this year so hopefully will be spending the day preparing dinner for Christmas Day and watching the soaps.

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  125. we will be playing games and eating chocolates.

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  126. Watching TV with a cheeky drink

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  127. I’ll be chilling out on the sofa with my husband and daughter watching TV.

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  128. Definitely snuggled on the sofa, if I’ve been allowed home from hospital by Xmas Day after having Bubba #3!

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  129. Hopefully the little ones will be tucked up in bed and me and the hubby can have a little glass of something and finish off some chocs

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  130. Tracking santa with a glass of wine, or two!

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  131. Flat out on the sofa exhausted! Haha 4 kids is very tiring on Xmas day x

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  132. feet up in front of the TV with some nice fruit

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  133. Definitely cosied up on the sofa!

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  134. On the sofa with a glass of wine watching the kids play noisy games

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  135. We play games! My nan and husband are the most competitive, especially at scrabble!

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  136. Playing games, watching TV and eating chocs and turkey sandwiches!x

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  137. Munching chocolate and drinking wine Heaven :D

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  138. We will be preparing as much as possible for dinner on Christmas Day, then putting the presents under the tree and then settling down for a glass of something special.

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  139. We usually play a few games after dinner – something simple like Uno – but my father-in-law is super competitive and takes it very seriously so we generally abandon it fairly quickly and settle for a glass of wine in front of the tv instead.

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  140. tv with chocolates x

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  141. getting competitive with noisy family games

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  142. Usually wrapping the last pressies for the kids and doing stockings, then relaxed on sofa watching a good film eating santas’s treats left from the kids lol

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  143. ?e play a quiz after dinner and all end up laughing

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  144. Tv with chocolates!

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  145. tv after lunch then games after tea x

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  146. wrapping pressies then midnight mass

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  147. Getting the games out!

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  148. Playing the silliest but the funniest games :D

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  149. in front of the tv asleep !

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  150. Playinh noisy funny games with my nephew, he is noisy to say the least xxx

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  151. Xmas eve tele with my family!

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  152. Games, love them!

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  153. Noisy family games :) so much fun xx

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  154. watching tv

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  155. Trying to work out what’s still got to be done & how much has still got to be wrapped……

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  156. I have the family over for tea then we chill with choccies wtching tv

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  157. In front of the TV scoffing and relaxing by that time :)

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  158. Love playing family games – had lots of fun with Logo last year :-)

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  159. Snuggle up in front of the tv

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  160. We love to play guess who

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  161. In front of the tv eating!

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  162. Most likely in front of the TV :-)

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  163. cosied up in front of the TV scoffing chocolates (& cheese!)

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  164. In front on the TV! Although in previous years we’d be at midnight mass although I think the 18 month old would be a bit cross/sleepy if we tried that this year! :D

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  165. Christmas drinky poos with the neighbours then snuggling up to watch Its a Wonderful Life no doubt :) xx

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  166. in front of tv with wine & chocs

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  167. Knowing me and my hubby we will probably be on our computers!

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  168. Tv then checking Father Christmas has left his footsteps

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  169. Infront of the telly

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  170. Both. Family games in the afternoon and TV scoffing chocolates in the evening! Exciting!

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  171. Sat down with some choccys playing with all the childrens new toys

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  172. Bit Of Both , Can Play Board Games , Scoff Chocs & Watch Tv at same time , Us Woman are good at multi-tasking :)

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  173. I’ll be doing both, playing games in the evening with my 3 littles and then watching TV when they’re in bed! :) x

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  174. We’re going to be having so much fun playing games and chomping christmas choccies! cant wait :D

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  175. Board games… while eating chocolates!

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  176. It’s always playing silly and fun games :)

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  177. Both. Our christmas lasts 3 days very busy but the quiet times ate infront of tv x

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  178. noisy family games , then falling asleep in front of the tv lol x

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  179. Cosied up on the sofa with Christmas films, books and snacks

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  180. Most definitely noisy games and fun for the whole family

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  181. i will be reading my little granddaughter the story the night before christmas x

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  182. Watching Doctor Who, of course!

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  183. A bit of both

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  184. A mixture – games with the family for a while then cuddled up watching rubbish when the girls go to bed xx

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  185. Getting competitive with the new board games the little ones get from the big man in the monring (tradition to get a new one every year) whilst scoffing chocolate!

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  186. watching a Christmas film

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  187. My girls are still very small, so they’ll be in bed and we’ll be taking it easy watching some Christmas tv or film xx

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  188. The family will be still excitable and definitely playing board games, whilst eating the mountains of chocolates. Im pregnant so you could find me dreaming away on the sofa haha.

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  189. Panto!! He’s behind you!!

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  190. noisy games as usual

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  191. TV all the way :)

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  192. bit of both here

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  193. Playing family games :)

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  194. Scoffing chocs and watching tv

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  195. Noisy with games (and lots of sherry!!) x

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  196. choccys and comfy pjs :)

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  197. Definitely cosy quiet evening in front of a Christmas film after a very busy and noisy day :-)

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  198. Cosy watching Christmas films

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  199. Chilling on the sofa with choccies deffo!!!

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  200. Cosy infront of the TV watching a Christmas classic :)

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  201. Watching Christmas films on the TV with some chocs

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  202. chilling infront of the TV & scoffing choccies! glad its not just us that does it!

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  203. Games, mulled wine and exchanging cards!

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  204. Defiantly sitting in front of the TV scoffing chocolates

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  205. choccies and wine!

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  206. There’ll probably be board games and chocolates!

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  207. We all collapse on the sofas and eat cheese and biscuits!!!!

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  208. All cosied up watching a film with lots of chocs. Well they do have to be eaten before new year or I will never get that summer body ;)

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  209. games in the afternoon, followed by choccys and pjs in the evening

    Post a Reply
  210. We will be playing board games with the kids early afternoon then dinner, then all of us pile onto sofa for a Christmas movie :)

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  211. We love playing games and having a laugh

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  212. cosy relaxed and partway thru chocolates

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  213. Probably a bit of both – depending on energy levels!

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  214. Games for sure…

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  215. In front of the tele trying to recover from too much food and keeping up with the grandchildren.

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  216. Oh definitely eating!

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  217. Cosying Watching lots of Christmas films and eating lots of choccies :)

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  218. cosied up watching tv

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  219. I will be 36 weeks pregnant so hoping to have my feet up relaxing by then!

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  220. TV & chocolate aha

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  221. we will be sat round the table very loudly playing board gameswell into the night, with lots of snacks to keep us going, Playing games with whole family is one of the best parts of christmas

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  222. Competitive…and a little drunken…games for us!

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  223. Will be getting giddy with my 2 year old, watching christmas films and putting sherry and mince pies out for santa…can’t wait

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  224. Board games lego lots of treats and hopefully a giant keyboard!!!!

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  225. Cosy in front of the tv with the roaring fire going

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  226. in front of tv

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  227. If last year is to o by it will be lots of fun and games all day long and well into the night :D

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  228. Tv and chocolates!

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  229. pjs fire on, games and lots of singing!:D

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  230. noisy with games

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  231. The girls and I will be snuggled, then we’ve got to pick daddy up from work x

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  232. Games,Games and more Games!

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  233. tv and blankets with sweets

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  234. Cooking a feast for the Inlaws & wrapping more presents!

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  235. Cosy watching Christmas DVDs

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  236. Noisy with games especially “chasing the grandson”

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  237. I love the lazing about watching films snuggled on the sofa but it is nice to play a little game with the children as well.

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  238. Cosy up on the sofa watching Dr Who

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  239. Playing games with the children – they are allowed to stay up late on Christmas Day and there is usually a new game amongst their toys for the whole family to play. TV can wait, that’s what sky plus is for!! Christmas day is a proper family day in our house :)

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  240. a mixture of both

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  241. relaxing with family in front of the tv

    Post a Reply
  242. I will be be relaxing on the sofa after a busy day.

    Post a Reply
  243. Family games, its a tradition.

    Post a Reply
  244. Chilling on the sofa :)

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  245. Getting competitive with noisy family games in our house!

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  246. playing board games

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  247. On the sofa with the chocolate

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  248. I usually spend the entire day in the kitchen.

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  249. Relaxing hopefully

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  250. chilling with the TV

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  251. Chilling on the sofa.

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  252. Winding down watching a movie

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  253. A traditional game of trivial pursuit :) and as there are so many littlens we had tournement of doh nutters and hungry hippos last year :)

    Post a Reply
  254. Sitting on the sofa with nibbles and a good Christmas film.

    Post a Reply
  255. Hopefully chilling out on the sofa with the little ones after a long drive from London to see family in Wales on Christmas Eve!

    Post a Reply
  256. I will be having fun with noisy family games followed with a family Christmas movie & goodies later on in the evening

    Post a Reply
  257. Chilling on the sofa.

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  258. chilling on the sofa

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  259. Cosy watching films and eating choccies

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  260. Chilling on the sofa

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  261. Deffo family time and games :-)

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  262. Both! We normally have some festive music on while we play new board games, then chill out with the Christmas TV progs after dinner and a walk. Can’t wait :)

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  263. Exhausted on the sofa!

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  264. Feeling sick on the sofa after eating all my chocs

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  265. Relaxing and stuffing chocolate :)

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  266. Playing games with the children whilst stuffing chocolate! :)

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  267. This year it will probably be relaxing on the sofa, eating leftovers whilst watching a movie x

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  268. a bit of both playing games and scoffing chocolate

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  269. I’ll be cozied up watching tv with my hubbie, digesting all the amazing food and sipping on some wine!

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  270. I’ll be zonked from a day visiting relatives!

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  271. Once our little ladies have gone to bed, hopefully hubby and I will be snuggling up with our heated throw, a box of chocolates and a baileys, perfect! x

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  272. A bit of both hopefully. Lots of family activities with the kids during the day then get to snuggle up with my hubby to relax when the little ones are in bed!!

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  273. Once everything is ready for the next day, probably relaxing

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  275. Doctor Who of course!

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  276. I’ll be walking the baby round, helping with prep and thus pots and seeing if I can indulge in some Disney whilst snaffling wine and chocs :)

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  277. Family games and no doubt the arguments will follow.

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  278. Watch all the Xmas soaps ofcourse…to cheer my self up ;)

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  279. After cooking the dinner etc. definitely watching a bit of telly with the Christmas goodies.

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  280. My grandchildren would love this

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  281. Probably asleep on the settee

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  282. Crashed out in front of the TV

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  283. On the Sofa with a box of chocs and a nice glass of red xx

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  284. Time for games!

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  285. Watching TV scoffing chocolates!

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  286. we will be watching a movie on the sofa

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  287. TV… in the hope it calms my toddler down!

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  288. Watching the Doctor Who Christmas Special x

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  289. lots of choccies on the sofa

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  290. cosy up in front of TV

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  291. Relaxing with a nice dvd!

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  292. Snuggled up on the sofa in our pjs relaxing

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  293. Eating leftover Turkey, sausage, stuffing and gravy sandwiches – whilst watching Christmas films :D

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  294. we always play board games after lunch

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  295. Pj’s, leftovers, baileys and films! (then an early night as i imagine we’ll have been up forever!)

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  296. Opening pressies and drinking something nice.

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  297. Playing games!

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  298. Always on the sofa eating whatever is close to hand, usually choccies, pringles, nuts .. you get the picture!!

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  299. we have a night in our pj’s watching xmas dvds and eating treats

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  300. Trivial pursuit at the dinner table, festive tunes in the background. Bliss!

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  301. Games in the afternoon, TV in the evening

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  302. We are usually really stuffed from Christmas dinner so we snuggle up on the sofa and watch Christmas films x

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  303. I will be getting competitive with noisy family games.

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  304. I will be playing games with the family and having fun :)

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  305. We will probably do both, family games time followed by chilling out and nibbles watching a movie, happy times!

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  306. Kids will be in bed early, so I will be scoffing chocolates!

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  307. A bit of both really. Games until the kids go to bed and then relax with a glass of something nice when they are tucked up.

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  308. Snuggled up on the sofa after doing any last minuet preparations

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  309. All the family round for traditional Christmas Eve Supper.

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  310. in front of tv, relaxing

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  311. having drinks at the pub with friends

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  312. relaxing with tv & a drink

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  313. TV all the way.

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  314. Chilling with the choccies!

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  315. Playing games

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  316. will be doing a bit of everything!

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  317. feeling stuffed chilling on sofa watching xmas tv

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  318. hopefully playing games

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  319. depends :D on if theres any uplanned parties,. or if im exhausted.. but hopefully i will be snuggled on the couch in my onesie watching a good film surrounded by sweetie wrappers x

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  320. I’ll be in a food coma in front of the tv x

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  321. Curl up on the sofa with wine, choccies & Miracle on 34th Street – or at least that’s my dream!

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  322. Getting jumped on by kids

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  323. Definitely snuggled up on the sofa, love xmas eve tv :-)

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  324. In front of the tv. Normally everyone (except me) falls asleep but it might be different this year with one year old twins running about!!

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  325. In front of the tv with a cheeky glass of Irish cream liqueur!

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  326. Watching Christmas films with the family

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  327. Watching TV with lots of snacks, cake and drinks

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  328. in front of the TV scoffing chocolates

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  329. I hope to be snuggled up ,but expect to be chasing after the kids

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  330. wrapped up warm–wood burning stove cranked
    up and a class of claret

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  331. We’ll be sitting munching on leftovers & playing games with the kids. Best time of the day!

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  332. Furiously getting the wrapping done!

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  333. On the sofa with chocolates, but I’d prefer to be getting the games out!

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  334. All the family will be watching the big movie on television :)

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  335. at work on a ship in the north sea

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  336. Going to see my parents

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  337. I’ll be watching films snuggled on the sofa feeling fat and sleepy :)

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  338. I will be snuggled up on the sofa…. Box of chocholates and wine watching tv.

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  339. Will be having a few bevvies in front of the tv. Its my birthday on Xmas Day so going to have some fun with the family!

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  340. Probably frantically trying to sort out the last Xmas pressies while stuffing face with mince pies :)

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  341. The ladies will be peeling taties, parsnips and sprouts with a bottle of wine or two and lots of giggles while the men look after the kiddies and sharing a DVD :)

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  342. a little of both

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  343. By the evening we’ll be watching TV, holding our bellies and groaning. But we will have played games earlier in the day

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  344. I want this for ME!

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  345. we will be spending the morning with just the kiddies, afternoon and evening with be spent with family and all kids eating and playing silly games xx

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  346. cosying up in front of the tv, once my little girls tucked up in bed.

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  347. I will probably be asleep – pesky MS, I run out of energy quickly.

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  348. Zonked on the sofa

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  349. I fall into the lazing on the sofa in front of the tele camp! I know I have to clear up etc during the day on Xmas Eve and cook the meal on Xmas Day, so Xmas eve is a time to put my feet up and relax. If I had someone to play Scrabble with I’d be happy to do that but my better half isn’t into board/word games. We normally end up watching soaps and a film or two.

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  350. Sofa, baileys and a mince pie

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  351. I do most of my cooking on Christmas eve so I can relax more at dinner on Christmas day. I will probably wrap last minute gifts as well, I always miss something and find it in March in time for Easter!

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  352. playing family games

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  353. Slobbed out in front of the TV!

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  354. Kids are too young for board games but can’t wait to when they are old enough – we are having family over so we will all be all catching up cosied on the sofa and if I won this fab keyboard the kids (us adults) will certainly be entertained on this great toy. Liked, shared, retweeted etc

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  355. We have such a busy Christmas morning & day that we have to take it easy in the evening & eat chocolates whilst watching Christmas tv we have no choice really no choice ;)

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  356. Bit if both for me!

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  357. We like to play lots of family games and eat nibbles why we play :-)

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  358. Wow that would be so much fun at christmas… Remember the movie BIG try keeping the men off it at christmas..!

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  359. In front of the TV.

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  360. It’ll be family games for us as I always feel guilty opening the chocolates before Christmas Day

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  361. in front of the sofa scoffing lots of rubbish having come back from the pub after a xmas eve drink or two!

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  362. lots of both

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  363. family time with lots of food and drink x

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  364. sitting on the sofa eating chocolate.

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  365. All snuggled up watching tv and eating chocolate :)

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  366. I will be passed out on the sofa after having one glass of champagne.

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  367. In the afternoon playing games and in the evening chilling out in front of the xmas tv.

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  368. Will end up doing a bit of both i should think x

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  369. I think we are better at competitive banter rather than chocs.

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  370. Last minute wrapping

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  371. Cosied up scoffing chocs and sipping wine :)

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  372. have a sleep and then play games

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  373. Cosied up with the tv hopefully, my son is too little to understand yet what it’s all about

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  374. Family games in the day…cosying up with choccies at night :)

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  375. Scoffing chocolates

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  376. I do my famous Christmas quiz, I’ve started collecting my questions already, my family love it so noisy family Christmas for me x

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  377. you would find me cosying up in front of the TV with a glass of wine x

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  378. being rowdy with my kids then settling for an evening in front of the telly with my husband

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  379. In front of the TV probably eating chocolate! :-)

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  380. Both, but mainly the TV option :)

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  381. New DVDs and chocolates!! :)

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  382. Cosied up in front of the TV scoffing chocolates

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  383. in front of the TV

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  384. I won’t get home until 8 so a quick runaround tidying after the children, get them bathed, get santas tray ready, …then hot bath and realax..aaah, xx

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  385. Cosied up on the sofa watching tv

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  386. Bit of come first though!

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  387. Bit of both! Kids come first though

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  388. Cosied Up…. I hope!

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  389. Cuddled up under a blanket watching a film!

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  390. TV and chocolates sounds more likely…

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  391. Been up since silly o’clock so its an evening in front of the TV with the little ones tried out and tucked up in bed(hopefully)x

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  392. I will be getting competitive with noisy family games.

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  393. very noisy family games!

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  394. We play games as a family, usually Frustration, which leads to alot of shouting and laughing, very competitive lot. Then a few other games, then at about 10 we put television on.

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  395. Usually we end up with choccies and telly, but my boys are old enough this year to enjoy family games too – I can hear the noise now :-)!

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  396. We will definitely be having a day of fun and games in our house 3 kids and a lot of family coming over, it’s going to get noisy ahaha!

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  397. Cosied up with some chocs.

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  398. playing games – no doubt about it

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  399. Cosied up in front of the TV scoffing chocolates!

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  400. Probably both, playing a few games then watching Christmas tv, can’t wait, wish it would hurry up :)

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  401. Cosied up on the sofa, having a rest.

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  402. having a rest then in the evening playing games x

    Post a Reply
  403. Great fun for all old and young thanks

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  404. cuddled up with the hubby watching Christmas specials!

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  405. TV and choccies

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  406. Chocolates and tv

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  407. Scoffing chocolates (I hope)

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  408. playing games with the family

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  409. At the in-laws eating and playing family games, usually involving post-it notes stuck to our heads!

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  410. Cosied up on the sofa with some chocolates and a drink

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  411. Cosy up with a book and cheese, biccies, wine and chocolate!

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  412. Playing trivial pursuit!

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  413. I will be reading the night before Christmas to the children curled up on sofa with treats cc

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  414. l will be sat in front of the telly glass of wine in one hand and choccs in the other

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  415. In front of the TV relaxing after family has gone

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  416. Large family gathering -playing games and eating and drinking

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  417. cosied up on the sofa i like to try and make it as calm on xmas eve as possible ready for the madness of xmas day. dont always work out that way tho haha x

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  418. Christmas Day Evening is usually when the adults get competitive after we’ve put the kids to bed. All day long we’ve played with them and their new toys but once they are in bed it’s time to break out the Wii!

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  419. Curled up on sofa watching a Christmas film x

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  420. proberly falling asleep :)

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  421. I will be wrapping up Christmas Gifts on Christmas Eve, drinking Mulled Wine and watching a christmas film

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  422. cosied up in front of the TV scoffing chocolates?

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  423. After getting as much prepared for christmas day as we can, its veg out, and chat with family relaxing

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  424. Wrapping pressies in front of the tv having delivered others to the family!

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  425. TV with chocs from after lunchtime onwards.

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  426. I will be watching tv and eating chocolates.

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  427. we relax and watch christmas films!

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  428. Games all the way!!!

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  429. I’ll be fast asleep!

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  430. Chocolates, Downton Abbey, Champagne :)

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  431. cosied up in front of the TV scoffing chocolates

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  432. Definitely cosy, watching Christmas TV and snacking if there is any room left after dinner lol

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  433. Noisy family games at the in-laws!

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  434. We will be chilling out watching Christmas tv, have lots of cwtches

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  435. I’ll wrapping presents and drinking wine with my sister- its become a family tradition.

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  436. Mince Pies and Brandy Butter and a large glass of wine in front of the TV

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  437. TV and chocolates is more me!

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  438. Definitely in front of the TV watching all the christmas soaps, nice big box of chocolates and maybe a glass of wine, or two x

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  439. Eating choc watching xmas films :)

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  440. Feet up glass of wine and chocolates watching tv :D

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  441. watching a film like the pola express with the kids

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  442. hi christmas evening is all about playing games and having a laugh and if we arnt too full of food a bit of karaoke and a jump around on the dance mat x

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  443. Port while we finish any wrapping to be done listening to Christmas music.

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  444. A cool mojitos and chocolates watching movies xx

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  445. Playing games with the family

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  446. Has to be party food and a nice glass of wine. You can’t beat food that comes in miniature

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  447. probably wrapping the last of the presents up

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  448. celebrating my wedding anniversary with my husband

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  449. Probably building lego sets and playing charades

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  450. Scoffing copious amounts of cake and chocolates and playing with my little fella and his new toys.

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  451. I will be watching TV with a big bag of cashew nuts and some cheese and crackers

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  452. Great giveaway a special little boy or girl would love opening this Christmas morning x

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  453. Tv and chocolates

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  454. By the fire, eating, drinking and watching TV

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  455. Snuggled on the sofa watching crimbo films

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  456. I will be wrappingup the last of my presents and getting ready for my babies first Christmas :-)

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