It’s The Annual ’12 Days of an ELC Christmas’! On the 10th Day… A Hoppalong Rabbit!

hop along rabbit ride on toy


Your little one will love the bouncy Hop Along Rabbit: hop onto the giant rabbit’s back and bounce up and down and all around.

This ride-on rabbit is a great way to get your toddler moving through active play, making it a fun way of getting some exercising and building strength. Play outdoors in the fresh air and race against friends, or guide the bunny through obstacle courses.

So how to win the utterly delicious Hop Along Rabbit? Well, you have just 24 hours to complete as many of the options below as you like. It’s easy…


See you tomorrow for Day 11!

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. we always unwrap after breakfast

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    • We always open before breakfast

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  2. mid morning, once everyones up and ready.

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  3. Normally once all the family is together, we will open our presents, so before lunch generally.

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  4. a bit of both – some as soon as we wake up, some after dinner and ALWAYS one on Xmas Eve

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  5. we unwrap a few in bed then the rest downstair’s b4 and after breakfast

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  6. In the morning :)

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  7. Always when we get up in the morning

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  8. First thing in the morning :)

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  9. early Morning

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  10. After breakfast

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  11. First thing in the morning on Christmas Day!

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  12. First thing Christmas morning! Woohoo!

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  14. First thing on Christmas morning

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  15. Immediately after putting the kettle on :)

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  16. In the morning – first thing

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  17. everything gets unwrapped first thing in the morning

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  18. Early morning, while eating bacon sarnies and drining bucks fizz :-)

    Post a Reply
  19. We open ours first thing as usually the kids are too excited to wait

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  20. After breakfast always like to know everyone has had a good breakfast first. :)

    Post a Reply
  21. In the morning before breakfast

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  22. Has to be mornings, straight away!

    Post a Reply
  23. my little ones have me up by 6 at the latest christmas morning so they can open there presents , i cant wait getting so exited at the thought of seeing there exited faces ;o)

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  24. We unwrap as soon as we get up!

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  25. A 3yo and 18mo so 1st thing…

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  26. As soon as we are up :)

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  27. christmas morning :-)

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  28. First thing in the morning.x

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  29. morning, before breakfast

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  30. First thing :)

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  31. Open most of them in the morning but save a few for the afternoon too x

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  32. Noon when guests arrive

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  33. Morning – another fabulous prize thank you! We open them in the morning at home, after breakfast and then again after Christmas Dinner at my mum’s.

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  34. Always in the morning. Made to wait until after lunch when I was younger, so soon stopped that when I was old enough!

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  35. In the hanging around for us

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  36. Usually get up have a cuppa and a bacon sandwich and open presents. But this years gonna be alot different now the little ones 1 1/2 years old! First thing we’ll all be diving in!

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  37. We try and stagger it, they open some first thing so they are occupied whilst I cook breakfast then we open the rest as family arrive.

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  38. Morning for most then bring some out before dinner (the daughter has too many to take in otherwise!)

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  39. Morning :D All go down together and watch our little boys face light up, soo excited!! xx

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  40. first thing in morning before breakfast

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  41. Always unwrap them as soon as we get up !

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  42. Wow would love one of these so cute xx

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  43. First thing

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  44. morning as early as i can wake my kids up lol i love christmas

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  45. after breakfast

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  46. After breakfast!

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  47. Before breakfast – crack of dawn!

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  48. As soon as the children are awake!!

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  49. in the morning once everyone awake, and got a drink xx and that is if santa has been around and all been good

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  50. first thing as early as possible :)

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  51. mornings, after brekkie

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  52. All in the morning

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  53. In the morning

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  54. Always first thing with a cuppa

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  55. After breakfast, that’s the aim anyway.

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  56. Mornings , i’m like a big kid lol couldn’t possibly wait any longer i wait all year for Santa to show up as it is :-P

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  57. Stockings first thing, then the other presents after breakfast with Bucks Fizz and Mince pies

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  58. Very early in the morning!

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  59. It is usually around 6am with cups of tea and bacon butties

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  60. open stockings together when they wake up and then go downstairs and open them straight away (normally while eating a chocolate santa/snowman for breakfast…)

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  61. Early morning then its breakfast but kids too excited and busy to eat much!

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  62. as soon as they are awake

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  63. A pile in the morning and the ones under the tree after lunch

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  64. As soon as my little guy wakes up :-)

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  65. as early in the morning as the kids wake up

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  66. We usually have to wake the children up so we open them after a cup of tea and a croissant…..we always have a croissant on christmas morning :))

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  67. It’s normally in the mornings but this year am going to try to space the presents out throughout the day

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  68. As soon as everyone is awake and have had breakfast!

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  69. In the morning

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  70. In the morning, but only after breakfast and we’ve had time to get dressed!

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  71. We are opening the presents throughout the day not all at once.

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  72. As soon as we wake up, my partner does us toast and tea and me and George will put the pressies in piles then unwrap we go!

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  73. As soon as I have made a cup of tea for the adults then the kids start their presents which leads to the adults opening theirs

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  74. After breakfast

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  75. Come downstairs and open them straight away :)

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  76. After lunch. Has just always been that way, and I wouldn’t change it for the world

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  77. on christmas morning before lunch

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  78. First thing in the morning!

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  79. Kids open theirs as soon as they get up, normally 5am!!!! I wait till I’ve eaten my breakfast lol

    Post a Reply
  80. first thing in the morning

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  81. first thing in the morning when the kids wake up

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  82. after a cup of tea

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  83. When we wake up.

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  84. Presents open as soon as they wake up

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  85. Morning as soon as we’re awake

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  86. First one before lunch, once the turkey is in!

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  87. pressies from us in morn, other family in aft

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  88. We open presents straight away, well as soon as I’ve made a cup of coffee :-)

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  89. first thing in the morning

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  90. After all the family have had a bath and breakfast.

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  91. We go down stairs and have a cup of tea ( hot choc milk for the little ones) have breakfast then start opening presents before working our way round family’s houses :-)

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  92. first thing in the morning when the kids go downstairs

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  93. In the morning after bucks fizz and bacon sandwiches!xx

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  94. In the morning once I’ve watched the kids open theirs first.

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  95. Before lunch, we’d be too full after! :)

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  96. As soon as we are awake!

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  97. Stocking present go on the end of the bed as a distraction so that mum and dad can wake up gradually before full on day

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  98. First thing on the morning. There would be no way I could keep them from the kids any longer.

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  99. My kids open their presents as soon as they open their eyes, the hubby and I wait until the children have finished xx

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  100. After lunch. But this year our little girl is 2 – so not sure how that might work!

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  101. In the morning after everyone has eaten breakfast

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  102. Most of them in the morning but the family keep a few for New Year’s morning as well

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  103. As soon as we wake up, wayyyy too exciting to wait til after lunch lol!

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  104. In the morning but I make all my children have breakfast first.

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  105. firdt thing in the morning, as soon as we get up, all excited and have rushed down to all sit round the living room in our pj’s passing gifts round!

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  106. Me and my sister stay up with my mum and open them after putting all the presents out on Xmas Eve for my daughter. As soon as it is Christmas at 12’o clock we all gather round and enjoy opening them. Then Christmas is the day for my daughter!

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  107. In the morning, but only when everyone is up & ready

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  108. In the morning, too excited to wait any longer!

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  109. In the morning before breakfast!

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  110. Morning, we can’t wait

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  111. As soon as everyone’s awake! We all open them together :) x

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  112. christmas morning!!

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  113. After coffee and another coffee.

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  114. As soon as we’re up

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  115. One each when we get up and the rest after dinner, before we have our Christmas pudding!

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  116. In the morning, I have zero patience!

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  117. In the morning – we try to last until after breakfast but doesn’t usually work that way! Lol

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  118. In the morning. Couldn’t wait until after lunch!

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  119. In the morning, no way I could wait any longer than that!

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  120. In the morning for Santa presents, afternoon for presents from family.

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  121. We space it out some in the morning, some after lunch and then some more in the evening!!!!

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  122. In the morning as soon as we wake up :)

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  123. Open pressies in the morning but not before breakfast. I’m a horrible mummy and say no chocolate until after someone has eaten something heathy. :)

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  124. In the morning after breakfast

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  125. i get so excited i have to wake the kids and the husband up to open presents before we host christmas!!!!!! lol xx

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  126. in the morning with a cuppa :)

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  127. First thing in the morning. Kids still in PJs. All too excited to wait!!

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  128. Anytime after 7 am!

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  129. First thing in the morning

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  130. as soon as we are all awake…who in the right mind would leave their kids waiting till after lunch that would be sooooo mean

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  131. Late morning, when all the family are around

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  132. By the time we’ve done the stockings, all had a good breakfast and got up and dressed, and get the lunch ready, we run out of time to do most of the presents and leave them until after lunch!

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  133. We spread them out throughout the day, keeps the suspense going lol x

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  134. we open from each other (my husband and son and me) first thing with our cup of tea, then rest of family as and when through the day, and presents from non family on boxing day

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  135. First thing in the morning. Stockings in the rooms (which always have a DVD to keep them quiet until a reasonable hour), then all downstairs. Presents are laid out on a couch each and they take turn opening one each.

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  136. First thing in the morning

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  137. We get up, have a cuppa and tackle the presents at about 9.30. We hand them out in turn and really take a long time over them. We make it last until about midday, swhen we are getting hungry…always sad when that part is over!

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  138. we like to open our stockings in bed then get some breakfast then open our presents under the tree and theres always a surprise one left for after lunch x

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  139. in the morning :)

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  140. we unwrap everything first thing Christmas morning!

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  141. 1st thing, too excited to wait :-)

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  142. In the morning!

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  143. In the morning, right after making a brew :)

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  144. First thing in the morning!

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  145. late morning

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  146. As soon as we get up, still in pj’s (but I do have to grab a coffee first as it can be very early with my 2 little monsters)

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  147. kettle first then presents

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  148. We do it after xmas dinner….the kids do it at 3am ;)

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  149. About 2 minutes past midnight Christmas eve :o

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  150. first thing in the morning :-)

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  151. First thing in the morning, but it usually lasts all day!

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  152. Who can wait until after dinner, I can’t.

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  153. After linch – it motivates people to do the washing up

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  154. Some in the morning & big presents when the family are all together.

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  155. We open most in the morning but we try and spread a few out throughout the day so the excitement lasts a bit longer!

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  156. some in the morning, and the rest after lunch

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  157. we open our presents in the morning after breakfast xx

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  158. we open presents from close family in the morning, and extended family in the afternoon

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  159. morning – children cant wait any longer !

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  160. Always in the morning, with the tree presents given out on Boxing Day.

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  161. In the morning

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  162. In the morning :)

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  163. As soon as they reach the Christmas Tree!

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  164. As soon as the kids are up :D

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  165. Well that depends but usually we open the pressnts when my granddaughters come either for dinner or stopping off on their way elsewhere.

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  166. in the morning, and I try to save one for after lunch.

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  167. Family pressies are after Christmas fun, make the fun last!
    Was oggling this bunny for my bouncy boy in ELC the other day, love him! x

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  168. First thing when everyone is up which is about five lol.

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  169. When with my family we open after Christmas Dinner. Hubby’s family open them first thing!

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  170. mornings of course!!

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  171. For the kids we try to spread them out over the whole day

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  172. FIrst thing in the morning

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  173. as soon as the kids have done there santa sacks so b4 dawn lol

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  174. Morning or middle of the night !

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  175. In the morning

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  176. We open them on Christmas morning

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  177. Some in the Morning and some after lunch!

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  178. Def the morning. I’m worse than the kids!!

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  179. always in the morning :)

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  180. In the morning :)

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  181. We open them a little bit at a time some in the morning, some after lunch and some with supper.

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  182. the great gran/gran children, open some first thing, before breakfast, then we have a great clan gathering, and they open the rest, after christmas dinner

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  183. My husband and I unwrap our presents after lunch but the kids do theirs in the morning – They would burst if they had to wait

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  184. Some in the morning – usually we ‘guide’ the girls towards a cd or game so they’ve got something to listen to/play. Some we open in the afternoon after lunch, and we sometimes keep some to open on Boxing Day just to spread it out a bit :)

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  185. first thing in the morning!

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  186. First thing in the morning when the kids dive bomb my bed :) which is usually about 5 or 6am

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  187. Most of the presents are open in the morning, but some of my younger boys presents are kept until after dinner. xx

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  188. In the mornings

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  189. After Christmas dinner

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  190. All before breakfast

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  191. In the mornings as soon as we get up !

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  192. mornings :)

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  193. first thing in the morning! we can’t wait any longer!

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  194. We used to do first thing in the morning but we found everyone was just too tired to enjoy the presents (and even too grumpy) so we allow one present for each person to open then whilst the kids play- we cook Christmas lunch and get it ready then after all is cleared and everyone is in the living room – we open presents -then no one feels left out and everyone enjoys the day. Also find it stretches the day out nicely.

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  195. In the morning, first thing!

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  196. We did wait last year, first year ever

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  197. we open our presents in the morning

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  198. we open our presents in the morning :)

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  199. We open santa pressies in the morning then we have breakfast and open the presents from under the tree which are from family and friends

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  200. Always in the morning x

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  201. after dinner and all the washing up is done about 4-5pm usually

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  202. We open our pressie’s in the morning

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  203. Morning yawn :)

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  204. The immediate family all open our pressies on Xmas morning but after lunch we meet up with the nieces nephews, sisters and brothers and open up more pressies.

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  205. The morning, my kids love it, although we have been known to pop off and visit family so sometimes there’s pressies left for them to open at home on Boxing Day. Double Christmas, yay!

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  206. in the mornings

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  207. one….after midnight. The dogs open theirs in the morning and the rest we get chance/see people throughout the day

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  208. Morning!! couldn’t wait until the afternoon/evening.

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  209. As soon as we wake up, we have no will power in our house.

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  210. At my in laws it’s always in the morning but at my Grans it was always after Christmas Lunch :)

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  211. In the morning, always! x

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  212. always very early morning

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  213. We usually unwrap our Eid presents in the evening when the whole family’s together and we’re enjoying the family party and food. :)

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  214. In the evening 24.12.

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  215. In the morning

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  216. After we have eaten the selection boxes for our breakfast.

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  217. First thing in the morning

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  218. Stockings are opened in bed first thing in the morning

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    • Oops. Pressed send too soon….And presents under the tree are done when we are dressed

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  220. all in the morning

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  221. in the morning

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  222. When all the family arrive

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  223. A couple of presents first thing and then the rest after church.

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  224. First thing in the morning

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  225. Definitely first thing in the morning

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  226. mornings! I cant wait til Lunch time! Haha x

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  227. Usually in the early hours of the morning, when Father Christmas probably hasn’t left our town boundary! How do the kids always know what “he as been?”

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  228. Morning! Can’t wait til lunchtime :)

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  229. first thing in the morning

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  230. I’m a bit sneaky i always open a prezzy at 12.01 midnight!…well it is Xmas Day :) The rest are opened when everyone is together!

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  231. In the morning

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  232. first thing in the morning:D (crack of dawn in our house!)

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  233. Since we have a family farm we have to wait till all the animals are fed and chores are done so its after lunch for us

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  234. definitely first thing in the morning!

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  235. After Christmas breakfast

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  236. As soon as possible!!

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  237. in the morning

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  238. First thing in the morning, although you have to have breakfast first then presents x

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  239. Before Lunch

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  240. in the morning after breakfast but maybe a sneaky one before!

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  241. First thing in the morning.

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  242. Usually a sneaky one in the morning, but everything else waits until after Christmas lunch.

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  243. Usually in the morning, because I’m too excited to see my son’s face!

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  244. as soon as evryone is up!

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  245. We open our pressies Christmas morning.

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  246. Usually after breakfast (hot chocolate croissants, mmm) although this year I think our 18 month old will be having us open them first thing! Can’t wait :)

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  247. We always open all of our presents first thing in the morning.

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  248. first thing in the morning

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  249. we open them in the morning so we have all day to enjoy our gifts :) x

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  250. Just before lunch.

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  251. In the morning! Straight after the church

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  252. after lunch :-(

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  253. First thing in the morning!

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  254. We open all the presents on Christmas Eve :)

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  255. mornings. Even now with kids of my own I couldn’t wait until after lunch!

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  256. At a ungodly hour in the morning! my husband wakes us all up at what feels like the middle of the night. I thought it was meant to be the kids that got excited and woke up early?

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  257. in the morning

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  258. Kids in the morning, everyone else after lunch

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  259. As soon as everyone is out of bed!

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  260. In the morning, as soon as possible!

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  261. Christmas morning

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  262. 1st thing in the morning don’t think the children could wait any longer

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  263. When everyone is up and all the lunch prepped/on so about 11 when it is perfectly acceptable to pour yourself a drink too.

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  264. in the morning as soon as the kids wake up :)

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  265. i wrap up on christmas eve xx

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  266. Christmas morning so exciting xx

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  267. Always first thing in the morning before we do anything else.

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  268. Mornings…couldn’t wait any longer :)

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  269. on xmas morning after my daughter :)

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  270. Has to be morning – the kids wouldn’t let it be otherwise!

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  271. First thing in the morning, of course!!

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  272. Whenever we wake up :-) usually morning!!

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  273. First thing in the morning for us

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  274. as soon as we get up!

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  275. We unwrap some of them in the morning, but we save some until after lunch to make it more magical :)

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  276. We open our first one after breakfast and then gradually throughout the day with the last one just before bed! x

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  277. As soon as we wake up

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  278. Christmas morning.

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  279. In the morning :p

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  280. oops sorry just love the rabbit lol we have a frenzy first thing in the morning the spend the day playing :D

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  281. first thing in the morning

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  282. In the morning, straight after breakfast

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  283. As early in the morning as possible!

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  284. First thing in morning when we wake up, my kids couldn’t wsit there always to excited

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  285. First thing in the morning.

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  286. Christmas morning :)

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  287. In the morning while drinking a cup of tea :)

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  288. Defo 1st thing in the morning – I dont think I cold wait let alone the kids! :D

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  289. leave it to last minute lol xmas morning

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  290. Christmas morning.

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  291. Christmas morning, so we hold back dinner to between 3pm & 4pm

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  292. in the morning same time as stockings but were made to wait until after lunch as a child

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  293. In the morning, too excited to wait :)

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  294. In the morning – we just can’t wait!

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  295. We unwrap our presents in the morning :)

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  296. 4am unless convince them to go back to bed until 7ish x

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  297. In the morning x

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  298. In the morning it would be agony to wait

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  299. Open the presents in the morning :)

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  300. After breakfast.

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  301. In the morning of course, can’t wait

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  302. In the morning after we’re dressed and had breakfast and then again in the afternoon with the extended family

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  303. Christmas Morning

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  304. Morning – no way we could wait til the afternoon!!

    Post a Reply
  305. Christmas morning can’t wait any longer.

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  306. In the Morning of course!!

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  307. We unwrap some in the morning and the rest after lunch.

    Post a Reply
  308. In the morning as my children always want to see what everybody else receives ater they’ve opened theirs.

    Post a Reply
  309. We open our Santa presents in the morning and open gifts from others after dinner. As we have family Christmas dinner on Boxing Day alternate years (as it is this year)the gifts from others get opened after dinner then. Christmas lasts for two days for the grandkids when this happens.

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  310. Mornings and normally at silly o clock

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  311. open them all on a morning too excited with my children x

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  312. Morning! Can’t wait too long!!! :)

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  313. in the morning depending on where we are staying.

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  314. About 4am when I wake the kids up!

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  315. I’m usually dragged out my bed about 5am

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  316. 4am in the morning, when the kids wake us up!

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  317. We open our presents in the morning, but all together sitting around the room.

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  318. Late Christmas morning about 11am but we also safe a few to have about 3pm when we have our Christmas dinner.

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  319. In the morning before breakfast x

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  320. First thing in the morning!

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  321. the kids normally open one small gift (normally the pj’s they get from great nan)on christmas eve before bed , and then the rest at a ungodly hour on christmas morning x

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  322. Mornings – before breakfast!

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  323. first thing in the morning normally about 5am if the kids have anything to do with it! lol

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  324. First thing on a morning

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  325. In the morning x

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  326. Early hours of the morning!

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  327. After lunch

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  328. I wrap at the start of December ,that way i can’t change my mind..

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  329. Morning – we’re all impatient lol

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  330. We do some before breakfast, then some more afterwards and even some in the late afternoon if there is a lot to unwrap!

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  331. The morning!

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  332. Morning, it’s what the mornings are for

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  333. In the morning before breakfast :)

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  334. Christmas morning

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  335. in the morning, first thing

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  336. We have a champagne breakfast..then around 10 am we open the pressies.. x

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  337. in the morning straight after breakfast my boys wouldn’t wait any longer!

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  338. Christmas morning, I don’t think any could wait till after Christmas lunch!

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  339. We open stockings straight off but the presents have to wait until everyone is dressed in their finery and we have all enjoyed a lavish breakfast x

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  340. In the morning, my toddler wont wait lol.

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  341. Always in the morning with a bacon sandwich

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  342. mid-morning ususally

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  343. In the morning, we wouldn’t be able to wait until lunch haha. I’m worse than the kiddies :)

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  344. As soon as my little monsters wake up! :-)

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  345. Always after lunch

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  346. in the morning, normally before breakfast is even started.

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  348. First thing in the morning after a nice cuppa.

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  349. In The Morning

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  350. First thing in the morning! :-)

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  351. Open presents in the morning

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  352. First thing in the morning…usually silly o’clock when the kids get up.

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  353. in the morning although it takes a while as Jake doesn’t rush

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  354. In the morning :)

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  355. as soon as we wake up

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  356. Morning, but we eat breakfast first.

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  357. in the morning , no way could i wait till after lunch xxx

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  358. morning but kids not allowed to get up until 8am

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  359. As soon as we wake up!

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  360. I normally open one or two a week before Christmas because that’s when my mum comes to stay with me for a couple of days. Then I open the rest on Christmas day some before dinner and some afterwards.

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  361. Christmas morning over a cup of tea and a bacon sandwich.

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  362. After lunch.

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  363. We unwrap in the morning usually about 9 am and then we take it in turns going from youngest to eldest to open a gift at a time x

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  364. in the morning xxx

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  365. In the morning

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  366. Christmas night

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  367. oh I am being cruel, daughter gets up with Daddy early while I have a lie in, then we have a smashing big breakfast and then she is allowed to open her pressies

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  368. I open mine throughout the day, starting at just gone midnight with the one from the OH, some in the morning, then its off visiting to see the people that aren’t going to mums and more unwrapping, then mums for dinner and the final unwrapping after.I love seeing all the kids unwrap or if I miss that at least to be there soon after.

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  369. We open them in the afternoon, after lunch and before people fall asleep during the Queen’s speech

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  370. In the morning on our bed before breakfast

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  371. Some first thing and some later!

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  372. First thing in the morning, My children could not wait until after lunch!!!

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  373. Morning….normally before the birds are up.

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  374. All through the day, but mainly morning

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  375. When we get up, I’d like to blame the kids, but I couldn’t wait either :)

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  376. Morning,crack of dawn!. My kids would never wait! :)

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  377. First thing in the morning! We make the kids wait until we grab a cup of tea then let them rip in. I have a large family so the kids always get far too many presents so this year we are leaving lots with the grandparents so we can have a second xmas a few days later.

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  378. We do it in the mornings

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  379. In the morning. Getting excited.

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  380. mainly in the morning

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  381. After Midnight mass – so before I go to bed & before I wake up on Christmas morning

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  382. In the morning :)

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  383. in the morning.usually around 9ish after we have opened the stocking and had a brew (or hot chocolate) x

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  384. In the morning!

    Kel x

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