Important To Know About Laser Hair Removal For Different Skin And Hair Type

Being free from unwanted hair is everyone’s desire as it makes you look and feel the best.  If you have chosen the laser hair removal treatment over the traditional shaving, tweezing, plucking or waxing methods to experience smooth and silky hair-free skin, then it is important that you know things about this popular treatment. Though it is a simple process it can be challenging based on one’s hair and skin types.

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If you are willing to undergo this treatment, it is advised that you come prepared by shaving all the unwanted hair. In this treatment, high-intensity laser beams are allowed to fall on the hair follicles to destroy them while leaving the surrounding region unharmed. Laser treatment usually reduces the hair growth in the treated regions while some may experience re-growth. You will see good effective results once you attend 6 to 8 sessions regularly.Laser treatment can reduce the density of the growth of hair in the treated areas or can permanently remove all the unwanted hair and this depends upon:

  • Colour and thickness of the hair
  • Colour of the patient’s skin
  • Type and quality of the laser used
  • Ability and training of the person operating the laser

Laser for Fair Skin and Blonde Hair

Laser attracts the pigment or the colour in the hair follicle, hence blonde hair does not easily attract the laser beams as it does not have enough pigment. For such skin colour and hair type, the traditional laser method cannot be used. Specially developed laser such as the Alexandrite Laser can be used to attain effective solutions. People with such skin and hair colour can witness permanent hair removal in 4-6 treatments or sometimes 6 -12 treatments every 4-6 weeks.

Laser Hair Removal for Brown Skin??

Treating dark/black skin from that of the pale skin is challenging as the laser cannot differentiate the skin from the hair as both are of the same tones. Using the traditional laser method will cause discolouration affecting the surrounding areas as the laser cannot differentiate the surrounding skin tissue. However, the Nd: Yag laser is the most effective solution to treat people with dark skin and hair types by reducing the chances of scarring, burns or discolouration. In 6-10 treatments every 4-6 weeks, people with dark skin tones can accomplish permanent hair loss. Repeated treatments like 3-6 times in a month will help in maintenance.

Laser Hair Removal for Olive Skin

Olive skin and dark hair or light/pale skin and dark hair are the combinations that can be treated at ease using the laser methods. This is because there is a drastic differentiation between the hair and skin colour, allowing the laser beams to target the dark hair follicles and not the skin. In 4-6 treatments every 4-6 weeks, permanent hair removal solution will be achieved as this is the easiest of the hair and skin combinations that can be treated. The type of hair will determine the effectiveness of the treatment.

Make sure to get yourself treated by experienced cosmetologists or dermatologists who can provide the best treatment experience for you.

Author: Courtenay

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