I admit it – I’m a bit fed up this summer. We had a fabulous trip to the Dordogne early in June; but we’ve no more trips booked in for the summer. And with No.1 son re-entering the school system for A levels in a couple of weeks, there’ll be no more out-of-season spontaneous travelling to cheer us. In fact, the next holiday we’re looking forward to is a short UK break in October half term *sigh*.
And of course, at the same time my social media is filled to bursting with all my friends and family having super-brilliant summers, enjoying amazing trips and family time while we’re here, working away…
And I do keep telling myself that last year’s travelling was spectacularly amazing, and I shouldn’t expect it every year. but even so… I’m having to try really hard to not be pathetically pouty.
So to fend off the ridiculous jealousy, we’re trying to plot smaller things – if we can’t go away, then we’ll damn well holiday here. After all – we live in Dorset. It’s a beautiful place, and loads of people think it’s good enough for a holiday. So why not? There’s plenty of fun to be had just stepping outside the back door.

Family Olympics – High jump. A couple of years ago, Boy took a spectacular Gold. No matter how much I knew logically my long legs could jump much higher than his little ones, this bar is REALLY high, and he leaped it consistently with ease. I had 3 refusals and had to retire.
I was writing last week about 10 (almost) free things to do in Dorset, and there’s loads more things to do simply and easily to bring on the summer holiday feeling. We plan on having a family Garden Olympics this weekend; all the old faves, including the dressing up race, high jump (bean cane between two garden chairs), egg & spoon… We’ve done it since the oldest boys were toddlers; they’re mid-teens now, and still can’t resist the competitive streak that emerges during the obstacle race.
It’s easy to set up – but do plan your games in advance to make sure there’s no huge gaps while you dig out what you need for the next race, and your competitors get bored and wander off. Don’t be afraid to invite friends over too; the more that take part, the more fun it is (and like I said no ones ever too old to get involved, or get competitive).
And of course the other thing that can whisk you a million miles away from everyday life is a quiet spot for a picnic. Doesn’t matter if it’s a corner of a field, a clearing in a wood, a windy beach or the top of a grassy hill; A few special ‘picnic’ foods packaged in a bag or hamper, and there’s an instant holiday feeling. Lie back and watch the clouds, listen to the peaceful humming of the insects, splash in a stream, fly a kite, play french cricket… It’s amazing how the simple, old-fashioned ideas never seem to tire. Our kids are as tech-addicted to their screens and their Skype friends as any modern teen. But remove them outside into some fresh air, and it’s remarkable how much they adore the vintage childhood.
With all that in mind, we were thrilled to see that Carpetright are championing the #HolidayAtHome this year. They’ve come up with some very cool suggestions for turing a day at home into a little mini holiday (totally doing the spa thing. Love that!) – and they’re giving you the chance to enjoy some amazing prizes, too! One lucky winner will receive a Champneys Spa Day with Added Reward for two people (this prize from the award-winning spa is worth over £400 and is designed to calm your mind, body and soul. Included are 2 x 25 minute seasonal treatments, a 55 minute body treatment, use of the spa and gym facilities along with welcome refreshments and a three course lunch, along with other added extras!). What’s more, the luxury doesn’t have to stop when you return as you’ll also have a luxury hamper from British Fine Foods waiting for you with a selection of gourmet treats including a Ploughman’s picnic, BBQ meats, luxury breakfast items and more.
Two further runners up will also have the chance of winning a hamper to enjoy their al-fresco dinner.
To stand a chance of winning, all you have to do is share a photo of you enjoying your #HolidayatHome using the hashtag on social media, and use the form on the Carpetright page to send a link to the image.