Fathers Day Gift Idea – The Totally Brilliant Personalised Fingerprint Family Tree

thumbprint family tree

Totally love this idea from the awesome Jack Spratt Baby.

A properly personal gift for Daddy from all the family and something the family can all enjoy doing together (and no glitter was used in the making of this gift!).

This stunning Personalised Fingerprint Tree Print will be hanging on your wall for generations – it’s beautiful as well as utterly personal.

The print is supplied with your requested details printed on, plus two ink pads. There’s also a handy Instruction Sheet and a Practice Sheet to ensure that you have perfected the art of printing before going to work on your own family tree.

Gorgeously Genius no?

Jack Spratt Baby’s brilliant Personalised Fingerprint Family Tree can be decorating a  room near you soon for a thumb under £20.

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. New Stuff: Fathers Day Gift Idea – The Totally Brilliant Personalised Fingerprint Family Tree http://t.co/RdvBuEiJmi

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