DreamGenii Pregnancy Pillow review

£45.99 direct from dreamgenii

The Dream Genii pillow has been reviewed for LittleStuff by the wonderfully pregnant friend of LittleStuff; Tracy. A pillow was despatched to her with much haste because at nearly-8-months pregnant and a bad case of SPD she was keen to try anything that would help her sleep better. So without any further ado, here is Tracy’s review (drumroll please)……


Pillow is here!

Here’s hoping to a good night’s sleep tonight. Been having really rough nights of late, so lets see if the pillow works.

It also says it is approved by midwifes as a feeding pillow, so will test that out in a few weeks.


Went to bed – rather early 9.30pm – full of excitement that I have a new sleeping partner. Having been diagnosed with SPD back in June and been shown by a very nice physiotherapist how to position pillows to help sleeping comfort, I was looking forward to trialling the Dream Genii which promised to “aid a restful nights sleep”!

Shaped like a rather large coma it has a small pillow to fit in the base of your back with a quilted section to be placed under your middle, then a further pillow to support ‘bump’. This is all attached to a long thin pillow that is placed between your knees for support. It tells you to lay it with the long pillow to the right, so you lay on your left side. If you roll to your right side you don’t carry the pillow with you, merely slot the thin pillow through your knees from behind??? Okay, so off I go. Not sure if I am too tall for it – only 5’8″ – but the leg pillow felt too high when I was laying down, yet if I moved the back and bump support pillows down, they didn’t feel in the right place. But stuck with it.

Personally, the support for the legs didn’t seem quite right. When lying on your left, the leg pillow feels quite long, but it still only supports your knees and keeps them apart which is no good for the pelvis. You really need the legs equal distance apart, so need the support right down to your ankle. When lying on your right, the leg pillow was a lot shorter as you are obviously pulling it from behind and it only keeps your knees apart and a bit of your thighs. The back and bump pillows worked well, but could do with being a little firmer. My physio had shown me how to create the same effect with a feather pillow plumped to make a ‘bow’ with you lying in the middle of it and the ‘bow’ edges supporting your front and back.

So far, it is okay but not sure my sleep was any better. Zzzzzz…………


I think after a bit of shoogling I’ve got the right positioning for the Dreamgenii! Certainly more comfortable than the previous night. Still not sure of the pulling-the-leg-pillow-between-my-legs when lying on my right, but was snug as a bug when lying on my left.

You really do feel quite cocooned once you find the right positioning. All the tap dancing by sausage I think means he likes it too!!

Will be bagging it up (can’t remember if I said, but it comes in a nice big plastic bag with handles that clip together) and taking it away with us for the weekend.


Well, I’ve had 5 nights now with the Dream Genii, and I do like it. It is comfy to sleep with and it does have the benefit that when you roll over, the flatness of the quilted section that you lie on means that this is easier than trying to manoeuvre over a feather pillow, but the leg pillow still doesn’t feel right when you are lying on your right. Maybe it’s just that I don’t wake up enough when I am rolling over to remember to pull the pillow between my legs? Also, I personally think it’s a tad bit expensive for what it is when you can achieve close to the same support from two feather pillows. Overall, I found it a pretty good product but not convinced it’s worth the extra cost for the same quality of sleep I can get with normal pillows. I’ll report back on how well it performs as a nursing pillow when I’m knee-deep in middle-of-the-night feeds and nappy changes.



Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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