I’m always looking for inspiration on freshening up the look of a room. But when I saw this idea to ‘Decorate Your Home By Your Horoscope’ by Wayfair, I admit I snorted in a rather derisive fashion.
I mean, come on. Seriously?
In order to scoff more throughly, I naturally scrolled through to find my own design suggestions…

Find your own tips on Wayfair’s Decorate Your Home By Your Horoscope
Decorate Your Home By Your Horoscope: CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
What’s a Cancer’s favourite word? Cosy.
True. Tell me ‘home’, and immediately into my head swim visions of comfy chairs, worn-in furniture, soft throws and a medley of rich warm colours.
The true homebody of the zodiac, you’ll go out of your way to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for family and friends, whether that’s by serving home-cooked meals in your matching cookware sets or decorating with scatter cushions, snug blankets and natural fabrics.
Have they been sneaking around inside my house? I mean, really. It’s like they’ve been in for coffee…
We may be heading into a new year, but you’re nostalgic and that’s ok. Continue decorating your interior with old-school nautical motifs, and maybe even add that sea-toned cocktail chair you’ve been yearning for.
Oh. See, now I’m not laughing. Because this is ME. Warm and welcoming. I love cookware. I love old school looks which can take the odd knock from having a constant house full of people.
I’m not mad on nautical motifs – but I do love the sea, and anythig which reminds me of it.
And I can honestly say that the turquoise of that cocktail chair made me a little giddy with happy.
(though I’ll be honest, I’m also unreasonably attached to this little teal wooden cocktail chair…
This explains a few things too. I married a Gemini – “…an air sign who needs light, bright open spaces that are ideal for entertaining…”
(that’ll be why he has the pathological need to remove all the cosy throws and scatter cushions I place casually around our home)
“…imagine a floor length mirror, various ottomans and a corner sofa big enough for multiple guests…”
Okay, I’m totally on board with the big corner sofa – we have a big living room and it’s equipped to handle lots of guests. Ottomans are good too – add some throws (or rather, add them back, after they’ve been removed!) and they’ve totally got the cosy vibe going on.
This need for airy light brightness also explains the why he refused on sight to even consider buying any number of the cute little Dorset cottages we looked at. There’s just not enough light through those tiny deepset windows. It all becomes clear now…
How about you – do your tips on how to Decorate Your Home By Your Horoscope match up?
Find your own tips on Wayfair’s Decorate Your Home By Your Horoscope