Supersoft Faux Fur Throw, silver rabbit | Pre-Christmas Shopping

Supersoft Faux Fur Throw, silver rabbit | Pre-Christmas Shopping

We all deserve a bit of luxury from time to time, and this is deiinitely an item that has sumptuousness oozing from every fibre. This winter while you are cosied up in front of the television – or with a good book and a glass of something tasty, by the fire or next to the Christmas tree – why not add that something special? A luxurious throw to make you feel special, warm and snuggly. Be selfish and keep it all for yourself! Supersoft...

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Reasons to take your teen on a helicopter ride in New York

Reasons to take your teen on a helicopter ride in New York

Taking your teenager to New York City may be a wiser option than when they were younger. At this age, they may be more likely to gain entry to certain attractions that aren’t suited to a younger audience. Likewise, they may also appreciate the trip, and time together, more, especially if they plan on leaving for university soon. A helicopter ride could become part of your itinerary, especially if you have the forethought to save up...

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You’re Fierce. LOVING this Beautiful Little Enamel Pin.

You’re Fierce. LOVING this Beautiful Little Enamel Pin.

Teens are ridiculously tricky to buy for – but oh what a perfect gift for your girl this is. Shakespeare said it first: “though she be but little, she is fierce.”. And how right he was. But sometimes your girl will feel a little fragile, and may just need reminding of her own fierceness. Which is, I think, where this beautiful little enamel pin from The Old English Company comes in. Buy it spontaneously, just...

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The No-Roses Valentines Gift Guide

The No-Roses Valentines Gift Guide

Valentine’s is coming. And whilst we won’t do a Mother’s Day Gift Guide anymore (you can see my reasons here), I’m totally okay with anyone choosing to use Valentine’s as an excuse to splash a little gift on the one they love.But what to give? Well frankly – NOT red roses. Firstly – please. Put in a little thought, perhaps? It’s just not romantic if it took you 3 nanoseconds to go from...

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Suffering through Blue Monday? Frankly, This Woman Needs A Day Off.

Suffering through Blue Monday? Frankly, This Woman Needs A Day Off.

Today’s Blue Monday. Before I even knew it was a ‘thing’, I definitely knew it was a thing. We all recognise it, don’t we? Christmas is done, the parties are over, the pretty sparkly lights are back in the loft. Work’s busier than you can handle, the weather is bloody miserable, and payday is still such a very very long way away. Frankly, if payday wasn’t quite so far off (and the credit card...

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6 Cute Gift Ideas To Surprise Your Teen Kid With

6 Cute Gift Ideas To Surprise Your Teen Kid With

Surprising your teenage child with a gift seems like an impossible mission; their tendencies, tastes, and passions are constantly changing. One thing can be trendy now and a couple of months later it’s no longer relevant. It’s hard to keep up with their wishes and the variety of trends that pop up every season. Whether they’re gamers, athletes, music lovers, or make-up enthusiasts, a teen’s gift should match and align with their...

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