DIY Craft Ideas for the Entire Family

DIY Craft Ideas for the Entire Family

Spending time with the kids and doing something together is great for relationship building. Sharing a DIY project is known to be one of the most effective ways to get children more engaged and open minded while training their motor skills. There is no shortage of things to try and DIY projects to do either. To help you pick a project to share with the entire family, here are some DIY craft ideas you can look into, particularly ideas...

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£5 Christmas Stop-Motion Gift Box – Fab Fun & Easy For Kids

£5 Christmas Stop-Motion Gift Box – Fab Fun & Easy For Kids

Make your own stop-motion Christmas story with the Sainsbury’s Story Studio app & animation kit Sainsburys thought we might like to try this kit out, and being as we’ve been making stop-motion clips for years I thought it was pretty much a no-brainer. Though if I’m honest, I was a bit unsure as to what the £5 could really be worth spending on, being as we tend to do them with a camera and playmobil or LEGO for free....

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Life Is Messy – 7 Steps to stay sane with Messy Play.

Life Is Messy – 7 Steps to stay sane with Messy Play.

I’m raising four children, and in my (*counts quickly* *recounts as surely it can’t be THAT much* *sighs*…) 17 years of experience at this parenting malarky, I’ve learned the odd nugget or two of wisdom along the way. And one of the first things that pops up with traumatised parents of suddenly-active toddlers is messy play.That once calm and well-ordered house (let’s face it, babies aren’t capable...

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Winter Craft – Make a snow cloud mobile. #BostikBlogger

Winter Craft – Make a snow cloud mobile. #BostikBlogger

Here’s quick and easy guide on how to Make a snow cloud mobile. Because you KNOW you want to try this. If I can do it, anyone can – and it’s SO pretty :) What you need – We used a Hama Mobile ring, but any circle base will do Thread White paper scissors glitter glue & sticky pads What you do – 1 – Create your snowflakes – I used four tea-plate-sized, and four mug-sized circles. Go wild...

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Our Halloween Crafts – costumes for soft toys. Yes Really. #BostikBlogger

Our Halloween Crafts – costumes for soft toys. Yes Really. #BostikBlogger

We kept things simple this year – Bear is always keen to do crafts, but it’s rare we have time in a  week for a big long craft session. So I find that we end up doing more if we keep things quick and simple – if I know we’ll be done in 30 minutes, I;m less reluctant to start getting all the craft stuff out of it’s various ooks and crannies (roll on the new craft table. One week to go!). So we started off...

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FIMO kids form & play

FIMO kids form & play

I cannot wait to sit down and try these kits with the children next week! Even though mine are no longer toddlers, they still can’t resist the lure of playdough or plasticine – but do get a little tired of spending an hour or two creating something amazing… only for it to be squashed back ionto the tubs at the end of the session. So these Fimo kits are a godsend. Form&play is a combination of modelling and...

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