Calin Bleu wrap review



The Calin Bleu micro fleece sling was very much anticipated as we had used a Tomy Safari carrier when Nathan (my first born) was small and liked the ease of not having to take the pram everywhere, so I was intrigued to see what the difference would be.

When it arrived and I opened it I was initially very daunted as it is one massive piece of material and I couldn’t even imagine how to go about using it. The instruction booklet that comes with it is brilliant and gives you very detailed but easy-to-follow instructions.

The first attempt at putting it on was rather stressful! You have so much material to try to pull around your body whilst still trying to hold onto a wriggling baby (Matthew, my second born is now 17 weeks old already!). However, once you have done it, it gets easier and easier. The step by step picture instructions make it simple even though the pictures are using a doll and not a wriggling monster! Hmmm, perhaps that’s what I should’ve done as a practice!

The secret to being comfortable while wearing the sling is all about making sure that the material is spread properly and you certainly know when it isn’t as the weight of the baby does begin to tell after awhile. When you spread it across your back properly it is a breeze. Personally, I did feel though that the material was perhaps too long once Matthew was in place and it seemed to flap about around the side somewhat.

Matthew seems to like it, and it was certainly a must over Christmas as I didn’t dare venture to the sales with the pram. However, when we stopped for something to eat and I took it off, it is a bit of a palaver to put back on in public without hitting fellow diners in the face!! Again, the more practice you’ve had, the easier this gets.

I have even managed to get Dad, Brian, to give it a go despite his sharp intake of breath when he saw me coming at him with it in hand! Once I had Brian all strapped up with Matthew in place he said; “It’s very cosy!” and Matthew was very happy and content being carried by Dad. Brian found the dark navy colour quite “manly” and overall found it secure and snug.

A major positive is that it is very compact to fold up into a bag when you are out compared to the ‘usual’ baby carriers and as the booklet says it has loads of other uses such as a blanket when you aren’t using it too.

There are three front positions and three back carrying positions detailed in the booklet, however I have only tried two of the front ones. The back carry looks harder to master but I will be trying them out when Matthew is a bit older.

All in all though I like it, so much so that I have given my Tomy carrier to a Mum at school who has just had a baby, and I will use only the sling from now on. Would definitely recommend it, but also recommend that you read the instruction booklet a few times before you even attempt to use it and practice with a stuffed toy or doll first until you feel ready to tackle the real thing.

The stretchy wraps are available direct from Calin Bleu for £39 in a wide range of colours

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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