Black Label Ultra Pro Lo Scooter Review

I know. I know. £120 for a scooter? Yuh. Ri-i-ight. I thought that too.

Back in the day.

Befiore I had three boys.

One of whom does scootering like some boys do skateboarding.

When Razor asked if we’d like to try out the new Black Label Ultra Pro I didn’t even bother asking Boy-Who-Scoots. I just said yes please. And handed it over.

He did actually squeak rather a lot when he saw the box. And was actually without words as he grappled with the enormous box to get his hands on it.

Oh the joy.

I’ll let the 9 yr old tell you about it first:

“it can take whatever you throw at it” is what the label said and I have to agree this is the most amazing scooter I have ever ridden. I will start off by talking about its weight. With my old razor scooter I was struggling to do some tricks because it was too heavy. This scooter however is perfect for the job, it is lightweight and rugged and can “take whatever you throw at it” my older brother demonstrated that by putting it through a rigourous crash course. He had some nice bruises but not a scratch or dent on the scooter thank goodness. And on top of that the ride is just simply amazin you feel hardly like you are scootering more gliding. Also, this scooter is not only great to ride but it looks just “cool”. I mean just look at it you cant get much cooler than that. Every single detail is just perfect from the looks to how smooth the ride is from the grips to how easily it folds honestly it’s juts totally wicked. This is without a doubt an amazing scooter and is probably one of the only toys I will never grow out of.”

He quite likes it…

I have to admit, I had a go. In the aid of research of course. Whilst he hovered nervously and told me to be careful. Of the scooter, naturally.

And I had to agree with him – it’s light, manoeuverable, easy to handle and the ride is silky smooth gliding. When your small person grows out of those first kickalong scooters, when they want to master a Bunny Hop with a Bar Spin (get me!), and the smaller younger versions just aren’t cutting it at the skate park, you just need something a little more serious. Razor is the brand to buy, and the Black Label Ultra Pro Lo is the one to wish for if you’re 9. Or 12, according to his envious big brother.

And that £120 price tag? No more than a Nintendo DS. But this toy gets them outside, in the fresh air, doing ‘stuff’ from before breakfast till you have to drag them inside to throw them in the bath. Like Boy said. It’s wicked.

You can get your own hands on a Razor Black Label Ultra Pro Lo Scooter right here on the Razor UK web site. If the Ultra Pro is more than you’re looking for there’s lots of different sizes and age ranges (this one is for 8+).


Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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