Beard Soap by TreeBeard #ChristmasGiftGuide

Beards, they are so right now! There I said it, not for me personally (might not be too chuffed if Mr Littllestuff started sporting whiskers but hey, it’s his chin I suppose…still love him though kisses might be in shorter supply), but they are definately in vogue right now….The Beard is back!

So when we came accross this little gem we though, well, you out there Mr beard people, you should definately know about this!


beard soap mens grroming

Beard soap by Treebeard contains goats milk, Australian blue clay, Yorkshire tea and botanical oils!

Okay then, but why and what for and how to use?

This beard soap has been made using an organic goats milk base with Australian blue clay, and Yorkshire tea… as well as the “original” blend of botanical oils you’ll find in TreeBeard Beard Balms (tea tree, cedar wood, and sweet basil) and may vary in colour slightly.

It contains no additional fragrances so it smells purely of what its made with (manly, woody, like an old shed, but in a good way, etc)

It has been designed to be used only once or twice a week to cleanse/tone/moisturise your skin, fight dreaded “beard acne” and release your facial hair from build up of beeswax etc. from beard balms… but no doubt it will also vanquish sausage roll crumbs, pulled pork, BBQ sauce, etc.

So now you know!

You can find (amongst other Beardy stuff fro Treebeard) Beard soap on Etsy being sold by Treebeard for just an amazing £6 .. we think it’s the ..’s whiskers!

Author: Courtenay

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