Barker McClean 2-Tone Leather Brogue Oxford Shoes, Cedar #ChristmasGiftGuide

Now we can’t ever ever forget the lovely men in our lives and when we spotted these fab babies we though, yes, yes, yes and then our mind started to wander as we saw other pretty things, but…. Anyway back to the lovely man shoes and they are a bit special aren’t they, by Barker macClean and brought to you by John Lewis of course.

mens oxford shoes

The Barker McClean shoes offer a modern take on a classic full brogue with intricate wingtip and toe-punched detail.

The striking uppers are made up of burnished leather and bold red suede inserts. The soles have a Goodyear-welted construction to make them easier to resole, giving your shoes a longer lease of life.
Told you they were a bit special didn’t I. get your man a pair of these fab Barker McClean 2-Tone Leather Brogue Oxford Shoes for Christmas from John Lewis £200 and make his feet smile!


Author: Courtenay

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